Moses and the Ten Commandments


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Everyone knows that Moses was the leader of his people and that the Lord had instructed him to climb Mount Sinai where he received the ten commandments. Most people believe that the commandments that Moses recited to his people and which are listed in Exodus Chapter 20 are the ten commandments that were written on the stone tablets that Moses broke but this is not so. These commandments were never written by the Lord or inscribed on stone tablets as is commonly thought. The Lord spoke these commandments to Moses who then recited them to his people.
It was at a later time when he had ascended Mout Sinai that the Lord gave Moses two tablets of stone on which the Lord had written the ten commandments by hand (Exod 31-18). Even though God had told him before descending the mountain that his people were worshiping a golden calf (Exod.32;7-8), when he actually saw them he purposely destroyed the most sacred and precious things ever given to mankind before anyone else had a chance to see them. We know exactly what was written on the first set of tablets because in Exodus 34:1 the Lord said to Moses, "Cut two tables of stone like the first; and I will write upon the tables the words that were on the first tables, which you broke". Thus it was that the second set of tablets contained exactly the same words as the first set of tablets. These tablets were then placed in the Ark of the Covenant for safe keeping. Since Moses did not recite the commandments that were written on the first or second set of tablets, the people continued to believe that the commandments that he had recited originally were the ten commandments. To this day, most people do not realize that the commandments in Exodus Chapter 20 were never written on the stone tablets but were only recited by Moses. God's ten commandments, as written on both the first and second sets of tablets, can be found in Exodus Chapter 34.

These are not the Commandments that were written
on the stone tablets that Moses broke.

  1. [ ]You shall have no other gods before Me.
    [ ]You shall not make for yourself any graven image.
    [ ]You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
    [ ]Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy.
    [ ]Honor your mother and father.
    [ ]You shall not kill.
    [ ]You shall not commit adultery.
    [ ]You shall not steal.
    [ ]You shall not bear false witness.
    [ ]You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
These are God's real 10 commandments.
They are the only ones that were
placed in the Ark of the Covenant.

  1. [ ]You shall have no other gods before Me.
    [ ]You shall make for yourself no molten gods.
    [ ]You shall keep the feast of unleaven bread.
    [ ]You shall work for six days but on the seventh day you shall rest.
    [ ]You shall observe the feast of weeks.
    [ ]Three times a year you shall bring all your male children before the Lord.
    [ ]You shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven.
    [ ]Neither shall the feast of the Passover be left until the morning.
    [ ]The first of the first fruits of your land shall be brought unto the house of the Lord your God.
    [ ]You shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk.
The Lord felt his tenth commandment so important that beside being one of the ten commandments
in Exodus 34:26, it is also mentioned in Exodus 23:19 and in Deuteronomy 14:21

You may consult the BIBLE for reference.
These are not the Commandments that were written
on the stone tablets that Moses broke.

  1. [ ]You shall have no other gods before Me. <-- If there is only one god, what choice do we have?!
    [ ]You shall not make for yourself any graven image.
    [ ]You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. He never gives his name... he simply refers to himslef as 'I am that I am', or Jehova...
    [ ]Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy. <-- LOL... that was Enki! LOL
    [ ]Honor your mother and father. <--Ommited to make room for 'feast of weeks'
    [ ]You shall not kill.
    [ ]You shall not commit adultery.
    [ ]You shall not steal.
    [ ]You shall not bear false witness.
    [ ]You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Last five Changed from original 'slightly less humanist' commandments to 'slightly more Jehova centrist' commandments.... funny, even Moses new Jehova was a spoiled kid!

These are God's real 10 commandments.
They are the only ones that were
placed in the Ark of the Covenant.

  1. [ ]You shall have no other gods before Me. <-- again, Choice? Did the bible miss something?
    [ ]You shall make for yourself no molten gods. <-- "Golden Calf"
    [ ]You shall keep the feast of unleaven bread. <-- My uncle is jewish and there fore a hebrew expert, and he calls this Jew-Crackers! Henceforth, we will call these Jew-Crackers!
    [ ]You shall work for six days but on the seventh day you shall rest. <-- This is only 1 example of many when Jehova takes credit for the doings of others... Caveat Emptor!
    [ ]You shall observe the feast of weeks. <-- Apparently, feasting is more important than listening to Mum and Dad...
    [ ]Three times a year you shall bring all your male children before the Lord. <-- What?! We can kill? And what's with the male thing? Is he gonna kill them? Eat them? Ist he GAY?! Vorty, a little help please...
    [ ]You shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven. <-- Well, that pretty much makes ALL christians who serve wine with the host sinners, doesn't it.
    [ ]Neither shall the feast of the Passover be left until the morning. <-- And Cheat too?!
    [ ]The first of the first fruits of your land shall be brought unto the house of the Lord your God. <-- You can steal, but you have to pay taxes on it! To what do I owe this visit Don Jehova?
    [ ]You shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk. <-- Just sick! SICK I TELL YA ! Just Joking, it means you should not damn a child for his/her parents transgretions...
The Lord felt his tenth commandment so important that beside being one of the ten commandments
in Exodus 34:26, it is also mentioned in Exodus 23:19 and in Deuteronomy 14:21

You may consult the BIBLE for reference.

The only one of the God's commandments that seem to be any sort of moral help to man is the tenth one! God was SO proud of this particular one, that he mentioned it 3 times! Not a very good track record... Would you vote a man in office that was only moral 10% of the time?! The other nine are just rules! I was under the impression that God was a benevolent being, not a dictator!

SATAN, being instated as an archangel, Satan made himself multifariously objectionable and was finally expelled from Heaven. Halfway in his descent he paused, bent his head in thought a moment and at last went back. "There is one favor that I should like to ask," said he.
"Name it."
"Man, I understand, is about to be created. He will need laws."
"What, wretch! you his appointed adversary, charged from the dawn of eternity with hatred of his soul --you ask for the right to make his laws?"
"Pardon; what I have to ask is that he be permitted to make them himself."

You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. He never gives his name... he simply refers to himslef as 'I am that I am', or Jehova...

Lol,I agree.I've said it before.How can christians claim that Jesus is God even though he doesn't refer himself as God in the bible?
If you believe in the bible,shouldn't you pray to IAM? :confused:
In my bible group we discussed the "no other gods before me" and we came to the conclusion that other gods would be such things as money, gold, earthly posessions viewed AS gods. And even people sometimes, such as great prophets or leaders were revered as gods. I think that what was meant was that God should be FIRST in one's life, before any other temporal thing.

The name of the Lord in vain is different than what you think. It means to use His name without proper respect or meaning, His name being God, the Lord, Christ, however you'd like to put it. So when someone says "Oh my God..." that is considered as taking the Lord's name in vain.

oh. I just.. read the rest of that post. And... yeah, it wasn't serious. Ok. Well, just for the hell of it, I'm going to keep my response. It's probably good to show others my ignorance, so they don't expect more from me. It's like in school when you purposefully write your first paper terrible, so each one afterwards is a "huge improvement."
Lol,I agree.I've said it before.How can christians claim that Jesus is God even though he doesn't refer himself as God in the bible?
If you believe in the bible,shouldn't you pray to IAM? :confused:
I wouldn't laugh... you pray to the same knuckle head
Actually, I was quite serious.... most of the time... I like to have fun with this ****... people are so uptight...

In my bible group we discussed the "no other gods before me" and we came to the conclusion that other gods would be such things as money, gold, earthly posessions viewed AS gods. And even people sometimes, such as great prophets or leaders were revered as gods. I think that what was meant was that God should be FIRST in one's life, before any other temporal thing.

No other gods before me is exactly what it says... no OTHER gods... not money or any of those material things... That's what the golden calf line is about.... Don't pray to a golden calf as if it were god... That same mentality is transposed to money, sex, love (unless by him) and other things....

The name of the Lord in vain is different than what you think. It means to use His name without proper respect or meaning, His name being God, the Lord, Christ, however you'd like to put it. So when someone says "Oh my God..." that is considered as taking the Lord's name in vain.

Don't take the lords name in vain is essentially "don't claim to have done stuff I did"... Vanity is self love... So don't Love yourself so much that you start to think you're in control...
THAT'S HIM! THAT'S THE GUY! Always giving orders!

Enki would have asked you to pray... If you found the time... Humans are busy and all, only living 90 or so years....
fullauto said:
THAT'S HIM! THAT'S THE GUY! Always giving orders!

Enki would have asked you to pray... If you found the time... Humans are busy and all, only living 90 or so years....

Really I'm tempted to join you in worship of a wimp.
Oh please pray tsk
Fullauto, I have a question about satanism.
On another forum I used to frequent (until the prissy mods made life living hell) there was someone who claimed that Satanism is one of the oldest religions around (older than Christianity).
I am assuming 'Satan' is the same as the Satan in the Bible. And if it is, how can it be older than Christianity if Satan was a Christian creation? (in my view)
How long has it actually been around, and is my assumption about Satan correct? Just looking for a better understanding because I am honestly quite confused.
I worship one thing and one thing only...MYSELF. I control my fate, I control my destiny, and I make things happen. I only need faith in MYSELF to get me through life and only I shall bring myself down.
angie said:
Fullauto, I have a question about satanism.
On another forum I used to frequent (until the prissy mods made life living hell) there was someone who claimed that Satanism is one of the oldest religions around (older than Christianity).
I am assuming 'Satan' is the same as the Satan in the Bible. And if it is, how can it be older than Christianity if Satan was a Christian creation? (in my view)
How long has it actually been around, and is my assumption about Satan correct? Just looking for a better understanding because I am honestly quite confused.

First off, you have to understand that Satan is only an archetype... There has never been, and will never be a big red demon that dwells in the center of the earth and spends his time preying on the souls of humans... And anyone that tells you otherwise, is seriously overestimating thier own religious education...

There are MANY versions of satanism, Most of them are nothing more than a way for kids and social rejects to rebel against 'an oppressive society'... Filled with losers in dark cloths, and rarely sent any members to any field of importance or position of any prominence... like most things in life, something's anticedent often becomes exactly like it in its pursuit to be nothing like it... Life is funny that way!

That said... Let me breeze over a few version to give you a pepsi-challenge of some of the different versions...

Church of Satan - Based around a book (The Satanic Bible), written by Anton Levay... Mildly entertaining... miles off the truth, and has since been exposed as a money scheme... BUT YET PEOPLE STILL DONT GET IT! LOL.... humans are so funny... Many of these followers are the dark clothing people... you can pick them out in highschool by thier marose look and glass is half-empty attitude... avoid them... They are searching for something...

Temple of Set - Set, A ruler of upper Egypt and also the Brother to Osirus, then ruler of lower Egypt... The two wer friends for a while, then Set gets his evil on one day, and kills Osirus (Most likely over a woman... they are evil you know)... Osirus's wife Isis aka Ishtar, finds his body, removes some 'seed' from him and implants herslef with the seed of her late husband... 10 months (notice the time) later, out comes Horus... EMACULATELY... Incidentally, his whole name was 'Horus of the Christ', but I think that may be a bit off topic...

Horus, tries to kill Set for his late father, but loses an eye trying... eventually, he does kill him, and happy times were had!

Side Note - Enki = P'tah; Marduke (son of Enki) = Ra; Nabak (son of Marduke) = Osirus; Horus (son of Osirus and Isis/Ishtar) = The Christ.... Don't get your panties in a bind... The Christ simply means 'enlightened' or 'of the 13th Chakrah'... Jesus was no way NEAR the first person to get this monacher...

Basically, the Temple of set are a bunch of people who ACTUALLY believ that being EVIL is right... really evil... watch these people... they are weirder than I am.... Very, Very old religion though... and yes, it predates Christianity, as do most religions...

I am what people have coined, a 'Historical satanist'... I have search for a number of years through history, and occult books in a search for the answer to who WAS god, and found that the answers that ARE out there, were deffinatley NOT the ones I expected to find...

My View on Satan is a pragmatic one...

Let me finally answer your question, and then if you have any others, feel free to ask...

HISTORICAL Satanism is the OLDEST religion on earth... It is that way for several reasons, some of which I will tell you know, but I don't have any where near enough time to get into at the moment...

The First "God" to land on earth was name Alalu... He was what the Sumerians (very suspiciously, the first civilisation of man that popped out of nowhere) called the "anunnaki"... Let's just leave it at he was not liked much by the other 'gods' when he arrived for one reason or another... But, in an attempt to salvage what little respect he had with his people, he called what most would call heaven, and told them that they must check out Earth (then called the 10th planet as seen from outside our solar system). He had found an abundance of gold, which they need back at heavan... ever wonder why humans covet such a useless molecule such as gold... we were tought to!

The First of these Anunnaki of any standing to set foot on Earth was (Enki)... He came and saw, and established the first city named Eridu... Later, His younger brother, the heir to their fathers thrown, came and basically took everything over relegating Enki to operationaly duty in south east Africa, where both versions of man were produced...

Anyway... This could spiral out of control and I'm sure none of you have the slightest interst in Sumerian Creation Myth... But basically

Enlil = God = Spoiled rotten kid, who want man as slaves... "Don't eat from the tree of knowlege!"

Enki = Archetype of Satan, as well as are all of his offspring, anyone of who could be called Satanic based on thier bloodlines.... Made man, both versions... Snake in the Garden that showed Eve how to 'reproduce' and told her it was Ok to eat from the tree of knowlege... Many, MANY other things have been done by historical enki, but have been claimed through the bible and such to have been done by god...

Enki (Satan), was the first one of the gods to be on earth, and also the one who bestowed 'kingship' on to man... There fore he was the first to have followers... and thus the first religion...:eek:
Thanks, Fullauto.
I think I was confused about the different 'branches' of Satanism. That explanation cleared alot of things up. So Anton is full of **** huh? LOL. Aren't most religious wingnuts?
I have no problem believing that Christianity isn't the oldest religion, by far. I consider Christianity the downfall of world religions.
So is the Satan the Bible speaks of simply an (un)glorified version of your Satan to make God look like a good guy? I know there was alot of Pagan bashing back in the olden days to scare people into buying the Christian propeganda (not referring your religion persay as pagan, but most old religions are considered such.)
phreakwars said:
Everyone knows that Moses was the leader of his people and that the Lord had instructed him to climb Mount Sinai where he received the ten commandments. Most people believe that the commandments that Moses recited to his people and which are listed in Exodus Chapter 20 are the ten commandments that were written on the stone tablets that Moses broke but this is not so. These commandments were never written by the Lord or inscribed on stone tablets as is commonly thought. The Lord spoke these commandments to Moses who then recited them to his people.
It was at a later time when he had ascended Mout Sinai that the Lord gave Moses two tablets of stone on which the Lord had written the ten commandments by hand (Exod 31-18). Even though God had told him before descending the mountain that his people were worshiping a golden calf (Exod.32;7-8), when he actually saw them he purposely destroyed the most sacred and precious things ever given to mankind before anyone else had a chance to see them. We know exactly what was written on the first set of tablets because in Exodus 34:1 the Lord said to Moses, "Cut two tables of stone like the first; and I will write upon the tables the words that were on the first tables, which you broke". Thus it was that the second set of tablets contained exactly the same words as the first set of tablets. These tablets were then placed in the Ark of the Covenant for safe keeping. Since Moses did not recite the commandments that were written on the first or second set of tablets, the people continued to believe that the commandments that he had recited originally were the ten commandments. To this day, most people do not realize that the commandments in Exodus Chapter 20 were never written on the stone tablets but were only recited by Moses. God's ten commandments, as written on both the first and second sets of tablets, can be found in Exodus Chapter 34.

These are not the Commandments that were written
on the stone tablets that Moses broke.

  1. [ ]You shall have no other gods before Me.
    [ ]You shall not make for yourself any graven image.
    [ ]You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
    [ ]Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy.
    [ ]Honor your mother and father.
    [ ]You shall not kill.
    [ ]You shall not commit adultery.
    [ ]You shall not steal.
    [ ]You shall not bear false witness.
    [ ]You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
These are God's real 10 commandments.
They are the only ones that were
placed in the Ark of the Covenant.

  1. [ ]You shall have no other gods before Me.
    [ ]You shall make for yourself no molten gods.
    [ ]You shall keep the feast of unleaven bread.
    [ ]You shall work for six days but on the seventh day you shall rest.
    [ ]You shall observe the feast of weeks.
    [ ]Three times a year you shall bring all your male children before the Lord.
    [ ]You shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven.
    [ ]Neither shall the feast of the Passover be left until the morning.
    [ ]The first of the first fruits of your land shall be brought unto the house of the Lord your God.
    [ ]You shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk.
The Lord felt his tenth commandment so important that beside being one of the ten commandments
in Exodus 34:26, it is also mentioned in Exodus 23:19 and in Deuteronomy 14:21

You may consult the BIBLE for reference.
. for your pimpslap. You should know better than this buddy.
Fullauto, I just gained a whole new respect for you. Wow. That was really, truly interesting, and I'd love to hear more (at the appropriate premise). I'll have to do a little reading up for myself on the subject. I love ancient (earlier than Greek) mythology. Truly great stuff.

Anyways, getting on to modern religion--
I won't start a debate on the Commandments--
1) God called us to be Christlike. That's it. No grey areas.
2) God doesn't need us to defend him. He doesn't get offended by petty unbeliever arguments. I've decided that I won't try that anymore. I could back up everything with some explanation, "concrete" or not, but I won't.
"Commandment #6" Killing isn't a sin. Really. I expect outrage for this, too bad.
"Commandment #3" Taking his name in vain is something that brings me back to my earlier comment- God doesn't need us to back him up, and likewise, taking his name in vain is trivial.
There's my farthing.
phreakwars said:
Kinda hard for me to feel pimp slapped when your "REBUTAL" as it were comes from a .ORG site, and my arguement comes from what is written in the VATICAN version of the bible.

Quit trying to duck the blow.

You read what was in the Bible (good). You ran across something that seemed to have a question attached (good).

But instead of asking "is there an explanation for this" and researching it to find out, you ran off half ****ed screaming about how you found an EEK error in the BIBLE!! You failed to do your homework.

Well, the link is to an article by someone who DID do the homework. By studying Semitic literature practices and customs, we see the "contradiction" isn't there, because the differences are accounted for by the customs of the people who wrote the book.

Remember, the Bible wasn't written yesterday. This is a culture separated from us by 3500 years. If you do not take that into account, it GUARENTEES you will come up with a faulty interpretation.

(Now if I can only get some of my fellow believers to understand this, my life's work will be fulfilled.)