Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

GAHHH just wanted to let you know i still read this.
Just lurk since i dont get on the computer as much,
im usually on my psp

Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

Jazz sighed loudly to herself, as she closed her locker. Clenching the four books in her other arm; she turned around and almost jumped out of her skin. Chester stood there with a soft expression on his face. Jazz placed a hand on her chest, and smiled.

“Sorry, if I scared you. I just wanted to ask you a question that’s all…” Chester stopped when he saw, Jazz’s smile grow wider.

“That’s okay. I’ve been a little jumpy, because Melissa finds it funny to scare me in the middle of the night. Okay… I’m just a little scary…” Jazz blushed, and hugged her book close. “So, what’s up with you?”

Chester slowly started walking, with Jazz following closely next to him. “Um… I was just wondering do you want to study after school. We have the same math class together, and for the life of me I can’t seem to understand this week’s section.”

“Sure, Chaz-Baby! I’ll be glad to help you. I can’t believe I’m passing with at least C+ in that class.” Jazz tucked a strand of hair behind her hair.

“Hell, I think you’re the only person passing with a decent grade.” Chester jumped slightly with the one minute bell sounding through the school. He stared back down at Jazz’s soulless black eyes.

“I better go off to class… I can’t afford another tardy. Well, see you after school, okay?”

Jazz nodded and smiled. She turned down the left hallway, and disappeared into the crowd of rushing students. Chester smiled to himself, and headed towards his class room.


Chester pushed the stack of books away from his notebook. His eyes scanned the pages of notes carefully; however, his mind screamed that he was missing something. He scratched his head, and chewed his pen cap wondering what he could have missed while taking notes in class. Normally, he was very good at math, but something just wasn’t right.

“I know what’s the problem… you confused a step with another step.” Jazz’s finger pointed at his paper. Chester looked up, and smiled at Jazz.

“Thanks, can you help me?” Chester placed his pen down, and moved his books out of the seat next to his.

“First things first, I believe that you really need to organize your notes. Everything is in one notebook, a one subject no less. You might want to break up each class with a notebook, or a five subject notebook.” Jazz sat next down to Chester, and pulled out her notebook.

“Sorry, normally I’m organizing. With all this chaos going on at the moment I can’t seem to think properly.” Chester scrambled through the piles of notes.

“Chaos? Chester nothing out of the ordinary has happened to any of us… oh, I’m sorry… I’m so use to being caught up in something I can’t seem to get use to it.” Jazz giggled, but her eyes grew soft and her giggling stop when she saw the quiet expression on Chester’s face. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing, to worry about Jazz. Let’s just study and get this over with, okay?”

Jazz nodded and explained the lesson careful for Chester. She couldn’t help but stop and stare at Chester, whenever he pouted his lips in frustration over the current math problem. It was pass 7:00 p.m., when it began pour down raining. Jazz closed the book, and looked out the window.

“I think we need to start packing up… I don’t want to stand out in the rain waiting for the bus.”

“Oh, well, I’ll be getting my license in a few weeks, and I can drive you home. But until then, you can ride with me and my mom.” Chester said softly.

“Sure, I would really like that…” Jazz smiled, but her eyes said otherwise as she say Chester stiffen up a little. As they passed the library desk, his eyes kept straight. However, what he was staring at made Jazz wonder what was the sudden case of this one person actions.

A man stood there looking down at the books, his eyes never once leaving the pages. However, to Jazz it felt as if that person Chester seemed so afraid of knew that he was there.


I haven’t updated in so long, but here is another update I told you I didn’t forget. Did anyone notice any difference in this chapter than all the chapters in the whole story. I hope you can find it :) Looks at the length at chapter, and little short I might add. Sorry, just needed to update! Tell me what you think!

Warning: This chapter contains topics of sexual abuse that may offend some readers. However, I must advise that I’ve tried my best to keep the topic light for readers without taking out the context.


Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

I never really thought too much about Chester’s situation at all. He only talked about it a very few times, but never that much. What I have been noticing lately, and not just me, is that Chester behavior is like a wave at sea. Hey, I know that sounds so corny, but think of it this way. One minute he will be happy, and then he will snap. The only person that was able to get through to him is Jazz, but not that much. I wish I could find out more without seeming nosy or anything. So, what should I do or say? Maybe someone or anyone can help me with this problem.

Then again you have to say, is it better to leave the situation alone. Let me think about that… hell no! Hasn’t anyone really realized that from the start my friends and I tend to jump into crazy situation? Then what’s so different from this one… mainly, because when someone you really care about doesn’t feel like talking. It is best to either shut up, or come up with a plan from the sidelines, even if you are alone.

“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time you jumped into drama. Oh, wait! Your life is drama, Mike,” Jazz sipped on her soda slowly, staring across the table at Mike.

“Then my life wouldn’t be as exciting as a television soap opera. Now be series, Jazz. We have to help Chester, and he seems to listen to you more than anybody,” Mike picked up his burger and pulled out the pickles.

“You aren’t going to eat those?” Jazz pointed at the ketchup covered pickles on Mike’s plate. Mike shook his head, and pushed his plate over with his finger. Jazz grabbed the pickles off his plate and placed them onto her plate.

“I guess you have forgotten… that I listen and understand more than you do,” Jazz picked up three fries from the side of her plate and dipped them into the ranch that sat in the middle of the plate.

“Wait a minute! I’m here for everybody’s problem. What makes you so different?” Mike stared at his best friend with curious chocolate-brown eyes.

“Because I’m a woman,” she replied with a smile, chewing on her fries. Mike nodded and mentally rolled his eyes. “And women carry more emotions than men.”

“What makes you so certain? Aren’t men and women created equal?”

“No, when your whole conversation is filled with nothing but sex, girls, and stupid slapstick jokes---wait no, stupid sexist jokes.” Jazz swallowed, and took another swig of her soda.

“No, it’s not!” Mike countered back. “Besides, I have great compassion for women… look at my brother.”

Jazz rolled her eyes, and smiled. “Okay, let’s get back to the point. You want me to talk with Chester, but Mike it’s hard to talk about his situation. Look at this way; we are on a dead boat right now, if we go to the school official who knows what they might do.”

“That’s what I thought about, and also the fact that none of us know anything about sexual abuse in the first place. I mean it’s gotten so bad that Chester doesn’t want company,” Mike said, sighing to himself with frustration.

“Wait a minute; I went over to Chester’s house last week. Nobody was there, and no we didn’t do anything! However, he did keep placing the photo frames face down around the house. I asked him why he kept doing this, but he only said that they were embarrassing pictures that he didn’t want anyone to see.”

“That’s funny, because whenever the guys want to come over we can’t. He usually says that his mother has company, and he didn’t want to stir any trouble. That’s the thing that I’m wondering about… what trouble is he referring to, and I wonder if it’s because of his mom’s company now,” Mike said, sitting back in his seat with deep eyes thinking over the clues.

“… I did catch sight of the picture… it was a man, but I’m sorry to say I couldn’t quite catch all the features of his face though,” Jazz said, sadly.

“Do you think the person that Chester is afraid of maybe the man in those pictures? Do you think that his mother’s company is the man in the picture, and that all this is linked together somehow?” Mike asked, raising his soda to his lips.

“Let’s not take a wild shot in the dark, okay? Besides, we are stressing over this greatly… I want to help Chester too. However, we are working with finals at this moment. Finals and a friend’s mystery are really taking a toll on all of us,” Jazz pointed her index finger down onto the table with every word she spoke.

“Or is that you’re the one stressed out… I mean Jazz what do you want to do? I want to help Chester, because my best friend and so is you. What are you afraid of, Jazz?”

“I’m just afraid of anyone of us getting hurt. Hell Mike, it seems like every year so far we can’t catch a damn break from all the drama.”

“Well, duh I mean what the hell do expect are life to be Little House on the Prairie? I mean with great drama comes the great legends.”

“Who the hell told you that?” Jazz raised her eyebrows in confusion.

“I don’t know, my uncle said to me and my brother at a Christmas party a few years ago. You know how that goes…,” Mike crossed his arms, and watched Jazz giggle at the thought of two young boys wondering why their uncle was falling over chairs.


After dropping Jazz off at my grandmother’s house for the night. I felt rather tired from all the talking and planning. I was actually lost, and what my grandmother said made a lot of sense for me. She told us to let Chester figure out if he needs help, it may seem wrong to believe that. However, Chester needs to come to terms with his own fears. Always count on your elderly to give you great advice, not for my uncle Russell; he just doesn’t make any sense at all.

Okay, so it wouldn’t be a surprise to find something out of the ordinary at my house. However, actually what I’m look at isn’t much of a surprise. It’s actually relief, but I feel heavy with concern. Sitting on my porch under the moonlight was Chester. He seemed tired, battered, and bruised. Unless he was in series fight with someone, or possible himself, but that’s just stupid to think that. He looked up at me with saddest eyes, even sadder than Jazz’s brown eyes.

He stood up; he wobbled a bit, but caught himself on the railing. I stepped forward in reaction, but stopped when Chester gave me this weary smile.

“Can I stay with you… can I live with you?”

Live with me, who in their right mind would want to live with my dysfunctional family?

“Come on, Chester, let’s go inside,” Mike motioned for Chester to take his hand, and in which Chester accepted. They walked inside silently, Mike’s mother wanting to place her two cents in; however, Mike’s father was quick to stop her by shaking his head.

Chester and Mike soon found themselves in the quiet, yet messy room of Mike’s. Chester collapsed on Mike’s bed with a loud sigh, and stared up at the ceiling. “… He came back, just as he did after my father left. He lied to my family, but he always seemed so truthfully with me… too truthfully…,”

“Chester why are you talking like this? What the hell happened to you?” Mike crossed his arms, and leaned up against the closed bedroom door. He may have seemed uncaring, but deep down he was burning with fear.

“My mother’s boyfriend… he was a family friend… he lied to my mother and siblings before, claiming that he was nice and ****. But he turned into the devil he was, he hated me and tortured me in the worse way possible!” Chester clenched his fist, and raised them into the air.

“Chester…” Mike started, but Chester shot up quickly with a look of fear and hurt burning in his eyes.

“I’m so ****ing jealous of you, Mike! You have a full house, a full house of truth! You haven’t been through **** like I have… your father, no your uncles, or your cousins has never touched you! They never tried to scar you more than my mother’s boyfriends ever had! I’m tainted child with no way out! So, why do you find the need to help me! You want to know why, because I want you too!”

Chester fell onto the floor in tears, banging his fist on the floor. Mike stood there dumbfound, this same person crying before him was so strong, funny, and talented could ever break down. Mike couldn’t walk over and comfort him, nor could he comply to any words to help him. Hell, what could he really say to make Chester feel better?

I hate feeling helpless, I hate feeling clueless about anything.

So, Mike stood there dumbfound, unable to speak or move, watching with sad eyes stricken with confusion, hurt, and clueless. His heart pounded with regret, his heart dropped with sadness, his heart burst with anger.

What would you do in my shoes? Walk away, talk with words unknowing truth, or would you stand there hoping for a sign or maybe for a way out?


Notes based on the chapter will not be discussed on this forum; they will be discussed in my journal entry to save from making more spam. So, for more information based on this chapter and future chapters please leave comments either in my journal or private message me.

Arthur Notes: Mystery Journal