Mike piX (damn cute)

vero can u post the one u gave it to me on msn!
mike wearing white n' the pic is kinda blury
cuz ive lost mine >.<
n' thank u guys the pix are AWESOME
heY guys...later I'll post lots of mike pix, but now I have a question...
it's not the perfect thread to post it here, but I think you all are so nice =)

I got this e-mail from a user called "non_stop"
he/she sent me that:

hey, you stupid boy!!! your messages are for ASS!!! stop this **** messages in that nice forum, okay! DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT !!! your a dumb young boy!!!

and now, do you know this user?? why did he/she do that???

ShinnizleFan said:
heY guys...later I'll post lots of mike pix, but now I have a question...
it's not the perfect thread to post it here, but I think you all are so nice =)

I got this e-mail from a user called "non_stop"
he/she sent me that:

hey, you stupid boy!!! your messages are for ASS!!! stop this **** messages in that nice forum, okay! DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT !!! your a dumb young boy!!!

and now, do you know this user?? why did he/she do that???


i do not know this user... and i can think of only two reasons why he/she sent u that:
1. he/she has mistaken u for someone else (not likely)
2. he/she is a f****** loser and is totally jealous of you cuz ur so nice and post such great pics, and everybody likes you...
personally, i think it's the second one... :)
don't bother wasting your time with ppl like that... some ppl are just plain rude and unkind... ur really nice, and i really love the pics u post.... ^^ keep it up ok??

he's funny on this :D