Mp3 Player


New member
I've got MuVo, by Creative, 1 GB. It's pretty nifty, the only thing I don't really like about it is that it's white, but it works very well, and bottomline that's all that matters :p


New member
I have a 30GB Black Video iPod. I love it. I wish the battery life was longer, and that videos didn't kill the battery so much. I don't necessarily like the chrome back that iPods have always had, because they show fingerprints and scratches so ******* much, but I keep mine in a case so it's all good. I've had it for about 10 months now, and the only scratches on it are on the back from when I dock it into my iHome. I love my iHome. Wakes me up for school every morning. Well, I don't love that part about it but it's awesome that it can use your iPod as an alarm clock. And the sound quality if ******* AMAZING even from the two little speakers it has. ANYWAY, the next thing I might get could be a Zune, but it's doubtful since I have SO MANY iPod accessories. Hopefully Apple will take a hint from Zune and make the screen a **** of a lot bigger, and the click wheel smaller. And the wireless sharing thing Zunes have is awesome. I want iPod to have that too. I don't want touch screen though. That'll **** me off. They should just take the size of the iPod video now, and make the screen take up most of the front of it, make a smaller click wheel, and offer it in the aluminum cases with different colors like they did with the newer nano. That'd be badass. haha I'm done ranting now.


New member
I have 30GB Black Ipod video now, rather this is the 2nd one, this was a free replacment after my first one died in 5 days!
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