Good Band...Good Band...have you heard there sdong with Black Eyed Peas?
and i think it's one of their best songs... by papa roach AND bep.
my bday is tomorrow. i got an ipod. 60GB. 15,000 songs. 25,000 pictures. In color. i feel guilty =/ oh man.
& once i got it, i kinda thought about it hard and figured that i really don't need it and i don't really want it anymore =/ except if i tell my dad then he'll kill me b/c that thing obviously cost A LOT b/c it's top of the line. but whatever. i'll just use it sometimes. only when i go places. other than that i'm still gunna be using my cd player cuz that's gangster. pfft.
and the past few days i spent in Linden. I'm gunna spend em there tomorrow probably and then thursday for sure. i <3 Linden.
i'm gunna go read some bday cards i got from friends in PL and then go read the instructions for my iPOD. i can't really use it though b/c it requires windows2000 & up and i only got windows98 STILL *****! (that's not gangster, that's just straightup GHETTO) but whatever. i'm getting a computer soon anyways. once my new room is furnished with furniture i'll get a computer and i can put this baby to work
ok. time to go on myspace