Minzara's Journal

well like i said that ws the past... and alot more came after that im 21 now... well 3 but 3 months away from 21, i decided to talked about that cause my current life is boring lol
part 2 of my story. once school started, i started to hand out with my friends and stuff, and before i knew it, my house became the party house. drugs , beer everything. None of which i did, they all brought it lol. after about 1 year of this, i find out that my brother couldn't pay rent.... and after me senior year.(At prom my date left me saying she had to use the restroom and never came back) I was homeless, and had no place to go, other then my brothers, and his girlfriend hated me. So i was homeless for about 1 month... untill....

I tell more next time.... :thumbsup:
Minzara said:
part 2 of my story. once school started, i started to hand out with my friends and stuff, and before i knew it, my house became the party house. drugs , beer everything. None of which i did, they all brought it lol. after about 1 year of this, i find out that my brother couldn't pay rent.... and after me senior year.(At prom my date left me saying she had to use the restroom and never came back) I was homeless, and had no place to go, other then my brothers, and his girlfriend hated me. So i was homeless for about 1 month... untill....

I tell more next time.... :thumbsup:
gah, dont leave me hanging!!
uve gone thru alot :eek:
shahfire said:
cool man 700 posts. i always wanted to say this to u..dun take it as an insult...i always thought "minzara" sounded like a muslim girl's name..*rans away to hide*

Lmao... thats pertty funny....