MTM's Album Cover REVEALED !!


New member
Yes, this reminds a bit of the South Park episode where Cartman starts a Christian band and they had a similar cover of the album just like this one. Only with Cartman, Butters and Token on the cover.


New member

Here you go.



New member
That episode was what first popped into my head when I saw this
SAME! *****...

Well... It works... I want to know why they chose it though. :confused:

@Salmanlp, do you have the old pic that was on the splash where it was their heads but fuzzy? I never got a change to rip that.



New member
I guess it looks, well, i dunno. Not thaat great, but sure, it's not bad either. I'm waiting for the music :) I think the best ones who came out in that silhouette-ish thing was Joe and Brad lol


New member
kewl...only....its different this time.....

i feel everything's different...they're really exploring things

the cover looks more mature



New member
i would really like them to release like a special edition cover, with some funky artwork on it that the band has painted and whatnot

Not just a white background with a black blended silhouette pic that looks like they photo-shopped it in 3 mins.....not 17 frigging' months...



New member
i reckon it looks quite cool, its certainly a move away from the spray painting and such...but i reckon its quite good...although it looks like brad shoulda moved a lil to his right =P theres a major gap between him and joe...compared to everyone else anyways lol
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