Moron's who STILL believe that islam is peaceful

eisanbt said:
Odd how not long ago I kept hearing again and again about some priest raping his choir boys. WHAT WAS I SUPPOSE TO THINK!!!.. :rolleyes:

I know christianity isn't evil, I know Islam Isn't evil;. What do I know? The ****-ups doing this **** are.
That's because:
1) You're a dip-****.

2) A very SMALL minority of "Christians" got HUGE media coverage.
... A very LARGE percentage of muslims get SMALL media coverage.

3) The "priests" were not video-taping their crimes and singing "ALLAHAKHBAR".
.... The islamic terrorists do.

4) Main stream Christianity loudly and in unison condemned these actions.
... Main stream islam is quiet on terrorism, but loud in how they want to kill jews, christians and everyone else.

5) No where in the Christian world is this behavior accepted.
... Terrorism is practiced overtly in islamic countries.

6) Jesus certainly never condoned such behavior.
... Mohammed(may piss be upon him) routinely called for open warfare on the infidels.

Wake up and smell the coffee, moron!
Well, we can all see MRIH likes his lists.
I must say, it's a bit concerting that you say Fox news is the best news source. You seem quite brainwashed into your conservative arrogant funk, but whatever floats your boat.

The issue I have here is that you are not able to distinguish between people, and their religion. Islam does not kill people. It CAN'T. It's like me taking a thought out of my head and trying to physically beat you with it. It's intangible, it can't do it. The people who practise the religion are the problem - and Christianity has the same issue (except minus the radical bombers..). You strut like you alone are able to dictate what is good, what is bad, and what should be done. But for the sake of at least appearing a bit more intelligent, target the right source of idiocy!

P.S. I couldn't care less on my opinion of how evil or peaceful islam is.
TheJenn88 said:
Well, we can all see MRIH likes his lists.
You gotta point?

TheJenn88 said:
I must say, it's a bit concerting that you say Fox news is the best news source.
Why, Jenn? If you have any PROOF that is not, then by all means share it. If your oppinion can be backed up with any FACTS then by all means lets hear it. I'm sick and tired of the leftist's regurgitation of "Fox NEWS is Bad" with no examples, no reasoning other than they really are fair and balanced like they claim.

Basically any one who does regurgitate this tripe is STUPID beynd all hope.

1). The reason I like Fox is that they will print stories from the AP or Reuters that no one else will print. Just like the article about the Iranian president calling for the genocide of the jewish people.

TheJenn88 said:
You seem quite brainwashed into your conservative arrogant funk, but whatever floats your boat.
BY whose standards. Jenn? YOURS? LOL that's laughable. The hypocrisy of your arrogance is stifling.
1) You are brainwashed into believing that Fox News is bad.
2) Your accusation is baseless and you offer no evidence or examples of anykind. Just your goofy blanket statement. Just because the liberal morons exaept that as an axiom, does not mean that intelligent people do.

TheJenn88 said:
The issue I have here is that you are not able to distinguish between people, and their religion.
That is bunk! Of course I can. And this is another stupid blanket statement madeup in your mind with no evidence.

TheJenn88 said:
Islam does not kill people. It CAN'T. It's like me taking a thought out of my head and trying to physically beat you with it.
Islam teaches its followers to do certain things, Jenn. Just like Naziism... Do you think Naziism is neither good nor bad because afterall you can't take the tenets of national socialism and physically do harm to someone now , can you? ... Naziism is still evil and so is islam.

TheJenn88 said:
It's intangible, it can't do it. The people who practise the religion are the problem
Erradicate the religion and you've eradicated the problem... DUH!

TheJenn88 said:
- and Christianity has the same issue (except minus the radical bombers..).
Hello, Jenn raps on Jenn's forehead same issue minus all of the killing? :confused: WTF? The killing is the problem What in the hell is wrong with you?

TheJenn88 said:
You strut like you alone are able to dictate what is good, what is bad, and what should be done. But for the sake of at least appearing a bit more intelligent, target the right source of idiocy!
blah, blah, blah... if it isn't harming you then ignore it.

TheJenn88 said:
P.S. I couldn't care less on my opinion of how evil or peaceful islam is.
If you don't care about your own oppinion, then neither do I.
If their stories are from the AP or Reuters, they are as reliable as any other news station. It's just that others choose not to carry these stories. But all their other stories come from the same places.
All Muslims are not evil. There are radical factions who twist and distort the religion and there are good people who are so passionate about their religion that they would follow these radicals blindly. I think there is a difference in Muslims from different parts of the world. Though the Muslims who were born here are devout, the religion does not overshadow their reason. There is a different mindset when it comes to Muslims in most Middle Eastern countries. Over there, Islam is not just a religion or a belief; it is a way of life. Most Americans do not understand what it is to be passionate about an ideal. We lost that somewhere between technology, education, and materialism. The people in these countries are no more evil than the people in this country, but their belief system is different. They would die to protect what they believe in, and that makes them very easy to manipulate. The radicals paint all non-Muslims as a threat and the people react to the perceived
builder said:
Your balls haven't dropped yet. Huh?

Fox news? On your telly? And you post that here?

I wish I could shake your hand right now.

I've never met such a gullible traveller before now.

Good luck with your education. ;)
builder, you ****ing moron!

here is the same AP story carried on CNN...

If builder had a brain, he'd probably just take it out and play with it.
Islam, like most other religions must be judged on the actions of the followers.
And at the moment, their PR is not at an all time high. I guess when you obey
insane dogma and stone women for wearing an ankle-length skirts, madness doth follow!

Anyone who thinks blowing themselves to buggery is going
to gain some higher meaning is madder than a box of otters.

And yes, we can get the argument that most Mooslums are not
wanting to explode all over us in a subway, but their attitude is
tellingly apathetic to their incendiary kinsmen.

I don't respect their medieval despotic mutterings.
They can keep their distorted Admiral Ackbar ranting.

And to be fair and balanced, christians are another bunch
of mentally-unbalanced hypocrites. Religion...??? No thanks!

Vander said:
All Muslims are not evil. There are radical factions who twist and distort the religion and there are good people who are so passionate about their religion that they would follow these radicals blindly. I think there is a difference in Muslims from different parts of the world. Though the Muslims who were born here are devout, the religion does not overshadow their reason. There is a different mindset when it comes to Muslims in most Middle Eastern countries. Over there, Islam is not just a religion or a belief; it is a way of life. Most Americans do not understand what it is to be passionate about an ideal. We lost that somewhere between technology, education, and materialism. The people in these countries are no more evil than the people in this country, but their belief system is different. They would die to protect what they believe in, and that makes them very easy to manipulate. The radicals paint all non-Muslims as a threat and the people react to the perceived
Vander said:
All Muslims are not evil.
True, just like all nazis are not evil (like Oscar Schindler, or Werner Von Braun) but Naziism is evil. Do you want to debate that?

There are radical factions who twist and distort the religion and there are good people who are so passionate about their religion that they would follow these radicals blindly.
FALSE! The radical factions are doing exactly what the pedophile prophet (may piss be upon him) told his followers to do! They are not twisting anything at all, they are in fact doing what is taught by islamic scholars and the pig-**** book(koran). If anyone is twisting islam it is YOU and the other ****-for-brain numb-skulls who buyt into this fairy-tale idea that islam is peaceful. Islam teaches that the world is divided into two houses (sections) the house of submission (islam) and the house of war. In the house of war it is the duty of every muslim to fight for islam until that area comes into the umbrella of islam.

I think there is a difference in Muslims from different parts of the world.
Of course they are different. Every muslim is different just like evryone else is different. Muslims are people, you dip-****. just like everyone else. The problem is they afhere to a religion that is basically just the culture of 7th century arabia. There are good muslims and bad muslims. The good muslims practice the 5 pillars of ****-lam, making the hajj and prayer and such. They study the koran and hadiths, doing what their pedophile prophet taught them do. They kill infidels and stone adulters. The good muslims make war on everything that is not islamic. The bad muslims on the other hand, don't pray as regularly as they should. Since the bad muslims didn't study the koran so closely, they don't really want to go kill themselves for Allah, but they have been indoctrinated enough to know that somehow the mujahadeen and terrorist organizations are right with their God, so they do nothing.

Though the Muslims who were born here are devout, the religion does not overshadow their reason.
No, they just know that they don't have the numbers to kill and destroy like they should.

There is a different mindset when it comes to Muslims in most Middle Eastern countries. Over there, Islam is not just a religion or a belief; it is a way of life.
It is the same set of core beliefs. The true believers will stop at nothing \until you are converted or are dead.

Most Americans do not understand what it is to be passionate about an ideal. We lost that somewhere between technology, education, and materialism.
Bullshit, we are as passionate about life, liberty, self-determination as they are passionate about death and carnage.

The people in these countries are no more evil than the people in this country, but their belief system is different. They would die to protect what they believe in, and that makes them very easy to manipulate. The radicals paint all non-Muslims as a threat and the people react to the perceived
Seems as though most of your arguments or based on your own perception and opinions.

True, just like all nazis are not evil (like Oscar Schindler, or Werner Von Braun) but Naziism is evil. Do you want to debate that?

Yeah sure, Naziism is not a religion. It's not Islam there for you're wrong to compare the two. Islam is responsible from what Naziism has done, and what BS pre-empt dictators like to do with there people. It's a simple fact of whether you like Islam from what you see... or not. You don't. Thats fine, Islam is my religion, Christianity is yours. You got a problem? Since you are so confident about Islam I am sure you will have no problems as to take it outside with Osama.

Bullshit, we are as passionate about life, liberty, self-determination as they are passionate about death and carnage.

Mind telling that to the murderers?

It is the same set of core beliefs. The true believers will stop at nothing \until you are converted or are dead.

Yes thats exactly why Donald Trump is investing MILLIONS if not Billion into the Middle East (Dubai) and so far he has started to build one of the worlds nicest hotels... When I visit the Middle East I see a lot of European tourists! You've never seen this becuase you like to watch Fox News too much... Let alone you have never been the Middle East judging by your dick'ish atitude.

No, they just know that they don't have the numbers to kill and destroy like they should.

Wtf are you talking about? There are literaly TONS of Muslims in the UK and the Mosques can Azan too! Also in Canada... We don't want power over anyone we just want to be able to pray, fast, read the Qur'an, be clean, and attend mosques.

Of course they are different. Every muslim is different just like evryone else is different. Muslims are people, you dip-****. just like everyone else. The problem is they afhere to a religion that is basically just the culture of 7th century arabia. There are good muslims and bad muslims. The good muslims practice the 5 pillars of ****-lam, making the hajj and prayer and such. They study the koran and hadiths, doing what their pedophile prophet taught them do. They kill infidels and stone adulters. The good muslims make war on everything that is not islamic. The bad muslims on the other hand, don't pray as regularly as they should. Since the bad muslims didn't study the koran so closely, they don't really want to go kill themselves for Allah, but they have been indoctrinated enough to know that somehow the mujahadeen and terrorist organizations are right with their God, so they do nothing.

I pray five times a day which adds up to an hour a day of prayer, I fast ramadan, I read the Qur'an closley and historical books on any gerneration or race. You don't see me doing any of those bad things you stated...
"FALSE! The radical factions are doing exactly what the pedophile prophet (may piss be upon him)"

posted by MRIH,

Try pig piss, I hear they have a real thing about pigs...

I have THE solution to this problem.

We need to have a sit down with each and every Muslim and just ask them, "are you a good muslim or a bad muslim". Then of course they will tell us the unvarnished truth and we can move on...

"We don't want power over anyone we just want to be able to pray, fast, read the Qur'an, be clean, and attend mosques."

posted by Hamza

If thats all you want then go home and go to it. I mean your real home. Not Canada, the UK or the US. I think after what your people have done you have forfeited the right to live among us.

Your ideas of how to treat women for example will not be tolerated here. You will never get us to swallow that. That is only one reason we will never be able to co-exist. Women have certain inalienable rights here, not the least of which is to get their *****
Curt Sibling said:
I don't respect their medieval despotic mutterings.
They can keep their distorted Admiral Ackbar ranting.


Was that a "Star Wars" reference? That's funny! The problem is radical Muslims are nowhere near as honorable as the "Rebel Alliance". The Alliance wouldn't kill innocent people on a street corner with a bomb strapped to a Jaw Wa.:D
ImWithStupid said:
Was that a "Star Wars" reference? That's funny! The problem is radical Muslims are nowhere near as honorable as the "Rebel Alliance". The Alliance wouldn't kill innocent people on a street corner with a bomb strapped to a Jaw Wa.:D


Hey, but they did blow up two space stations with millions of servicemen on board...!

They were servicemen not innocent civilians.

I think I'm gonna turn to the force as my religion. They seem to have this whole only fighting the bad guy thing figured out. I like that better then Islam or Christianity.:rolleyes:
Lethalfind said:
"FALSE! The radical factions are doing exactly what the pedophile prophet (may piss be upon him)"

posted by MRIH,

Try pig piss, I hear they have a real thing about pigs...

I have THE solution to this problem.

We need to have a sit down with each and every Muslim and just ask them, "are you a good muslim or a bad muslim". Then of course they will tell us the unvarnished truth and we can move on...

"We don't want power over anyone we just want to be able to pray, fast, read the Qur'an, be clean, and attend mosques."

posted by Hamza

If thats all you want then go home and go to it. I mean your real home. Not Canada, the UK or the US. I think after what your people have done you have forfeited the right to live among us.

Your ideas of how to treat women for example will not be tolerated here. You will never get us to swallow that. That is only one reason we will never be able to co-exist. Women have certain inalienable rights here, not the least of which is to get their *****

There not my ideas... And there not the Qur'ans... You have clearly been wrongly educated by MRIH...
Hamza123 said:
There not my ideas... And there not the Qur'ans... You have clearly been wrongly educated by MRIH...
They're not my ideas, and they're not the pig-****'s. Everyone clearly needs to be educated by MRIH.

See corrections in bold italics.
MRIH what is it with you? Huh? :rolleyes:

Everytime one Muslim is on the way out the door, another comes in right on schedule for you to play with.

Lucky *******! :p
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You gotta point?

Why, Jenn? If you have any PROOF that is not, then by all means share it. If your oppinion can be backed up with any FACTS then by all means lets hear it. I'm sick and tired of the leftist's regurgitation of "Fox NEWS is Bad" with no examples, no reasoning other than they really are fair and balanced like they claim.

[insert blathering here]

Islam teaches its followers to do certain things, Jenn. Just like Naziism... Do you think Naziism is neither good nor bad because afterall you can't take the tenets of national socialism and physically do harm to someone now , can you? ... Naziism is still evil and so is islam.

Erradicate the religion and you've eradicated the problem... DUH!


"Erradicate the religion and you've eradicated the problem... DUH!"

:rolleyes: Or the idiots that follow it. If Islam was the true problem, almost anyone that followed it would be a terrorist. The people that follow it are the problem. Get rid of them instead :D ( the rate in which their bombing themselves, they might leave us to do very little of the work...).

As for Fox News, I just cannot help but laugh when I watch it. You have to keep in mind that news is very differently done in Canada, so I just don't like it because I'm used to something else, and don't like the way Fox News is done. Simple as that - it doesn't make me an idiot.

As for you keep telling me to use evidence, why should I bother when what I said requires very little evidence? I don't like Fox News because I'm used to something different, and I am amused by the way it's done. And, whether or not you can see it, by getting rid of people, or the religion, the problem would be solved (or do you need evidence of this, too?)