Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed The Bible

  • Thread starter Codebreaker@bigsecret.com
  • Start date
On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:
> > On Feb 21, 12:59 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> > wrote:

> Coke and Pepsi are COMPETITORS.
> Are they "selling the same product"?
> Of course not.

Of course they are BOTH selling SOFT DRINK. Pepsi is not selling wine
They are competitors
On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:
> > On Feb 21, 12:59 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> > wrote:

> >>codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:

> >>>On Feb 20, 1:23 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> >>>wrote:


> > adversaries are also selling Christ/Messiah.
> > Are they Hebrews? So am I
> > Are they Israelites? So am I
> > Are they servant of Christ? So Am I

> ===>Don't be so stupid.
> He is talking about some splinter group of his
> "Christos" cult, that believed they should
> be more like thgir Jewish ancestors,
> But is NOT talking about the Pharisees.

Acts 15 tells us that the Pharisees who believed
were advocating the costums and Law/Torah of Moses
and were encouraging the Gentiles to circumcise.
This is the group of Parisees who were present at
the COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM. This is the group
Paul refered to as the PARTY OF CIRCUMCISION.
This is the same group who preached the Gospel
to the Galatians.
This is he same group who were saying the "Law is good for the
It takes thinking to analyze a text.
I knew you did not know what was being debated

"codebreaker@bigsecret.com" <Codebreaker@bigsecret.com> wrote in message
> On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
>> ===>That is utterly idiotic.
>> There were NEVER any Pharisees who believed in
>> "Jesus as the Christ/Messiah"
>> In fact NO ONE has ever believed in any "Christ/Messiah".
>> The Jews believed in the coming of a HUMAN
>> liberator king "Messiah",
>> and the Pagans (and some renegade Jews)
>> of Saul/Paul believed in an incarnate savior god
>> named "CHRISTOS" (Christ for you in English).

There are people here who claim to believe in Jesus as Christ/Messiah ,,
otherwise you would not be arguing with them. So your claim that no one
ever has seems to be plainly wrong.

BTW: Are you saying that the christos was supposedly a real person in bodily
form? or was 'incarnate' a typo?
On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:

> ===>Where does it say anything about pharisees
> "who accepted Jesus"?

Acts 15 gave you some CLUES. You chose to ignore them
The council of Jerusalem made some useful points
you chose to miss them all. YOU CAN'T READ
How sad

"Jeckyl" <noone@nowhere.com> wrote in message
> "codebreaker@bigsecret.com" <Codebreaker@bigsecret.com> wrote in message
> news:1173058974.229774.196380@n33g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...
>> On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
>>> ===>That is utterly idiotic.
>>> There were NEVER any Pharisees who believed in
>>> "Jesus as the Christ/Messiah"
>>> In fact NO ONE has ever believed in any "Christ/Messiah".
>>> The Jews believed in the coming of a HUMAN
>>> liberator king "Messiah",
>>> and the Pagans (and some renegade Jews)
>>> of Saul/Paul believed in an incarnate savior god
>>> named "CHRISTOS" (Christ for you in English).

> There are people here who claim to believe in Jesus as Christ/Messiah ,,
> otherwise you would not be arguing with them. So your claim that no one
> ever has seems to be plainly wrong.

Is a "Christ/Messiah" something like a Chimera?

Can you point out the biblical passage in which a "Christ/Messiah" is

> BTW: Are you saying that the christos was supposedly a real
> person in bodily form? or was 'incarnate' a typo?

What part of the word "incarnate" don't you understand?

<Tohu.Bohu@hotmail.com> wrote
> Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> wrote:
>> codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:
>>> Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth> wrote:

>> Coke and Pepsi are COMPETITORS.
>> Are they "selling the same product"?
>> Of course not.

> Of course they are BOTH selling SOFT DRINK. Pepsi is not
> selling wine They are competitors

You just flunked the Pepsi challenge.

"weatherwax" <weatherwax@worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
> "Jeckyl" <noone@nowhere.com> wrote in message
> news:12umukld2i6gia4@corp.supernews.com...
>> "codebreaker@bigsecret.com" <Codebreaker@bigsecret.com> wrote in message
>> news:1173058974.229774.196380@n33g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...
>>> On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
>>>> ===>That is utterly idiotic.
>>>> There were NEVER any Pharisees who believed in
>>>> "Jesus as the Christ/Messiah"
>>>> In fact NO ONE has ever believed in any "Christ/Messiah".
>>>> The Jews believed in the coming of a HUMAN
>>>> liberator king "Messiah",
>>>> and the Pagans (and some renegade Jews)
>>>> of Saul/Paul believed in an incarnate savior god
>>>> named "CHRISTOS" (Christ for you in English).

>> There are people here who claim to believe in Jesus as Christ/Messiah ,,
>> otherwise you would not be arguing with them. So your claim that no one
>> ever has seems to be plainly wrong.

> Is a "Christ/Messiah" something like a Chimera?

I assume what was means was Jesus as both a messiah and christ

> Can you point out the biblical passage in which a "Christ/Messiah" is
> mentioned?
>> BTW: Are you saying that the christos was supposedly a real
>> person in bodily form? or was 'incarnate' a typo?

> What part of the word "incarnate" don't you understand?

I do understand it .. that's why I'm confused about what codebreaker is
saying .. why say the jews believe in a HUMAN (his emphasis) messiah and
contrast that with Paul's followers also believing in a human saviour. That
doesn't seem to correspond with what (I think) he was saying previously ..
that Paul was talking about a spiritual Christ (not a real person). That's
why i was wondering if the term 'incarnate' was a typo there, or was really
what he meant to be saying.
"Jeckyl" <noone@nowhere.com> wrote
> "weatherwax" <weatherwax@worldnet.att.net> wrote
>> "Jeckyl" <noone@nowhere.com> wrote
>>> "codebreaker@bigsecret.com" wrote
>>>> Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
>>>>> ===>That is utterly idiotic.
>>>>> There were NEVER any Pharisees who believed in
>>>>> "Jesus as the Christ/Messiah"
>>>>> In fact NO ONE has ever believed in any "Christ/Messiah".
>>>>> The Jews believed in the coming of a HUMAN
>>>>> liberator king "Messiah",
>>>>> and the Pagans (and some renegade Jews)
>>>>> of Saul/Paul believed in an incarnate savior god
>>>>> named "CHRISTOS" (Christ for you in English).
>>> There are people here who claim to believe in Jesus as
>>> Christ/Messiah ,, otherwise you would not be arguing with them. So your
>>> claim
>>> that no one ever has seems to be plainly wrong.

>> Is a "Christ/Messiah" something like a Chimera?

> I assume what was means was Jesus as both a messiah and christ

Jesus could not have been both a god (Christ), and not a god (messiah) at
the same time.

>> Can you point out the biblical passage in which a "Christ/Messiah" is
>> mentioned?
>>> BTW: Are you saying that the christos was supposedly a real
>>> person in bodily form? or was 'incarnate' a typo?

>> What part of the word "incarnate" don't you understand?

> I do understand it .. that's why I'm confused about what codebreaker is
> saying .. why say the jews believe in a HUMAN
> (his emphasis) messiah and contrast that with Paul's followers
> also believing in a human saviour. That doesn't seem to correspond with
> what (I think) he was saying previously .. that Paul was talking about a
> spiritual Christ (not a real person). That's why i was wondering if the
> term 'incarnate' was a typo
> there, or was really what he meant to be saying.

You had quoted Libertarius, not codebreaker. That may be where the
confusion came in. All Libertarius is saying is that Paul believed Christ
to be both God and human, as opposed to a messiah which is just human.


> <Tohu.B...@hotmail.com> wrote
> > Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> > wrote:
> >> codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:
> >>> Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth> wrote:

> >> Coke and Pepsi are COMPETITORS.
> >> Are they "selling the same product"?
> >> Of course not.

> > Of course they are BOTH selling SOFT DRINK. Pepsi is not
> > selling wine They are competitors

> You just flunked the Pepsi challenge.

You think so because you view Judaism as a missionary religion.
It is not. Judaism is a national religion, a religion of the nation of
the Children of Israel. It does not seek converts therefore no
Proselyts turn to Judaism out of love for God and in rejection
of Idols worship. They had to go through a ritual of circumcision
and reject their own history and culture for the jewish history.
And they were still treated as inferiors and not worthy
of entering the Temple.
The point here is that the people Paul might be competing with
in the Gentile world
are not the Jews of Judaism but the Jews believers in Jesus as
the Messiah/Christ of Israel, christians yet advocating the Law
of Moses for the Gentiles as well as the Jews
This is backed up by Acts 15. Let us read it together.
The Council at Jerusalem
1Some men came down from Judea to Antioch and
were teaching the brothers:
"Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom
taught by Moses, you cannot be saved."
2This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and
debate with them. So Paul and Barnabas were appointed,
along with some other believers, to go up to Jerusalem
to see the apostles and elders about this question.
4When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed
by the church and the apostles and elders,
to whom they reported everything God had done through them.
5Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the
stood up and said,
"The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of
6The apostles and elders met to consider this question.

This is the same group of pharisees Paul has been fighting
in most of his epistles. The party of Circumcision.
This is the same group preaching a Gospel of circumcision
to the Galatians.
This is the same group he was talking about when he asked
Are they Hebrews? So am I
Are they descendant of Abraham? So am I
Are they sevants of Christ? So am I
This is the same group of people he warned Timothy
to shun away.
"They say, the Law is good. Yes it is good as long as
it is used in accoradnce with its purpose..." Paul

-Those pharisees must not be confused with the
pharisees of Judaism who were still rejecting
Jesus as the Christ/Messiah.
It is then clear that at Jerusalem at this time
THERE were three groups arguing about what
the Torah of Moses says:
Paul and his followers. His Christ was still
the Christ that Moses foretold but the death
and resurrection of the Messiah made a new Covenant possible
therefore we are nolonger serving under the old One.

-The Pharisees or the party of circumcision:
They viewed Jesus as the fulfillement of the
Prophecy in the Torah of Moses, Deut 18:15
preach the resurrection of the dead in Christ but
were still in favor for the Law of Moses
not only for the Jews but also for the Gentiles.
They follow a different Christiology.
Their Christ's nature is what they believed Moses
said the Messiah was: A Prophet like Moses himself
My conviction is that the Qur'an and Islam summarize
their doctrines.
Unless you see this middle way group Christians
you will never be able to fully understand the Genesis
of Christianity.
They were Christians as they parted way with the Jew of Judaism
and become followers of Christ/Messiah which
the word Christian means, but at the same time share the
costums of Moses and the doctrines of Circumcision with the
Jews of Judaism, circumcision and customs that Paul rejected

Now come the Jews of Judaism:
They thought that Jesus did not fulfil
Deuteronomy 18:15 because he did not
resemble Moses. Unlike Moses he died
on the cross and worked most time
on the sabbath day which Moses forbid.
Therefore he could not be the Messiah/Christ
foretold by the Law of Moses.
A Crucified Messiah? how is that possible?
this seems to be their motto

So as you can see all those 3 groups agree on one thing:
the Text of the Torah Deut 18:14-19
foretold the Messiah/Christ.
Whether Jesus fitted the description or not
was the bone of their contention.
But this also raises one question. If Paul
preached the same Messiah/Christ fortold in Deuterononmy
why on earth did he refer to him as the Son of God
a concept found nowhere in the Torah of Moses?
We will deal with this later... But just remember that Paul
preached to the Gentiles and wrote that he was nolonger
under Moses Law as the Law was a school master designed
to take us to the Messiah/Christ, since Christ has come
he was nolonger under the tutelage of that schoolmaster.
The implication? the concept of Son Of God was not blasphemous
and was as valid for the Gentiles as Messiah found in the Law/Torah.


Plonk Again
"weatherwax" <weatherwax@worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
> "Jeckyl" <noone@nowhere.com> wrote
>> "weatherwax" <weatherwax@worldnet.att.net> wrote
>>> "Jeckyl" <noone@nowhere.com> wrote
>>>> "codebreaker@bigsecret.com" wrote
>>>>> Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
>>>>>> ===>That is utterly idiotic.
>>>>>> There were NEVER any Pharisees who believed in
>>>>>> "Jesus as the Christ/Messiah"
>>>>>> In fact NO ONE has ever believed in any "Christ/Messiah".
>>>>>> The Jews believed in the coming of a HUMAN
>>>>>> liberator king "Messiah",
>>>>>> and the Pagans (and some renegade Jews)
>>>>>> of Saul/Paul believed in an incarnate savior god
>>>>>> named "CHRISTOS" (Christ for you in English).
>>>> There are people here who claim to believe in Jesus as
>>>> Christ/Messiah ,, otherwise you would not be arguing with them. So
>>>> your claim
>>>> that no one ever has seems to be plainly wrong.
>>> Is a "Christ/Messiah" something like a Chimera?

>> I assume what was means was Jesus as both a messiah and christ

> Jesus could not have been both a god (Christ), and not a god (messiah) at
> the same time.

Why not ... he is supposedly both 100% man and 100% God.

> You had quoted Libertarius, not codebreaker.

Sorry .. must have miscounted the >>>>>
codebreaker@bigsecret.com wrote:

> On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> wrote:
>>codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:

>>>The pharisees who believe in Jesus
>>>as the Christ/Messiah of Israel were preaching
>>>the Gospel of resurrection of Mankind.

>>===>That is utterly idiotic.
>>There were NEVER any Pharisees who believed in
>>"Jesus as the Christ/Messiah"
>>In fact NO ONE has ever believed in any "Christ/Messiah".
>>The Jews believed in the coming of a HUMAN
>>liberator king "Messiah",
>>and the Pagans (and some renegade Jews)
>>of Saul/Paul believed in an incarnate savior god
>>named "CHRISTOS" (Christ for you in English).

> How about your famous EBIONITES whom you liked
> to cite. Did you forgt them so quickly or are you saying
> that they were no Hebrews? You have been citing
> them for their opposition to Paul. What was their origin?

===>They were JEWS, they believed in a "Messiah",
and NOT in the LIES of Saul/Paul and his Pagan savior
god "CHRISTOS" ("Christ" for you), and certainly NOT in YOUR
concoction of "Christ/Messiah";
and it is ridiculous to claim they were "Phariseess".
Tohu.Bohu@hotmail.com wrote:

> On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> wrote:
>>codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:
>>>On Feb 21, 12:59 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>

>>Coke and Pepsi are COMPETITORS.
>>Are they "selling the same product"?
>>Of course not.

> Of course they are BOTH selling SOFT DRINK. Pepsi is not selling wine
> They are competitors

===>Sure, and Judaism and the Christos Cult were both RELIGION.
But they offer different "products", just as Pepsi and Coke are
NOT THE SAME PRODUCT, you nitwit! -- L.
Tohu.Bohu@hotmail.com wrote:

> On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> wrote:
>>codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:
>>>On Feb 21, 12:59 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>

>>>>codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:

>>>>>On Feb 20, 1:23 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>


>>>adversaries are also selling Christ/Messiah.
>>>Are they Hebrews? So am I
>>>Are they Israelites? So am I
>>>Are they servant of Christ? So Am I

>>===>Don't be so stupid.
>>He is talking about some splinter group of his
>>"Christos" cult, that believed they should
>>be more like thgir Jewish ancestors,
>>But is NOT talking about the Pharisees.

> Acts 15 tells us that the Pharisees who believed
> were advocating the costums and Law/Torah of Moses
> and were encouraging the Gentiles to circumcise.


> This is the group of Parisees who were present at

It is YOUR invention.
Acts says no such thing.

This is the group
> Paul refered to as the PARTY OF CIRCUMCISION.

===>Sure. But those are not "pharisees".
They are referred to as NAZOREANS or
A completely different sect of Jews.

> This is the same group who preached the Gospel
> to the Galatians.

===>?SO, what? NOT PHARISEES.

> This is he same group who were saying the "Law is good for the
> Gentiles"

===>So, what? NOT PHARISEES.

> It takes thinking to analyze a text.

===>And you are incapable of and not permitted to do that.

Jeckyl wrote:

> "codebreaker@bigsecret.com" <Codebreaker@bigsecret.com> wrote in message
> news:1173058974.229774.196380@n33g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...
>>On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
>>>===>That is utterly idiotic.
>>>There were NEVER any Pharisees who believed in
>>>"Jesus as the Christ/Messiah"
>>>In fact NO ONE has ever believed in any "Christ/Messiah".
>>>The Jews believed in the coming of a HUMAN
>>>liberator king "Messiah",
>>>and the Pagans (and some renegade Jews)
>>>of Saul/Paul believed in an incarnate savior god
>>>named "CHRISTOS" (Christ for you in English).

> There are people here who claim to believe in Jesus as Christ/Messiah ,,

===>I know of NO ONE, other than stupid YOU
who ever talks about a "Christ/Messiah". -- L.
weatherwax wrote:

> <Tohu.Bohu@hotmail.com> wrote
>> Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
>>>codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:
>>>> Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth> wrote:
>>>Coke and Pepsi are COMPETITORS.
>>>Are they "selling the same product"?
>>>Of course not.

>>Of course they are BOTH selling SOFT DRINK. Pepsi is not
>>selling wine They are competitors

> You just flunked the Pepsi challenge.
> --Wax

===>Thanks, Wax,
I needed that. -- L.
codebreaker@bigsecret.com wrote:

>><Tohu.B...@hotmail.com> wrote
>>> Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
>>>>codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:
>>>>> Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth> wrote:

>>>>Coke and Pepsi are COMPETITORS.
>>>>Are they "selling the same product"?
>>>>Of course not.

>>>Of course they are BOTH selling SOFT DRINK. Pepsi is not
>>>selling wine They are competitors

>>You just flunked the Pepsi challenge.

> You think so because you view Judaism as a missionary religion.
> It is not. Judaism is a national religion, a religion of the nation of
> the Children of Israel. It does not seek converts therefore no
> competitor.

===>That is total historical nonsense. -- L.
On Mar 5, 5:54 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:
> > On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> > wrote:

> >>codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:

> >>>The pharisees who believe in Jesus
> >>>as the Christ/Messiah of Israel were preaching
> >>>the Gospel of resurrection of Mankind.

> >>===>That is utterly idiotic.
> >>There were NEVER any Pharisees who believed in
> >>"Jesus as the Christ/Messiah"
> >>In fact NO ONE has ever believed in any "Christ/Messiah".
> >>The Jews believed in the coming of a HUMAN
> >>liberator king "Messiah",
> >>and the Pagans (and some renegade Jews)
> >>of Saul/Paul believed in an incarnate savior god
> >>named "CHRISTOS" (Christ for you in English).

> > How about your famous EBIONITES whom you liked
> > to cite. Did you forgt them so quickly or are you saying
> > that they were no Hebrews? You have been citing
> > them for their opposition to Paul. What was their origin?

> ===>They were JEWS, they believed in a "Messiah",
> and NOT in the LIES of Saul/Paul and his Pagan savior
> god "CHRISTOS" ("Christ" for you), and certainly NOT in YOUR
> concoction of "Christ/Messiah";
> and it is ridiculous to claim they were "Phariseess".- Hide quoted text -

Your contentions:
- Messiah is not implied in Deut 18:15
-Jesus is not the Messiah
-Christ and Messiah are two different words
-Jesus never existed
-Paul invented Christ and the Gospels
writers invented Jesus to fit in Christ role
-Pharisees never believed in Deut 18:14-19
as predicting the Messiah.
-Anointed is a greeck concept used for athlets.

It is too messy I don't even know now what you
are talking about when you use the word "THEY"
Who they?

> - Show quoted text -
"Libertarius" <Libertarius@nothingbutthe.truth> wrote in message
> Jeckyl wrote:
>> There are people here who claim to believe in Jesus as Christ/Messiah ,,

> ===>I know of NO ONE, other than stupid YOU
> who ever talks about a "Christ/Messiah". -- L.

You must be confusing me with someone else.
On Mar 5, 5:57 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> Tohu.B...@hotmail.com wrote:
> > On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> > wrote:

> >>codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:

> >>>On Feb 21, 12:59 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> >>>wrote:

> >>Coke and Pepsi are COMPETITORS.
> >>Are they "selling the same product"?
> >>Of course not.

> > Of course they are BOTH selling SOFT DRINK. Pepsi is not selling wine
> > They are competitors

> ===>Sure, and Judaism and the Christos Cult were both RELIGION.
> But they offer different "products", just as Pepsi and Coke are
> NOT THE SAME PRODUCT, you nitwit! -- L.- Hide quoted text -

Your contentions:
- Messiah is not implied in Deut 18:15
-Jesus is not the Messiah
-Christ and Messiah are two different words
-Jesus never existed
-Paul invented Christ and the Gospels
writers invented Jesus to fit in Christ role
-Pharisees never believed in Deut 18:14-19
as predicting the Messiah.
-Anointed is a greeck concept used for athlets.

You are still talking about Judaism I am not
I am talking about the "Pharisees who believe"
in Acts 15.
They were present with the Apostles at
nolonger jews of Judaism.

You lack the skill needed to investigate
the past. Man you are boring, not bright
not very sharp

> - Show quoted text -
On Mar 5, 6:02 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> Tohu.B...@hotmail.com wrote:
> > On Mar 3, 6:16 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> > wrote:

> >>codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:

> >>>On Feb 21, 12:59 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> >>>wrote:

> >>>>codebrea...@bigsecret.com wrote:

> >>>>>On Feb 20, 1:23 pm, Libertarius <Libertar...@nothingbutthe.truth>
> >>>>>wrote:

> >>>adversaries are also selling Christ/Messiah.
> >>>Are they Hebrews? So am I
> >>>Are they Israelites? So am I
> >>>Are they servant of Christ? So Am I

> >>===>Don't be so stupid.
> >>He is talking about some splinter group of his
> >>"Christos" cult, that believed they should
> >>be more like thgir Jewish ancestors,
> >>But is NOT talking about the Pharisees.

> > Acts 15 tells us that the Pharisees who believed
> > were advocating the costums and Law/Torah of Moses
> > and were encouraging the Gentiles to circumcise.

> ===>Correct.
> > This is the group of Parisees who were present at

> ===>FALSE!
> It is YOUR invention.
> Acts says no such thing.

You can't read can you?
5Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the
stood up and said,
"The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of

> This is the group
> > Paul refered to as the PARTY OF CIRCUMCISION.

> ===>Sure. But those are not "pharisees".
> They are referred to as NAZOREANS or
> A completely different sect of Jews.

Now it is against your word and Acts of the Apostles.
Why do think I should trust your source?
Post your source and we will see If you
know what was being debated.

But anyway a rose is a rose in any language.
We reckonize them -The Pharisees- by the doctrine
they advocate.
Saying that a Jesuit is not a catholic
because he calls himself Jesuit
or a catholic is not a Christian because
he is called Catholic is the stupidest thing
I have never come across.
Yet this is what you are saying.
If they are called the way, they can't be pharisees
or If the name change into Nazoreans this means
they had never been and had no
connection with pharisees .

Do you know what doctrines mean
in religion and culture?

> > This is the same group who preached the Gospel
> > to the Galatians.

> ===>?SO, what? NOT PHARISEES.

5Then some of the believers who belonged
to the party of the PHARISEES
stood up and said,
"The Gentiles must be circumcised and
required to obey the law of Moses."
Given the fact that Paul taught
against circumcision and against the Law
of Moses, an ordinary student history
would expect a clash between them, but not you.
It is sad

> > This is he same group who were saying the "Law is good for the
> > Gentiles"

> ===>So, what? NOT PHARISEES.

5Then some of the believers who belonged
to the party of the PHARISEES
stood up and said,
"The Gentiles must be circumcised and
required to obey the law of

> > It takes thinking to analyze a text.

> ===>And you are incapable of and not permitted to do that.
> - Show quoted text -
