Men Who Hit Women.

Ahhlee said:
Hell no I wouldn't backhand my kid for spitting on me. I'd ground them or take away something meaningful from them. I'm intelligent enough to restrain myself from smacking around a small child.

There are some very creative ways to get a point across to a child without using violence. Some people are just too stupid and lazy to be an upstanding parent who can outsmart their own children, so they take the bonehead approach to discipline and just hit them.

No wonder some kids are so ****ed up. Oh wait, that's not very PC.

Oh, and if a man or woman spit on me then I would verbally tear them a new asshole and never interact with them again. Who wants to hang around with animals like that, unless of course you're as sick and low in life as they are.
This is your child spitting on you, it is up to you how you educate and discipline your child spitting on you.

However you have to accept the fact, that your child, because you failed to discipline it for spitting on you, it will most likely try to spit on other children, too and you should not be surprised, if these children will spit back or beat up your child in return.

Do not blame the other children or even adults for their behaviour, if they do not act in the way you do. To call these children and adults stupid or lazy because of your own incapability to discipline your child with strict punishment when necessary is the wrong way.

Yes, there are some creative ways, but they work not always.
So, what to do, when it does not work out as expected?
How old is for you a child?
A 14-years old boy will not accept grounding, he will call you an idiot (and he is right, because you failed to teach him good manners, when he was still a small child).

Yes, ****ed up children, because they never heard a clear 'NO' and parents running on the non-spanking idea are totally unable to control them.
To blame are here the parents, not the children.

You do not want to interact with such violent people, the problem is however, they want to interact with you - and will not ask for your permission. So again, what to do?
Ahhlee said:
Whatever, bigshot. Keep abusing women and small children and smile while you break their spirit. It'll catch up to you eventually.
And when you finally cross the line and end up in the slammer for life, try not to spit on or misbehave in front of any of your fellow inmates. They just might give you a bigger dose of "guidance" than you ever bargained for.
Good luck with that.
To punish a child for violent misbehaviour is not child abuse.

To defend yourself against a violent woman attacking you is not abusing the woman.

To smile, while a child misbehaves in a violent way and doing nothing else, is irresponsible.

To smile, while a violent women is hitting you, sounds me masochistic.

To consider criminal behaviour of criminals already in prison as educational, is idiotic.

Reading your drivel, sounds me, you lost already contact with the real world ...
ok, first off yohan, you are a moron. onto the post:
yohan said:
This is your child spitting on you, it is up to you how you educate and discipline your child spitting on you.
However you have to accept the fact, that your child, because you failed to discipline it for spitting on you, it will most likely try to spit on other children, too and you should not be surprised, if these children will spit back or beat up your child in return.

Just where did Ahhlee say not to discipline your child for spitting on you? As I read what she said, I got more of a "don't fly off the handle and beat the **** out of your kid, but instead keep control and think of a better disciplinary procedure to get the point across" feel from what she said.

yohan said:
Do not blame the other children or even adults for their behaviour, if they do not act in the way you do. To call these children and adults stupid or lazy because of your own incapability to discipline your child with strict punishment when necessary is the wrong way.

Flying off the handle and backhanding your child for doing something wrong is absolutely a lazy move.

yohan said:
2- blah blah
3- same ole, same ole
4- more ignorant b.s.
Again, you are assuming that Ahhlee said to not discipline your child, which she never said.

Personally I am a believer in spanking. but losing control of yourself and smacking your kids out of anger is not spanking, it is abuse.
Ahhlee said:
Whatever, bigshot. Keep abusing women and small children and smile while you break their spirit. It'll catch up to you eventually.

And when you finally cross the line and end up in the slammer for life, try not to spit on or misbehave in front of any of your fellow inmates. They just might give you a bigger dose of "guidance" than you ever bargained for.

Good luck with that.
Ohhh I'm gonna break their bitchass/little **** spirits. Like I said, GOOD. Thats exactly what they need. So they dont go around thinking they can get away with **** like that.
eddo said:
ok, first off yohan, you are a moron.
Look in a mirror first!
you are assuming that Ahhlee said to not discipline your child, which she never said.
I did not say that, this is what I said:

Yes, there are some creative ways, but they work not always.
So, what to do, when it does not work out as expected?
How old is for you a child?
A 14-years old boy will not accept grounding, he will call you an idiot....

Before you call others to be a moron, better read first of all carefully, what the other person really said...

My question:
You do not want to interact with such violent people, the problem is however, they want to interact with you - and will not ask for your permission. So again, what to do?

Your answer:
4- more ignorant b.s.

Seems you have a short memory and you are already running out of babble 'bullshit, bullshit...' is not a valid argument, sorry.
yohan said:
Look in a mirror first!

ooOOOOOOoooooOOOOOOOOOOO. That hurt....

yohan said:
eddo said:
you are assuming that Ahhlee said to not discipline your child, which she never said.
I did not say that,

You most certainly did:
yohan said:
However you have to accept the fact, that your child, because you failed to discipline it for spitting on you,

Termi0n said:
... Its the kids that dont get whooped that are really miserable. You're just trying to assume that its all abusive and mean to justify yourself. Its the exact opposite.
Some people just do not understand the difference between 'force' and 'violence', despite they claim to be native English speakers.

It is not the same, if I walk in the street and I beat up an unknown child without any reason - or if I force my child to stop violent behaviour against others.
For some strange people is no difference between an aggressor and a victim, or even the victim is the aggressor and the aggressor the victim.

If an unknown woman out of nothing kicks me, hits me or spits into my face, then it is me, who is the victim and it is me - the victim - who has the right to defend myself. It is me, who has the right to choose my way of defense.

Might be, that some masochist man smiles and enjoys to be beaten up by women, just read some replies of this thread - but I do not like that and I will stop her to continue this VIOLENT behaviour against me.
If she gets hurt, because I might hit back is her RISK.

This is reasonable self-defense.

Of course, if she holds me at gunpoint, and I have a handgun too, then she might be fired on. Her risk.

You must be a rather psychotic feminist if you want to explain me, this woman was right to hold me at gunpoint and I was violent to fire her on, because she is a weak woman...
eddo said:
ooOOOOOOoooooOOOOOOOOOOO. That hurt....
You most certainly did:
Reading your posting I presume, you did not finish elementary school...
Could you write something related to the topic, please?
The ghetto mentality arising in this post is disturbing. No wonder some women turn to drugs, prostitution and other self-defeating behaviors when guys like yohan, termion and the kid are wandering around busting their chops in the spirit of "guidance".

Ahhlee said:
The ghetto mentality arising in this post is disturbing. No wonder some women turn to drugs, prostitution and other self-defeating behaviors when guys like yohan, termion and the kid are wandering around busting their chops in the spirit of "guidance".
It is not ghetto mentality.

It is you, who cannot understand, that other people do not share your opinion about this topic. This is called free speech and not ghetto mentality.

You should accept the fact, that it is you, who presents the minority in this thread.

To accuse me to promote drugs or prostitution is pure nonsense.
yohan said:
To accuse me to promote drugs or prostitution is pure nonsense.

You completely misunderstood my point. I'm not at all surprised as you've disfigured my words on this thread on more than one occasion.

I think your girlfriend just turned left without signaling. You should probably go home and bust her jaw for it. Keep that bitch in line, He-man.
yohan said:
It is you, who cannot understand, that other people do not share your opinion about this topic. This is called free speech and not ghetto mentality.
The ghetto mentality is not from you disagreeing, it is from your (and your friends) statements about beating a child or woman as a means to keep them "in check," or as a way of "guidance," or as a way to "break their spirits."

yohan said:
You should accept the fact, that it is you, who presents the minority in this thread.
I wasn't aware this was a popularity contest. Maybe Ahhlee and I should run and get all of our friends whom we know will agree with us, and then we can pwn you back by having the majority voice...
Ahhlee said:
I think your girlfriend just turned left without signaling. You should probably go home and bust her jaw for it. Keep that bitch in line, He-man.
I am married since over 30 years always with the same woman, never divorced. Your presumptions are wrong, as usual.
How long are you married?
yohan said:
I am married since over 30 years always with the same woman, never divorced. Your presumptions are wrong, as usual.
How long are you married?

yohan said:
Reading your posting I presume, you did not finish elementary school...
Could you write something related to the topic, please?
right back at cha.

eddo said:
The ghetto mentality is not from you disagreeing, it is from your (and your friends) statements about beating a child or woman as a means to keep them "in check," or as a way of "guidance," or as a way to "break their spirits."
I wasn't aware this was a popularity contest. Maybe Ahhlee and I should run and get all of our friends whom we know will agree with us, and then we can pwn you back by having the majority voice...
I have no idea, who the other posters are - so I cannot call them my friends.

You should not mix up women and children...there is a difference between these two words.

Up to now I see very little of 'friends' sharing your opinion.
Most men do not like to be beaten up by a violent woman, continuing smiling and doing nothing. I think, your opinion is indeed the minority.
yohan said:
Most men do not like to be beaten up by a violent woman, continuing smiling and doing nothing. I think, your opinion is indeed the minority.

and where was it my opinion to just stand there and take it when being abused by another?

Being spat upon is not the same as "being beaten up by a violent woman." Walking away from a violent situation is not the same as "continuing smiling and doing nothing" while getting beaten up.
What if your handicapped, and you have seizures
that make you flail and whack him/her back when
you have no control over these seizures?

Or bite?

Or scratch?

Or thrash?

Seizures do not know the difference
between male or female, if your
a boy who has seizures and its triggered
by someone hitting you, and you g o into
a seizure and flail them bloody and you

Then what?

Give up on life?

Stay indoors and have a nurse
take care of you for the rest of your life?

Never go anywhere with out a nurse
to watch and protect you?

Medicine does not always work and
it isn't pericect, medicine fails you sometimes.
catboy said:
Never go anywhere with out a nurse
to watch and protect you?

Damn straight. What if during one of your seizures, you kill a little kid that accidentally bumped into you? then what?

you saying "oh sorry i killed your 3 year old, I have seizures" isn't going to help little Johnnie's mom and dad feel any better.
No poopyface, that never happened, we are NOT
talking about little peopel or bumping into them.

We are talking about biug peiple whacking you
hard enough to cause a seizure.

You need to PAY ATTENTION to what the poster
is saying and not insert things that have nothing
to do with what I am saying.

If you cannot help it, if its part of your handicap,
then I apologise, we are not compatible units,
not able to understand each other, transmissions
ended here.

I'm talking about BIG PEPLE who whack you
and make you have a SEIZURE and flail them
when you don't remember it.

BIG PEPLE not little peple.

And we are not talking about killing,
we are talking about having seizures
that make you flial and whack someone
or bite them.