Most Bizarest Couple V2.0


New member
Hmm, Shanni and Sygy...

Stenners and Diana...

Cyro and anyone (especially Mark)...

Azem and Victim...



New member
Usiel and Azem xD

foxxy and azem!!!

Azem and Victim...

Josh and Stenners... AND Azem.

Fri and Azem
Oh, ***... I know it, I know it... and I know one more time this isnt my business but, Azem, what did you do?? What's going in you?? :confused: I think you cannot say too much you're an expert in couples, dear!! But dont worry, dont believe them, you see "Behind your lies" has confused their minds a little bit :p ; dont believe Jo (she's a bad girl... worse than me, btw;) ) you know that, in spite of that lovely chat and ironic we had and which I enjoyed too much (as a kid with a sweet), in spite of everything, you know I love you!! :D

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