Mike gets a bra in his face loool!!!!

Haha, that would be pretty funny. Not the dying part, but it's a strange way to die.

And probably Mike wouldn't want to go that way. :D
I've seen this vid before too but I dont know when (by the way, Hi, Jos, how are you? :thumbsup: :D ) and I think is quite funny. Mike was great!! He played as a profesional, and as other mates've said here, on this topic, I agree saying that he didnt comment anything grotest and he continued talking as nothing had been happened!! This is a gentleman, and the woman/girl or whoever that threw that big... well not BIG bra (I wonder if it was a cow instead of a woman!!:eek:). But, anyway, I think she wasnt a lady at all (well, I'm not going to a concert to throw my intimate clothes out to my stars!!)
But anyway, I think they dont forget this "event" and they laughed and joked about it for a good time!

By the way... Oh, godness, what was this sound? Was it a laugh?? Well, If one day I decide to make a terror movie, I know what I'll choose by sound ( and I'll choose Mike as the principal protagonist of it!! Sure) :D