Mikey's earrings???


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2006
In a tiny room with jean1 XD
When did mike remove his earrings... I kinda miss them.. :p
In newer pics he doesn't wear them, has he removed them for good or just for the moment...?

A meaningless question.. I know, :rolleyes: But I need to know *curious* :D
Mikes getting older, i think maybe he feels his growing out of it,he probably wears clip ons now...its kinda sad huh?

I mean that thing his growing on his face is like... :(
Still love him tho!
A smile that makes me weak at the knees, the Kenji smile! :rolleyes:
Yeah he's more getting into the Hip Hop side. He probably gonna start to wear diamonds or some kinda bling. Ha Ha Ha
Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if he started weraing a diamond Machine Shop necklace. It's the most basic bling you can have as a rapper, and if he wants to go more with hip hop, then I can see him wearing that in the near future.
Fort_Underground said:
Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if he started weraing a diamond Machine Shop necklace. It's the most basic bling you can have as a rapper, and if he wants to go more with hip hop, then I can see him wearing that in the near future.

I think it's so cheesy to wear your label logo on a necklace. That's so not creative. Why don't they come up with something cool?
Lyson said:
Mikes getting older, i think maybe he feels his growing out of it,he probably wears clip ons now...its kinda sad huh?

I mean that thing his growing on his face is like... :(
Still love him tho!
A smile that makes me weak at the knees, the Kenji smile! :rolleyes:

Hell yeah it's kinda sad that he doesn't have them anymore... :( he looked sooo hot in them!
I totally agree that he should get rid of "that thing his growing on his face" :p And he should definetly dye his hair again!!!
I wonder how he would look in green hair...? :rolleyes:

Hihi... "the Kenji smile" like that! :thumbsup:
I think Mike looks hotter then ever. Yeah he looked hot with them on but he looks even hotter without them. And that to me is pretty hot. No matter what Mike puts on or (takes off.) He looks hot!!!
And I mean everything;)
Tuna~hearts~Mike said:
I think Mike looks hotter then ever. Yeah he looked hot with them on but he looks even hotter without them. And that to me is pretty hot. No matter what Mike puts on or (takes off.) He looks hot!!!
And I mean everything;)

Yeah I agree that it doesn't matter what he puts on or takes of, he will always be hot.. :p
But he looked hotter with earrings and without the mustasch... and dyed hair OMG he looked soo hot in his red and blue hair!!!
Think he should dye it again... :rolleyes:
mike and chester have the fricken best earrings i swear, remember chezzies ones during the jayz saga? pure brilliance.
i dont really care if mikes wearing or not wearing to be honest, as long as he raps like mike shinoda, then im cool, i coodnt care if he wears a tutu to be honest, as long as he raps normally.
mikes only what, 28? thas hardly the age to just start removing earrings. and that thing growing on his facE? its fully grown now xD
its SPOSE to be a moustache...buh its missing the goatee we re so used to seeing...so its kinda fricken wierd...
buh then agen, cooz u guys imagine chester with a moustache? =P
shinoda shood shave that moustache and regrow that goatee, or jus keep a clean shaven face, and REGROW his hair, he looks...wierd bald =/
Ok, I have no frekkin' clue what is up with all these stupid people who obviously do not have anything better to do than make new accounts and constantly spam on the board, possible on different names >.> Grrr.

I never noticed Mikes earrings lol o_0 I don't quite see how an earring in his ear affects how "hot" he is :S