Morons Who Know It All...


Destroyer of Morons
Aug 11, 2004
If someone is going to start an argument, it would be wise to at least have a vague idea to know what you are talking about. Apparently, some people are just here to piss us off in the most unintelligable and insipid ways. Such is the case of an argument my friend had with your common avergae day thug (the classic "street smart" gang-banger that serves no real purpose but to provide target practice for higher forms of life). Some of you have heard of Pachelbel's Canon correct? And some of you heard of Coolio (a washed up rapper now) and his single hit "C U When You Get There" which uses Pachelbels' tune correct? Well my friend was talking to another friend about the Canon and how Coolio used its melody. Some thug comes out of NOWHERE and says that "Coolio is the **** yo, he made up that whole thing." My friend calmly tells the ignorant knuckledragger that the tune as made by a man named Pachelbel around the year 1680...long before Coolio was even a sperm and egg. But the ever so intelligent rhino with a stick in his ass protests the idea and bellows "No! COOLIO MADE THAT ****!!!". My friend again argues how can a rapper create something like that especially if it was made back a few centuries ago. Hell most rappers (even in that day) wouldn't even have the skill to create something as eloquent and artisitc as that! In defense of the once great rapper, the mindless waste of an ejactuation threatens to attack my friend, for he knew deep within the bowels of his blackeded thugged out heart, he was as wrong as two boys ****ing on a Sunday in front of a church. My friend calmly walks away as the pitful mistake of mankind is led to believe that he has won this "battle" of wits.

It is people like that who need to get their head out of their ass and have some actual proof before stating something like that. I mean sure, we all make mistakes and are misinformed but threatening to hurt someone, calling them a vulgar name just because is just another way of proving how ignorant and stupid you are. And it is people like that which makes today's world inhospitable for some to live in. At that, minding your own business if you have nothing intelligent to say would also be a great way to ensure your own survival.And if you have any other ignorant individuals you'd like to make known of the rest of the world, post it here. I'd love to hear (er...see) it.

Some people just won't learn until they get a swift kick in the chin.
See, morons know it all. That's the problem. Almost 100% of the time when they're arguing they don't know what they're arguing about in the first place and end up showing that several times during their little arguments. They think/know they are always right, they think/know they know everything you don't, and they think/know are smarter than everyone. You cannot get anything through their thick skulls no matter how hard you try. Trying to explain something to a moron is most times completely impossible. What pisses me off about it most is, they can get to my nerves faster than anyone else could ever possibly try. Pachelbel is obviously someone a complete moron has probably never heard of or ever will hear of. Hell, give the guy credit for trying.

Here is my story about the biggest idiot I have ever met in my life:

My brother's ex-girlfriend. This girl was completely psycho. She came to live with some family of hers near where my brother lives. Her cousin is my brothers best friend, so that's how they met in the first place. About 1 month after they met, they started dating. She was cool at first and called him every once in a while and they hung out a lot..basically did the stuff couples do. Out of no where one day she breaks up with him and has no reason. When I confronted her she said she broke up with him because he had to much respect for her. Well, she calls him crying saying she's sorry so he takes her back. She does the same thing about 1 month after that. They get back together again. She breaks up with him a third time because "she's moving." She calls him crying saying she's not moving. They get back together once again. She breaks up with him again about 3 months after that. He finally gets smart and decides not to take her back. He never said one harsh word about this girl. Which, I'm sure he could've thought of plenty. She starts calling my mother's boyfriend's house at 2 in the morning looking for him. He got tired of it eventually and blocked her number, so she called from a different number. This happened over, and over, and over. So, I talked to her about it. She said she was calling for me. One day she calls my brother asking if he called her a bitch all pissed off. She wanted an explanation to why he could ever possibly call her this! Yeah. She's probably the biggest moron I've ever known. :eek:
What a moron. Then you have those that are petty enough (thugs once again) that would sit there and argue with me over something as dumb as this...

I was talking to other friends about insects (we had a class and learning about organisms and whatnot) and then some punk bitch gets all mad and calls me a dumbass and says "Insects are not animals." I reply, "Yes, they are." Then the dude gets all malicious about it. First off, how is this guy gonna tell me, I am quite the bookworm and I have read about them for YEARS. Hell, I even did my own observations. They are animals. They are mobile (although some animals do not move), possess ORGANS (a primary reason why they are animals), they are consumers in the environment, and possess 5 senses (in most cases). Basically they possess things that no other kingdom has. There are only 5 (sometimes 6 depending if the scientists split the classification of the organisms) kingdoms and the ONLY kingdom insects would be able to fit in would be...the ANIMAL kingdom. Animals, plants, protists, fungi, monerans. Take a wild guess which group an insect would fit in.

Oh, did I mention this guy threatened to do bodily harm to me if I didn't agree with him? Yea, nice huh? WHAT A MORON!
LOL, I already explained my b/fs family. His little brother(13 yrs.old) doesn't know how to close doors and the AC is just going out the door. I tell him to close the door and he's like "why", so I told him that that's why their light bill is so high.
Can you believe he starts laughing at me and tells me that Im stupid, thats the electricity and not the light. I tried to explain to him but he stuck to his stupid reasons that made no sense. I wanted to break a lamp on his head and then a radio to see if he understood, but I walked away instead. :mad:
haha, I once had a discussion with a schumck that thought if you didn't buy gas for a day it would make the oil companies go broke.
eddo said:
haha, I once had a discussion with a schumck that thought if you didn't buy gas for a day it would make the oil companies go broke.

Actually theres alot of them idiots out there...LOL
The word "idiot" defeats its own purpose.

How can an idiot possibly understand that they are one?
I guess idiots come in different levels. Some have a lack of intelligence and common sense, and others are COMPLETELY stupid.
OK here is the situation in our neighborhood with a bitch we all hate here.

This bitch when she first meets anyone act like she'll be your best friend. Harbor you in, talk **** about exsisting neighbors and suddenly switches her tune when they are around. I for one was a complete MORON for befriending her. She use to talk all this **** about me to my neighbors and finally one day one of them asked what she(the bitch) had said about her daughter. It was terrible and the little girl is the sweetest girl and is 12. Now the bitches daughter is a brat...she is 13 has her own credit card and limit...has so many clothes that most have the tags on them and she throws most of that away....she thinks she is an adult and tattles on other adults to her mother.
So ....but finish my story...finally i told my neighbor what the bitch had said and my neighbor presedes to tell me what the bitch has said about me. And i know she was telling the truth because she told me things i had only discussed with the bitch. I then made sure to tell everyone what the bitch had said about them...she is now the balck sheep of the neighborhood.

Not to mention she has spent all of her husbands reinlistment bonus on NOTHING...and just got 17000 dollars in child support and has NOTHING to show for it.

Gray-GAl, anyone who talks to you about everyone else will surely talk about you to everyone else. My best friend in high scool was this way and it took forever for it to get back around to me. When I heard what he had been saying it occured to me that there had never been one occasion in which we had been around anyone, including his own sister and mother, when he hadn't talked **** about them.
This was about 15 years ago. Currently the guy is 32 and lives with his mother and is hopelessly addicted to pain killers.
Yeah she is addicted to percoset and loratab....
she is just a feen for it too. I broke my toe and got 9 percosets and she paid me 20 dollars for one cause she had an appt. 2 days away. I think those people should have to die alone cause they make it where EVERYONE hates them
What a bizarre coincidence!!!

Pill heads are kinda funny though. This ex-friend of mine would pop up to 9 or ten vicodin at a time. He was high on pills almost 24/7. This is hilarious, when he walks, he walks with both hands outstretched because he falls down so much. He got arrested in Taco Bell once for passing out in his taco's. No lie. Also, hes had his stomach pumped 3 times.
RoyalOrleans said:
And idiots never know that they're idiots.

I slightly disagree. There are idiots who are actually PROUD of being stupid and admit they are idiots. This is rare however. What motivates those few people do be so damn dumb anyways? Man I cannot wait for my high school reunion, I wonder if half of those jackasses even made it somewhere beyond McDonalds...
There are idiots who are actually PROUD of being stupid and admit they are idiots. This is rare however.

Hahahahahaha!!! I completely agree with the first part. They are SO proud of being stupid it's not even funny...It's not rare though. You should come live around here for a while. :p
cynthiaa89 said:
Hahahahahaha!!! I completely agree with the first part. They are SO proud of being stupid it's not even funny...It's not rare though. You should come live around here for a while. :p

Eh, I rather not. I might get shot for actually having intelligence.

But come to Philly, you will see idiots who think they are regular Einsteins. Like people who think they can make a living off of robbing gas stations.
Outlaw2747 said:
Eh, I rather not. I might get shot for actually having intelligence.

But come to Philly, you will see idiots who think they are regular Einsteins. Like people who think they can make a living off of robbing gas stations.

Dude I work at a gas station wtffff? I got robed last night...not cool. not cool. :D
sixes said:
Dude I work at a gas station wtffff? I got robed last night...not cool. not cool. :D

No you didn't, you jackass.

If you come back with "I was joking", let me just address that now; "no, you weren't"

If you come back with "Honest, I was" or something else along those lines, let me address that now; "No you weren't"
Stella said:
No you didn't, you jackass.

If you come back with "I was joking", let me just address that now; "no, you weren't"

If you come back with "Honest, I was" or something else along those lines, let me address that now; "No you weren't"

Stella, you seem to know Sixes quite well! :D