More Criminal Invaders Die as US Tightens Border Security

Of course not,You ask them first if they are communist,if they are not, you
send them back ,if they are you just kill the ****s and save the planet.

"Michael Price" <> wrote in message
> On Jul 16, 11:46 am, strabo <> wrote:
>> Alex Russell wrote:
>> > Mike wrote:
>> >> On Jul 13, 8:35 am, uri <> wrote:
>> >>> It's immoral to deny people access to a country simply because they
>> >>> are foreigners. No one owns the land of the earth so anyone can go
>> >>> and
>> >>> live wherever he wants, without being deported or put in prison by
>> >>> the
>> >>> government.

>> >> Get lost, troll.

>> > If you had checked, you would see that this post is on anarchist lists
>> > as well as general politics. It is a widely held view among anarchists
>> > that borders are immoral, so Uri's post is not a troll.

>> Immoral?
>> Is the key and lock to your car immoral? Is the latch to your front
>> door immoral?

> No because those are your property, but it would be immoral for
> someone to lock your car against your consent. You don't own
> America and neither do the Bushrangers, much as they'd like
> to pretend they do.
>> But of course, property is immoral to socialists and collectivists.

> Well the sort of "property" that consists of "the people"
> arbitrarily
> deciding it owns something because it has the numbers is immoral
> to all true anarchists, but it's less clear that it's immoral to all
> socialists and collectivists. In fact you are arguing the
> collectivist
> idea that a nation can own something, which it cannot. Americans
> are prefectly entitled to invite whoever they want onto their land
> regardless of what the rest of the nation thinks of it. The rest of
> the nation don't own the individuals land nor do they have are
> moral right to exclude people from places not theirs.
>> So much for your American citizenship.
>> Sorry, it just isn't a good fit. Go elsewhere.

> Why don't you?
>> There are plenty of
>> budding power vacuums for you to exploit. Find your life's work there.
>> Go and piss those people off.
>> By the way, I'd like to have your car. Not giving it to me is immoral.

> You don't own the country, stop pretending that you do.
>> > Why shouldn't people who are willing to work hard, and uphold the local
>> > community standards be welcomed?

>> First of all your premise is arguable and the evidence to uphold it
>> is either contrary or not available.

> Yeah because all those immigrants have been slacking off, that's
> why they're found in raids on workplaces. In fact illegal immigrants
> clearly do obey the laws otherwise they'd be found in routine police
> enquiries. Presumably that means they uphold "community standards".
>> Second, there is more to being an American and of the culture than your
>> shallow invitation suggests.

> So? Just because someone isn't "of the culture" doesn't make him
> not a human being and doesn't mean he should be excluded from
> places.
>> >

>> > Alex

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On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 06:35:57 -0700, uri wrote:

Doesn't anyone read Subject lines before posting?

Cut out the redundancy, its not buying you any points.

-- Regards, Curly