msn virus


New member
grr... theres so many weird msn viruses these days... this girl i have on my contact list kept sending me something where you accept and it downloads on your computer. it said like, "Jennifer Lopez" or "*** in a Bottle" or something like that *****. I fell for it. I had a virus blocker thing though. I blocked her but she still kept sending the virus to me!!!


New member

I think, cuz i clicked it*stupid me* and it saved itself on my computer, and now,everytime i start my computer, this thingy pops up and it says,you must have your disc checked,or something.



New member
OMG,I GOT THAT!!!I think, cuz i clicked it*stupid me* and it saved itself on my computer, and now,everytime i start my computer, this thingy pops up and it says,you must have your disc checked,or something. better run Norton Anti-Virus 2005 if you have it. Try to delete it.


Suicide King

New member
Ugh, it bothers me how people can be so irresponsible when using their computers. Remember, NEVER CLICK LINKS FROM PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW! Much less if the file extension is .exe :roll:


New member
Ugh' date=' it bothers me how people can be so irresponsible when using their computers. Remember, NEVER CLICK LINKS FROM PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW! Much less if the file extension is .exe :roll:[/quote']
virus sends it to people on the msn contact list that is logged on on an infected computer. so the person sending wouldn't know they were sending, and the person receiving would know the sender (in a way)

Useful bit of knowledge:

it just takes common sense, and basic knowledge of file extensions. virus' can only be injected from files that are like *.exe and *.bat those are the only two that i know of. if someone says it's a picture, and it's .exe use common sense lol. .exe stands for executable, meaning it starts it and voila, you're ******. .bat is microsoft batch file, these are files that are highly at risk of infection.


New member
i finally figured out how to delete it.

you have to find the file and it wouldn't let me put it in the recycle bin, so I put it on the desktop and restarted the computer in safe mode. Then, I set the computer to restart at an earlier time of day and I was able to delete it then.

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