Mix and Match


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2005
I just want to how people really feel about couples who date out of there "race". I mean my first marriage was a mixed guy...he was french/irish and black. Yeah that sounds like an odd combination but you could tell he is black if you saw him. I never thought twice about it but i would never date/marry a black guy. I dont know, its just a weird thing. Maybe the disapproval from my family but I couldnt do it cause things seem so different. Now I am married to a white guy...ALL WHITE...and since then I dont see how I ever got involved with my 1st husband. I dont have any problem with other people doing it, thats there cup of tea but i know there is no way i could ever do that again! Just looking to piss someone off today :D
I see nothing wrong with interracial dating. And those with a problem about it just need to grow up and get over the fact that racism is stupid, immature, and irrational.

In fact, all of my ex girlfreinds were of different racial backgrounds. A Puerto Rican, a black, a Filipina, and a white girl.

If I have a kid and they date someone other than a black person, I am all for it! Could care less.
I see nothing wrong with dating outside of your race at all.

Now everyone is sexually attracted to some type. Me i very rarely look at a black person as someone i would have sex with.

maybe because i have a big smell issue (meaning body oder bothers me greatly). And the one and only black man i was with didnt have great hygene and i wasnt used to something so potent.....i still get nauseous thinking about that experience.

I am pretty sure its a fact that different races and body types have different smells....and the black natural sweat smell just makes my stomach churn. I have many black friends that i consider equal and respected..........but that doenst change the fact that i find them sexual repusive....

its all a matter of taste....i dont think it makes anyone racist because just because you cant/wont date one........

shrug maybe im sounding ignorant....but im just sayin'
I'm attracted to some Indian/Pakistani women. It's the eyes, or some ****ing thing. The one time I tried to establish a relationship with one gorgeous tiny little Sri-Lankan, I was also put off by the smell. Curry. It seems to permeate their whole body.
I would have no trouble dating a person from any race or background as long as they weren't Asian. The Asian race just seems somewhat ugly and I mean all of them, even the models wouldn
Disagree. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. You say that you are an Aussie? Take a $200 flight to Darwin. You may never return.
i agree, if people have a fetish for Asian girls..good for them.

Why would i want to fly to Darwin. The real Australia runs from Melbourne to the Goldcoast.

- $200, **** that i fly Jetstar!
Chairman Mao said:
i agree, if people have a fetish for Asian girls..good for them.

Why would i want to fly to Darwin. The real Australia runs from Melbourne to the Goldcoast.

- $200, **** that i fly Jetstar!

Actually why fly at all? Last time I was in Melbourne, there were more asians than any other genetic strain.

Not been to the gold coast for 20 years, but the situation was much the same there too.
Oh, and you might have mistaken my post regarding Darwin. Asians are not the majority. That city is more metropolitan than Melbourne, by a long stretch.
I have dated outside of my race and I will say that as long as we are compatable and that there are no major beliefe or cultural diferences that would lead to hell later, I'd be fine with it
I see no problem dating outside your race... But I speak from experience.... don't date outside your culture!
I agree. Every long tern relationship I have been in fell apart because I knew in teh long run our moral/ethical views would clash to the point of an apocolyptic end. I least have the foresight not to let passion get in the way of what reality will do. THere are a FEW things I will NEVER compromise on (especially since becoming a parent) And I think in my desires for how to raise my daughter lies a big reason I don't bother after a few dates with people.
Been married to a filapina for 25 years. That is the problem with dating...it can lead to marriage.
Wow, this is one topic I cannot really take a side on because I wouldn't do it myself(simply because of the way I was raised), but I see nothing wrong with other people doing it. People need to start being more worried about who someone is rather than what color their skin is. :eek:
I'm with 8_Ball on this one. I do find black chicks hott, but I wouldnt date one. Now a nice, hott indian or slant-eye chick, I'd bone one, but I couldn't marry one. I'm gonna need a white girl for the dating. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's how I feel.

Anyways.... I love girls, so I could probably do well with any girl if I would give the dark ones a chance. ;)
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
My wife is 100% Mexican.
and besides, she is 11 years my junior.
I don't have a problem with it.
Hey Hugh, does the phrase "slave in constant rebellion" mean anything to you? Old joke, but you'd probably understand.