Men Who Hit Women.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2005
Another member and I were discussing the issue of domestic violence the other day and we both agreed it is never acceptable for a man to touch a woman in anger.

There are usually two opinions on the matter:

1) A man should NEVER hit a woman. Even if she comes after him, due to the differences in strength, the most a man could do is restrain her until she calms down. Because a man is naturally stronger than a woman, he should never use his strength against her even if he is threatened.

2) A man is allowed to use force against a woman when he is threatened or for self defense. If a woman attacks a man with the use of a weapon (like a gun or knife), he is perfectly entitled to use force.

What do you guys think? Although I feel a man should never lay a finger on a woman even when provoked, if she came after him with a weapon (thus having the advantage) then a man should be perfectly allowed to protect himself.

Serious thoughts only, please. No wife-beating jokes. :p
Phantom said:
Another member and I were discussing the issue of domestic violence the other day and we both agreed it is never acceptable for a man to touch a woman in anger.

There are usually two opinions on the matter:

1) A man should NEVER hit a woman. Even if she comes after him, due to the differences in strength, the most a man could do is restrain her until she calms down. Because a man is naturally stronger than a woman, he should never use his strength against her even if he is threatened.

2) A man is allowed to use force against a woman when he is threatened or for self defense. If a woman attacks a man with the use of a weapon (like a gun or knife), he is perfectly entitled to use force.

What do you guys think? Although I feel a man should never lay a finger on a woman even when provoked, if she came after him with a weapon (thus having the advantage) then a man should be perfectly allowed to protect himself.

Serious thoughts only, please. No wife-beating jokes. :p

I personally believe that a man should never strike a woman in anger. I never have, and I never plan to. There are plenty of other things to hit out there, to be hitting a woman. I feel like, if a relationship is to the point, where violence is occurring, then that relationship should probably stop. I've had one or two relationships, where she and I would fight and argue, she might take a swing or start to scratch or slap... The only thing I would do back was attempt to restrain her. She might have a bruise where I grabbed her wrist or whatever, but I would never lay a hand on her with the intention to do harm.

I, however, have never been attacked by a woman who was using a true weapon. I can
RegisteredAndEducated said:
I feel like, if a relationship is to the point, where violence is occurring, then that relationship should probably stop. I've had one or two relationships, where she and I would fight and argue, she might take a swing or start to scratch or slap... The only thing I would do back was attempt to restrain her. She might have a bruise where I grabbed her wrist or whatever, but I would never lay a hand on her with the intention to do harm.

I agree with this. Physical violence should never be used in a fight in a relationship. Although I strongly believe a man should never hit a female, it would be unfair for the woman to constantly hit the man while crying FOUL! if he retaliates. In the end, if physical violence is used on either end in a relationship, then the relationship should end.

I, however, have never been attacked by a woman who was using a true weapon. I can
I have a no hands on policy at my home. Nobody hits nobody.
My daughter’s boyfriend smacked her around a couple of times. He went to jail one time. I told her that she needs to defend herself. She had a scholarship to play softball. She’s an excellent catcher and pitcher. So she’s pretty strong.
Well the next time they got into it she went to jail for second degree assault. They said she was on top of him choking the **** out of him.
I think it’s been about 7 breakups now. I sure hope it’s over this time.
I was brought you don't hit a woman. In my bar days i used to get into fights with guys who beat on there girls in the bar. What always made me roll my eyes was some dude would be beating on his girl, you'd grab him and start kicking the **** out of him, then she'd grab you and start bitching at you for beating him.

snafu: Don't know how you put up with your daughters boyfriend, if a guy hit my daughter boyfriend or not, the next punch he'd throw would be at me because I'd be kicking his ass.

There is times a woman deserves a good beating, but hitting her is never the answer.
Phantom said:
I believe everyone has a right to defend themselves. My mother, on the other hand, sees things the way you do- a man should either restrain her or leave. But sometimes this just isn't possible. If a woman is holding a gun to a man's head, I feel he should have the right to knock her out. If she is being psychotic and threatening, it should be no holds barred. If he CAN restrain her or leave, then sure- take that road. But it would be unfair to say he is less of a man if he acts in self defense. Just my opinion.

I can understand where you are coming from, and I'm not saying I wouldn't do whatever I had to, IF my life was threatened, I'm just saying I can't see myself hitting a woman.
I dont think it would make a man, less of a man, to protect himself against any attacker. That's a human instinct.
It's when a man's aggression or temper causes him to strike her, that it becomes a problem.
My second wife and I had our ups and downs, but I never struck her, never abused drugs with her, I wasn't an alcoholic, nor did I ever cheat on her. It was plain and simple, I worked all the damn time with long days of ten hours plus being the norm.

One evening (August 17, 1999 to be exact) I came home late to a dark house. My wife was sitting at the dining room table waiting for me. She began blathering about how I'm never home and that I must be cheating. So I just played it off with a little sarcasm and went into the kitchen. She followed me... bitching and yelping.

All I wanted to do was drink a beer, eat something, and watch a little television. My mind was racing as she bitched on. I kept thinking, "Why doesn't she believe me?" and "Isn't the money that I am bringing home reflective of the hours I've been working?". She didn't ****ing care... not one scintilla.

I tried to remain calm, but my nerves finally got to me and I snapped right back at her. I called her a "spoiled ****" and then I slammed the pantry door so hard that it cracked the jamb. I then punched the fiberglass pantry door with my fist and cracked the **** out of it. (Back then I had a short fuse. No seriously.)

She went ballistic, grabbed a kitchen knife and ran towards me thrusting downwards with it. I took the edge of the blade across my wrist. As a reflex, my arm came up and before I knew it I had backhanded her with the Southpaw.

She fell and I left the house. Two hours later, I come back to the house and lo and behold the fuzz is waiting on me. ****! I was arrested in my driveway no matter how much I pleaded with them about what she did to me. They kept saying, "Tell it to the Judge".

So I got seriously belligerent all of a sudden and broke free of the cops leading me away and ran up to my wife. I told her that it was over, completely over... when I get out of jail have your **** packed up and get the **** out of MY house. Ten seconds later the cops pounced on me and bound my ankles!

I had to do the following to pay my debt to society; 1500 hours of community service, spent two nights in jail, attend six months of anger management classes (50 bucks a session!), and I had to adhere to a restraining order.

The divorce cost me nothing... thank the Lord.

So in response to Phantom, no... never hit a woman. Let her beat the holy **** out of you and slash you up. The cops won't believe you either way.
Phantom said:
Everyone deserves a good beating at one time or another. lol Regardless, physical violence towards a loved one is never the answer.

No one is above an ass-whooping.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
I can understand where you are coming from, and I'm not saying I wouldn't do whatever I had to, IF my life was threatened, I'm just saying I can't see myself hitting a woman.
I dont think it would make a man, less of a man, to protect himself against any attacker. That's a human instinct.
It's when a man's aggression or temper causes him to strike her, that it becomes a problem.

Yes, yes. And I completely understand. Since I am a woman, let's use the analogy of hitting a child. I would never go and beat a child because they upset me but if some little street thug threatened me, I would beat his ass. But, I do respect your decision. Like you said, though, nobody really knows what they would do in that situation until it happens.

RoyalOrleans said:
...She went ballistic, grabbed a kitchen knife and ran towards me thrusting downwards with it. I took the edge of the blade across my wrist. As a reflex, my arm came up and before I knew it I had backhanded her with the Southpaw.

She fell and I left the house. Two hours later, I come back to the house and lo and behold the fuzz is waiting on me. ****! I was arrested in my driveway no matter how much I pleaded with them about what she did to me. They kept saying, "Tell it to the Judge".

I had to do the following to pay my debt to society; 1500 hours of community service, spent two nights in jail, attend six months of anger management classes (50 bucks a session!), and I had to adhere to a restraining order.

So in response to Phantom, no... never hit a woman. Let her beat the holy **** out of you and slash you up. The cops won't believe you either way.

I am very sorry to hear about this and what happened between the two of you. It is true, domestic violence charges do seem to be in favor of the woman.

Something eerily similar happened with two of my friends who are now divorced. She was bitching he was never home, they got into a fight, she went after him with a knife and also caught him on the wrist, he pushed her down, he left, later returned, and was arrested.

My husband also went through something somewhat similar with his first wife- only she completely fabricated the charges and there were even witnesses who vouched for my husband and gave statements that she went after him and that he never retaliated. Regardless, my husband was taken to jail although the charges were later dropped due to the testimony of the witnesses.

It doesn't sound very fair.
Kick his ****in ass, Phanny.

Don't stop till it's spanked.

Serial repetitions means putting up with the same old ****.

Break the cycle.

Sooner the better.
RoyalOrleans said:
My second wife and I had our ups and downs, but I never struck her, never abused drugs with her, I wasn't an alcoholic, nor did I ever cheat on her. It was plain and simple, I worked all the damn time with long days of ten hours plus being the norm.

One evening (August 17, 1999 to be exact) I came home late to a dark house. My wife was sitting at the dining room table waiting for me. She began blathering about how I'm never home and that I must be cheating. So I just played it off with a little sarcasm and went into the kitchen. She followed me... bitching and yelping.

All I wanted to do was drink a beer, eat something, and watch a little television. My mind was racing as she bitched on. I kept thinking, "Why doesn't she believe me?" and "Isn't the money that I am bringing home reflective of the hours I've been working?". She didn't ****ing care... not one scintilla.

I tried to remain calm, but my nerves finally got to me and I snapped right back at her. I called her a "spoiled ****" and then I slammed the pantry door so hard that it cracked the jamb. I then punched the fiberglass pantry door with my fist and cracked the **** out of it. (Back then I had a short fuse. No seriously.)

She went ballistic, grabbed a kitchen knife and ran towards me thrusting downwards with it. I took the edge of the blade across my wrist. As a reflex, my arm came up and before I knew it I had backhanded her with the Southpaw.

She fell and I left the house. Two hours later, I come back to the house and lo and behold the fuzz is waiting on me. ****! I was arrested in my driveway no matter how much I pleaded with them about what she did to me. They kept saying, "Tell it to the Judge".

So I got seriously belligerent all of a sudden and broke free of the cops leading me away and ran up to my wife. I told her that it was over, completely over... when I get out of jail have your **** packed up and get the **** out of MY house. Ten seconds later the cops pounced on me and bound my ankles!

I had to do the following to pay my debt to society; 1500 hours of community service, spent two nights in jail, attend six months of anger management classes (50 bucks a session!), and I had to adhere to a restraining order.

The divorce cost me nothing... thank the Lord.

So in response to Phantom, no... never hit a woman. Let her beat the holy **** out of you and slash you up. The cops won't believe you either way.

Did your backhand leave a mark? See, in your case, I can see why you smacked her, I dont look down on you at all for that. I think I'd be pissed if I'd had my wrist cut. The law in River Branch or whatever sucks balls apparently... That's ****ed up. If she cut you, obviously leaving a mark, and you smacked her, which may or may not have left a mark, SHE should have been the one in jail.
She sounds like a real bitch. Sounds like you were being nice just to call her a spoiled ****. Raging bitch sounds more accurate. I think I may have called the cops before I left, just so that they knew from me that there was a problem. That or when I left, went to the police station.

Either way, sounds like a ****ed up situation. **** that bitch!
Phantom said:
I am very sorry to hear about this and what happened between the two of you. It is true, domestic violence charges do seem to be in favor of the woman.

**** happens... they say! It wasn't meant to be and I wholeheartedly believe we'd end up in divorce within the next three to four months.

Phantom said:
Something eerily similar happened with two of my friends who are now divorced. She was bitching he was never home, they got into a fight, she went after him with a knife and also caught him on the wrist, he pushed her down, he left, later returned, and was arrested.

I was allowed to see a doctor. I had to get stitches for the cut; only six, but still enough to allow seeping. ****. I still have the scar.

Phantom said:
My husband also went through something somewhat similar with his first wife- only she completely fabricated the charges and there were even witnesses who vouched for my husband and gave statements that she went after him and that he never retaliated. Regardless, my husband was taken to jail although the charges were later dropped due to the testimony of the witnesses.

****ing spooky, Phanny. My brother and his girlfriend were shacked up together for a time and she did the same ****! Concocted a story to get out of a lease. ****ing bitch!

Phantom said:
It doesn't sound very fair.

Life isn't fair... I just plod along.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
Did your backhand leave a mark? See, in your case, I can see why you smacked her, I dont look down on you at all for that. I think I'd be pissed if I'd had my wrist cut. The law in River Branch or whatever sucks balls apparently... That's ****ed up. If she cut you, obviously leaving a mark, and you smacked her, which may or may not have left a mark, SHE should have been the one in jail.
She sounds like a real bitch. Sounds like you were being nice just to call her a spoiled ****. Raging bitch sounds more accurate. I think I may have called the cops before I left, just so that they knew from me that there was a problem. That or when I left, went to the police station.

Either way, sounds like a ****ed up situation. **** that bitch!

Err... I shouldn't have spat on her and kicked her in the ribs while she was down.


****ed up situation, R&E. No matter who calls the cops, the man is always going to jail.
There is times my wife should have kicked my ass, but luckily she has not done that. Most i ever got was a phone book to the chest, knocked the wind out of me though.
tiredofwhiners said:
There is times my wife should have kicked my ass, but luckily she has not done that. Most i ever got was a phone book to the chest, knocked the wind out of me though.

You probably deserved it, TOW.

All the **** I ever did was work my ass off and pay bills.

And my ex-wife was a ****ing beautiful latina mamcita with big boobs and a thick ass. I had my cake and I was eating it, too.
This country is biased towards the woman. There are a FEW cases where justice is served but when it comes down to it, the woman always seems to get away with murder (or attempted). She gets put in counseling or probation or community service or some other form of a slap on the wrist. If a man does it he is seem as the biggest piece of **** on Earth, a scumbag, and not worthy enough to live. They want equality, let them have it. Stick their psychotic asses in jail for a long time whgen they decide to get crazy.

Now I don't condone anyone hitting anyone in a relationship. At all. Man should not hit woman. Woman should not hit man. If they cannot solve their issues without hitting each other then they need to be separated. I am 5'4" and about 140 lbs. I am a little guy, not very muscular at all. If a woman comes after me (without a weapon) I'm not gonna beat the hell out of her but I will definitely show her not to mess with me without really harming her, simply because of the biased law. I don't like hitting ANYONE but I will defend myself. Even when a big guy gets punched or kicked in the balls it still ****ing hurts. Society tells us "You are a man, suck it up and quit being a *****." whereas if a dude simply slaps a woman it is "OMG you almost killed her you ****ing scumbag!!!" Woman are not THAT ****ing weak, quit catering to them all the damn time, that's how they get away with **** and alot know this. Some of them attack the guy because they know (or think they know) the man won't do a damn thing as far as hitting them back.

Like I said, I would restrain them somehow or push them away or hold them and tell them to calm the **** down (even doing that is going to put me in jail probably but it is better than bruising her and seeing the proof). Now if she has a weapon, **** jail. Her having a knife, a gun, or even a frying pan negates the man having more strength. We aren't built with armor, we are flesh and blood too. You are damn straight she is going to get taken down with authority. There needs to be some ****ing justice in this damn country instead of putting these bitches on a pedestal like they are the world's most precious creatures. Sorry, not every female is cream of the crop.

Bottom line, no one should hit no one. A man has the right to defend himself should push come to shove (necessary force, not beating her to a bloody, unidentifiable pulp) and this is one part of equality that most people don't give a **** about fixing. If you don't agree with me on this I could give a rat's ass.