Moron's who STILL believe that islam is peaceful


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2004,2933,173491,00.html

Those of you who still believe "islam is peaceful" are really stupid!

If you read between the lines here in this article, you will notice that the islamic jihadist president presides over not just himself. In fact he governs legions of people who support him and his ideals. If he was a "lone nutcase" he certainly wouldn't be leader of an entire nation now would he?

Wake up you liberal jack-asses! before islam devours all that you hold dear, including your precious liberalism!
Your balls haven't dropped yet. Huh?

Fox news? On your telly? And you post that here?

I wish I could shake your hand right now.

I've never met such a gullible traveller before now.

Good luck with your education. ;)
builder said:
Your balls haven't dropped yet. Huh?
What's your point? You ain't got any balls yourself.

Fox news? On your telly? And you post that here?
1) No it's a website, moron.
2) Fox is the BEST news source around.
3) WHat difference does it make? The article comes from the AP. Fox has the balls to print it! The ****er is saying those things right now, and morons like you just put their heads in the sand.

I wish I could shake your hand right now.
I don't think your brain could genrerate enough power to move your hand.

I've never met such a gullible traveller before now.
Nor I a more stupid Aussie.

Good luck with your education. ;)
Forget you education, it's hopeless.
The U.S. should have used the middle east for it's nuclear testing site long ago. It is just one giant sand pit anyway. Look at the problems it would have solved before they even became as such.
I don't care for the resource MRIH used HOWEVER the idea that Islam is peaceful is heard alot, not just on the TV but escaping the mouths of our politicians in the hopes of keeping the American people from beating them to death in the street.
I don't buy it myself. I think the nature of anyone as religiously fanaticle as you have to be to believe the bullshit Islam shovles is a danger. They are lead around like sheep. AND before someone says this to me a ****in gain, NO I don't think that Muslims are the only dangerous, brainwashed fanatics out there. They are the flavor at the moment. There will be more to jump into their place once we are done dealing with them.
What on earth does Fox have to do with anything people??? Wake Up, the article comes from the A.P. (Associated Press) not Fox itself. sheesh, I feel like I'm dealing with mental handicaps here!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
What on earth does Fox have to do with anything people??? Wake Up, the article comes from the A.P. (Associated Press) not Fox itself. sheesh, I feel like I'm dealing with mental handicaps here!

He's right about this. Some news agencies just simply choose not to print certain stories in fear of ethnic backlash. MSNBC would prefer to run stories on the newest microsoft products.
Is this what you have in your defence that Islam is evil? I have the Qu'ran as mine, thats the root, definitley NOT Fox...
Hamza123 said:
Is this what you have in your defence that Islam is evil? I have the Qu'ran as mine, thats the root, definitley NOT Fox...

1. OK **** stick, for the nth time (if you could read, but I know how islam frowns on education) the article is from the Associated Press not Fox.

2. You want some pig-**** for my defense that Islam is evil... here ya go. take your time, I know reading isn't your strong suit

Pig-**** 5.51
O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Pig-**** 9.29
Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.

Pig-**** 2.65
And certainly you have known those among you who exceeded the limits of the Sabbath, so We said to them: Be (as) apes, despised and hated.
(jews are apes and are to be despised and hated)

I'm not going to post anymore, because it makes me sick to look at that pig-dung inside that pig-**** book!
Those are hadiths... Words from Hadith are from experiences from the Prophet and are not to be mis-interpreted... There is no such thing as an athiest in the Qu'ran so even dis-believers are grouped either Jewish, Islamic or Christian... Once again I though you knew all this? What you are missing out on...

In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Say, "O followers of the scripture, let us come to a
logical agreement between us and you: that we shall not
worship except GOD; that we never set up any idols
besides Him, nor set up any human beings as lords beside
GOD." If they turn away, say, "Bear witness that we are submitters."


Islam (Submission), has been accused unjustly of being a religion of hate by those who never made a true effort to understand even the basic teachings of Islam. We all know that ignorance is the worst enemy of the truth, and God Almighty asked us to learn the truth as there is nothing after the truth except falsehood.

[Quran 10:32] Such is GOD, your rightful Lord. What is there after the truth, EXCEPT FALSEHOOD? How could you disregard all this?

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32

Let us present the simple truth about Islam (submission) and the Quran that proves that Islam is not a religion of hate but rather a religion of love, tolerance, understanding, and social justice.

Many people are not aware that Islam is the religion of Abraham, not the religion of Muhammad. Abraham, being the founder of Islam (Submission), with all its beautiful and peaceful teachings and rituals, passed his religion to all the prophets who came after him, including all the Jewish prophets, Jesus and Muhammad. Those attacking Islam, out of ignorance, or deliberately, are attacking Abraham who is their prophet as much as the prophet of the Muslims (Submitters).

Quran explains clearly this fact,

" You shall strive for the cause of GOD as you should strive for His cause. He has chosen you and has placed no hardship on you in practicing your religion - the religion of your father Abraham. He is the one who named you "Submitters" originally.
Hamza123 said:
I know my english buddy... Just, around me, don't dictate my Islam. :)
1) You are obviously ill-informed so SHUT THE **** UP!
2) Your pig-**** religion is poisoning my planet.
3) You have done nothing but lie since you started posting on GF, and like most retards , you keep on posy\ting even though you have been proven to be a complete incompetant. If you actually had some brains, you would hang your head in shame.
4) You are not very observant, literate or intelligent.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
1) You are obviously ill-informed so SHUT THE **** UP!
2) Your pig-**** religion is poisoning my planet.
3) You have done nothing but lie since you started posting on GF, and like most retards , you keep on posy\ting even though you have been proven to be a complete incompetant. If you actually had some brains, you would hang your head in shame.
4) You are not very observant, literate or intelligent.

1) I'm ill-informed? You are the one who doesn't know Islam and base it on three paragraphs... So I think you should shut the **** up.

2) This is why it's not your planet.

3) Nope, just telling people what the Qu'ran says.

4) Great than If I am all those horrid qualities why do I put up such a good argument against you that you bother to keep replying? So far, you haven't answered that question. I am no longer paying attention to you as AIG cleary whooped you before. Hurts, don't it?
Hamza123 said:
1) I'm ill-informed? You are the one who doesn't know Islam and base it on three paragraphs... So I think you should shut the **** up.

2) This is why it's not your planet.

3) Nope, just telling people what the Qu'ran says.

4) Great than If I am all those horrid qualities why do I put up such a good argument against you that you bother to keep replying? So far, you haven't answered that question. I am no longer paying attention to you as AIG cleary whooped you before. Hurts, don't it?

click on the link and my sig.

what is the world supposed to think of pig **** islam when EVERY day you hear about some piece of muslim **** blowing himself up in the name of pig **** islam so he can kill other muslims?
smutt butt said:
click on the link and my sig.

what is the world supposed to think of pig **** islam when EVERY day you hear about some piece of muslim **** blowing himself up in the name of pig **** islam so he can kill other muslims?


> 10 <
Hamza123 said:
1) I'm ill-informed? You are the one who doesn't know Islam and base it on three paragraphs... So I think you should shut the **** up.
Hey retard, you're embarassing yourself again... I know a helluvlot more than about your pig-**** religion than you do.
1) You didn't know that the mohammed(may piss be upon him) was a pedo.
2) You didn't know that appostacy is punishable by death in your pig-**** religion
3) You think jihad is only internal
4) You think islam is all about peace.
5) You either believe these or are a liar, either way you've lost all credibility.

2) This is why it's not your planet.
Retard, it's not MY planet because it's not MY planet. It has nothing to do with your vile and contemptabel religion spewing hate, disease and death everywhere.

3) Nope, just telling people what the Qu'ran says.
Well don't forget to tell them this doozy:

pig-**** 2:191 "2.191": And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

4) Great than If I am all those horrid qualities why do I put up such a good argument against you that you bother to keep replying?
1) Your arguments are riddled with illogic and are frankly embarassing to you.
2) Don't flatter yourself. You are doing a piss-poor job of defending the pig-****.
3) I am replying in the vain hope that you will see just how ****ed up your cult o' death really is.

So far, you haven't answered that question.
Oh great :rolleyes: another essoteric and vague demonstrative remark designed to put me on the defensive, well guess what ass-wipe, I'm not gonna bite... You pose your bull **** question and maybe I'll answer, or maybe I won't it depends on how I feel at the time.

I am no longer paying attention to you as AIG cleary whooped you before. Hurts, don't it?
1) LOL... hurts?
2) AIG "cleary whooped" what? her vagina with the koran, maybe... :D I'm still amused ... LOL!
3) Go ahead and stick your head in the sand, that's why Allah gave ya'll so much of it.

You crack me up.
smutt butt said:
what is the world supposed to think of pig **** islam when EVERY day you hear about some piece of muslim **** blowing himself up in the name of pig **** islam so he can kill other muslims?

Odd how not long ago I kept hearing again and again about some priest raping his choir boys. WHAT WAS I SUPPOSE TO THINK!!!.. :rolleyes:

I know christianity isn't evil, I know Islam Isn't evil;. What do I know? The ****-ups doing this **** are.