Mix and Match

i don't see anything morally wrong with it, but the possible genetic problems could escalate down the road. I'm not saying I'm against it, but there could be serious complications with something like that
I remember this funny story at work where I overheard this conversation: There are three guys standing around the water cooler talking about their wives. 2 guys are white and one is black. One of the white guys is married to a Philopina, the other white guy is married to a Mexican and the black guy is married to a white woman... The two white guys are pissed about this and that that thier wives do. The jist of everything is that they expected subserviant women but ended up with hellcats. After about 5 minutes of this griping by the two white guys, the black guy who had been silent the whole time finally pipes up and says "You mean I'm the only one of us three who had the sense to marry a WHITE woman?"
Some ppl think ahead but let me tell you, we white women do turn into hellcats from time to time