More muslims wrongfully implicated in terror

But Central Sulawesi has a roughly equal number of Muslims and Christians. The province on Sulawesi island was the scene of a bloody sectarian war in 2001-2002 that killed around 1,000 people from both communities.

You like to rant on Muslims commiting terror what about...

30,000 Dead, - Lead Cause, US Led Coalition.

How about the Prisnor of Civilian Torture?
Two US Marines are having court-martial proceedings stemming from the death of an Iraqi citizen called Mr. Hatab. The killing took place at Camp Whitehorse outside Nasyriya.

Hatab was found with a rifle from the 507th (Jessica Lynch's division) on June 5, 2003. The two Marines covered him with feces, stomped on him, kicked him, dragged him, and finally broke his neck.

The cold-blooded slaughter of civilians in Haifa Street in central Baghdad on Sunday underscores the completely criminal character of the US occupation of Iraq. Day after day, scores of Iraqi civilians are being massacred in concerted offensive aimed at terrorising the population and stamping American control over the country in the leadup to next year

He claims to be an Iranian, living in Canada, also and ex-Muslim. Many people who had found his IP proove otherwise though, I would take his word for it... Eventhough I do not for many other things... The $50,000 could be mine from the site if it was a legit contest, I just need to open up a few Karen Armstrong books and start typing... I don't hate him for anything though. My main point is I would rather trust someone of no faith at all to try and proove Islam wrong rather than someone of another faith... His name is Ali Sina btw... And hey, he hates Islam, but he's not a bad guy at all, and doesn't hate Muslims. Infact he encourages Muslims to defend their religion through his debates etc... The point is, I wouldn't trust any site preaching bad things about a religion because you know off the bat that they are 99.9% likely to be of a different faith, and try to do the whole "get the bull by the horns before it gets anrgy" type thing...

On some of the verses he states, they are out of context. Some don't even exist, I even checked the actual Qur'an... He cuts some short to make it look like a quote with a bad meaning when in fact it's telling a story about a bad person etc...

Ah well, after joining GF, I did let out some of my angry emotions, and I have learned even through the most worrysom and tempting times, Ill just let it slip. Thanks. ;)
Oh and MRIH, I don't hate you at all, because it's not you who's adding to the bad Rep Osama has already given to Muslims... I hate Osama, with my uttermost, innermost, and deepest passion :).
Hamza123 said:
Oh and MRIH, I don't hate you at all, because it's not you who's adding to the bad Rep Osama has already given to Muslims... I hate Osama, with my uttermost, innermost, and deepest passion :).
And speaking of "bad rep", after 280+ postings YOU stilll have none!
I find this utterly hilarious :)
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
And speaking of "bad rep", after 280+ postings YOU stilll have none!
I find this utterly hilarious :)

My morals and my standard of life and character is all moral/for the good. Is it because I am Muslim? Well thats not too fair is it? I am just like everyone else. (Not trying to play the prejudice card) And my intentions are not to recieve bad rep... Even though I have some great rep and I greatly do appreciate it.. I simple exploit my POV of me as a Muslim, and people like it. I love it too so, it fits nicely in. I don't fight for terror, I fight for what the civilized world sets as a moral and overall thats peace. I don't force my religion on anyone, I don't treat Christian people, Jewish people, or anyone of any other religion or no religion differently, just because they're not Muslim. I treat people how they want to be treated, and they show me how to do so by their aititude towards me and others, and their character.

Is the little red square bad rep?
I'm sure I gave you some. But someone else must've taken it away.
I can't give you anymore.

I think you're really trying and deserve rep points.
snafu said:
I'm sure I gave you some. But someone else must've taken it away.
I can't give you anymore.

I think you're really trying and deserve rep points.

Heh, thanks a lot! Someone did take some away at one point. But, it's the idea of your understanding that pleases me. Not any numbers. Thanks! You deserve rep from me. I can't give any away though. Not a member. :eek:
Some differences between AIG and Hamza:
- Hamza openly, unashamedly, repeatedly and sincerely condemns terrorism...without using a chain of ifs and buts to excuse terrorist activity.

- Hamza appears to be well intentioned, rational, intelligent.

- Hamza appears a lot more open-minded - willing to entertain the perceptions that non-muslims have of islam, even if she doesn't agree with those opinions.

Unfortunately the thing you guys have in common is you share the same evil ideology - it's just you don't seem to leap in blindly to defend it's totality like AIG did.

I wonder how Hamza and AIG would get along together if they were allocated the same cell? A moderate and an extremist might not mix too well - who would win the jihad between these 2? I think we need a poll... :D
I agree with everything you said Cyba, except Hamza is a young man, not a female...
I also know from talking with him that his life has been difficult and if anyone had the right to be bitter its him, instead he is still good natured.

AIG on the other hand is bitter but has never mentioned any depravation she has suffered to explain her Angst. In fact she has spoken of having a family, a home and being in college.

Some people are disgruntled no matter what life gives them and NOTHING will make them happy except getting other people to join them in their unhappiness.
Sure some of you might not agree with my religion, but everyone is different. And the only thing I care about, is the fact that some of you understand me. Particularly, Lethal, Cybacat, and Snafu. You understand what, and where I am coming from, and my purpose of doing so. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate this.

I have had a grim past. Yet, expressing it out on the future of my life and others only makes it worse... I am young, I know that lol, but young and old, we all experience many things! One of the best things I have learned it not to take anything for granted, I do at certain times, yet I try my best not too. When I it comes down to me, even though my religion in my eyes, fits nicely in my morals and habbits etc.., My character and my atitude and the way I think is most important. I totally understand why people don't like my religion, therefore I don't scold them. It's not my job to do so anyway. Yet, sometimes their will always be a verbal altercation, nothing more happens and in the real world you could say it's a civilized way to experess the feelings you have. People's opinions do matter to me, but not as much as what I think. What is my religion, is what I accept in my life, and what I accept is what will make me happy. I take Islam, and turn it into a great lifestyle for all beings, animals, and basicallt anything in this world. At times, I defend it, because ultimatley it is my belief, yet my belief prevents me from defending it if I have to use a means of pain and suffering. So I am still learning to refraim from doing so, and so far it's paying off. To those who understand my situation, I appreciate it, not something that comes regularly, so I thank you. And to those who don't understand, I understand their situation, so it's okay since it's not one of their neccessities. Well, sorry if this seems like jibberish, but I can't put it any other way. :D

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