Men Who Hit Women.

do you have any statistics to support this claim?
Please study

catboy said:
Too Hard Too Hard Too Hard Too Hard I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It
Why The Xxxx Does Stupid Buttface4 Ugly Dam Society Keep Expecting Me To Do The Stuypid Shxx That I Cant Do!!!! Do You Jhear Me ??? Stool On You Society And All The Xxxx You Stand For!!!! Xxxx You I Hate You!!!!! Uyp Yours Stupid Uygly Nose With A Big Turd From Your Stupid Poopy Ugly Farty Butthole You Stupid Head!!!!! I Hate You I Hate You I Hate You I Hate You I Hate You And Stool On You And You Will Be Smashed Like A Ghrasshoppeer So Stool And Poop On You Yuckface Farty Buttface!!!!!! Bad Health To You!!!! I Can't Be Who The Hell You Htink I Shood Be So Go To Hell And Hjust Burn In Hell Because I Can't Do It So Xxxx You!!!!!!!!!! Go To Hell!!!!!!!
I think a moderator is required to clean up data-garbage.
Sounds like greetings from a mental hospital....
yohan said:
I think a moderator is required to clean up data-garbage.
Sounds like greetings from a mental hospital....
Yeah, someone better call a moderator or something, this post is getting out of control.:rolleyes:
just kinda speed reading thru here, it would seem that it is o.k. to beat a woman if you are a sniveling pansie with some sort of mild handicap, however it is not o.k. to beat women that are handicaped themselves. bout right?:confused:
OmegaManiac said:
just kinda speed reading thru here, it would seem that it is o.k. to beat a woman if you are a sniveling pansie with some sort of mild handicap, however it is not o.k. to beat women that are handicaped themselves. bout right?:confused:
That seems to be about the jist of it.
I'd like to thank all of you bastards who just put my younger brother (CatBoy) in the hospital in the last few days. You caused him a seizure that ****ed him up pretty bad. Now, thanks to you, I doubt he will trust anyone outside of the family, ie, strangers, new 'friends' for a long time, if ever again. Ok, I admit, I should have been watching him a little closer and not let him into a shithole like this one, but due to your generous contributions of being complete and utter bastards, I found him face down outside his bedroom window, and its a damn wonder he's still alive, but then you wanted him dead in the first place, didn't you? I will be sure to warn others what a damned pit this place is. I hope you are all satisfied. Reply and flame all you like, because I am not coming back here to read your ****. Now you're happy.
BlackDevil said:
I'd like to thank all of you bastards who just put my younger brother (CatBoy) in the hospital in the last few days. You caused him a seizure that ****ed him up pretty bad. Now, thanks to you, I doubt he will trust anyone outside of the family, ie, strangers, new 'friends' for a long time, if ever again. Ok, I admit, I should have been watching him a little closer and not let him into a shithole like this one, but due to your generous contributions of being complete and utter bastards, I found him face down outside his bedroom window, and its a damn wonder he's still alive, but then you wanted him dead in the first place, didn't you? I will be sure to warn others what a damned pit this place is. I hope you are all satisfied. Reply and flame all you like, because I am not coming back here to read your ****. Now you're happy.
How exactly did emotional stress cause him to have a seizure, praytell? My SIL is epileptic, and if stress caused her seizures, she'd be brain dead by now. Or does your brother not take his medication like he's supposed to?? If not then it's his own goddamn fault for being a dumbass.
My father in law is epileptic, if stress causes seizures, that man should be dead. 5 minutes with my mother in law is enough to make someone want to kill themselves.
BlackDevil said:
I'd like to thank all of you bastards who just put my younger brother (CatBoy) in the hospital in the last few days. You caused him a seizure that ****ed him up pretty bad. Now, thanks to you, I doubt he will trust anyone outside of the family, ie, strangers, new 'friends' for a long time, if ever again. Ok, I admit, I should have been watching him a little closer and not let him into a shithole like this one, but due to your generous contributions of being complete and utter bastards, I found him face down outside his bedroom window, and its a damn wonder he's still alive, but then you wanted him dead in the first place, didn't you? I will be sure to warn others what a damned pit this place is. I hope you are all satisfied. Reply and flame all you like, because I am not coming back here to read your ****. Now you're happy.

Sometimes trolls can be mildly amusing. :D
BlackDevil said:
I'd like to thank all of you bastards who just put my younger brother (CatBoy) in the hospital in the last few days. You caused him a seizure that ****ed him up pretty bad. Now, thanks to you, I doubt he will trust anyone outside of the family, ie, strangers, new 'friends' for a long time, if ever again. Ok, I admit, I should have been watching him a little closer and not let him into a shithole like this one, but due to your generous contributions of being complete and utter bastards, I found him face down outside his bedroom window, and its a damn wonder he's still alive, but then you wanted him dead in the first place, didn't you? I will be sure to warn others what a damned pit this place is. I hope you are all satisfied. Reply and flame all you like, because I am not coming back here to read your ****. Now you're happy.

Well you guys, I hope you’re all proud of yourselves. How could you? This is just a travesty. So this doesn’t happen again I think GF should require medical records for every member.:rolleyes:

In the meantime I’m going to confession and ask for forgiveness. I suggest you all do the same.
BlackDevil said:
Now, thanks to you, I doubt he will trust anyone outside of the family, ie, strangers, new 'friends' for a long time, if ever again.

With his apparent total lack of control, he shouldn't be allowed around strangers anyway...

eddo said:
With his apparent total lack of control, he shouldn't be allowed around strangers anyway...

You figure they would have him locked up in a basement somewhere eating Rocky Road ice cream. Just like "SLOTH" from the GOONIES.
catboy said:
Phantom = Troll+Ugly+Stupid+Buttface+Abuser+Liar+Terist+All around piece of drug using rubbish

Jesus Tapdancin' Christ! Why don't you tell her how you really feel?

You should be chained to a furnace.
phreakwars said:
You figure they would have him locked up in a basement somewhere eating Rocky Road ice cream. Just like "SLOTH" from the GOONIES.

I would most defintely torture him with my opera singing.

Pagliacci... oh yeah.
snafu said:
I know I'd like to slap the **** out of everybody that's keeping this thread going. :rolleyes:

vurtual slap man, we install electrodes in keyboards and the mouse, and when they do stupid **** an impulse makes them slap themselves :D