MSN Messenger Conversation Monitors! O_O


New member
Of course they will........ The internet is a network just a very big one, a network is like the internet but smaller so the percautions taken have the be the same, unless you set up your firewalls to allow their IP's and even if something was broadcasting without your permission wheter or not your parents are allowed access the Firewall should still stop it.


New member

you worry entirely too much.

loosen up about it.

a 14 year old couldn't possibly be talking about anything other than what the latest break up is.

and if you're a guy (which i think you are) then the worst thing could be talking about getting naked and masturbating to the image of some hott girl at your school.

which i think every 14 year old guy does.

so who cares?

does anyone know about AIM convos? if you dont save them, is there like a hidden place where they're stored?

i dont think my parents would "spy" on what i do. and if they do, i couldn't give a ****.


DJ BloodFrost

New member
does anyone know about AIM convos? if you dont save them' date=' is there like a hidden place where they're stored?[/quote']
By default AOL Instant Messenger does not log conversations. I believe you can set it up so AIM auto-logs everything, but I'm not sure. I use Trillian for IMing, which does log everything by default (I think).
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