Muslims in control of ports

Lethalfind said:
If Bush told you to jump off a cliff you would do it for your Republican party, your so blind you can't see whats wrong because all you see is the party line...and I'm the idiot...right.

Yep, you are a total idiot. I ain't no socialist Republican.
hugo said:
Yep, you are a total idiot. I ain't no socialist Republican.

Do me a favor you stupid **** go out in public, a really BIG crowd and shout "I love Muslims, I want them to take charge of our ports"
I'm sure we'll read about it in the papers about how an idiot was trampled to
What a loose to humanity it would be as well...
This is from the alt.politics forum.

CNN's Lou Dobbs on Bush Family Dealings with UAE;

President Bush's family and members of the Bush
administration have long-standing business
connections with the United Arab Emirates,
and those connections are raising new concerns
and questions tonight in some quarters about why
the president is defying his very own party leadership and his party in defending the Dubai port deal.

"The oil-rich United Arab Emirates is a major investor in The Carlyle Group, the private equity investment firm where President Bush's father once served as senior adviser and is a who's who of former high-level government officials.

Just last year, Dubai International Capital,
a government-backed buyout firm, invested in an
$8 billion Carlyle fund.

Another family connection, the president's brother,
Neil Bush, has reportedly received funding for his
educational software company from the UAE investors. A call to his company was not returned.

Then there is the cabinet connection. Treasury Secretary John Snow was chairman of railroad company CSX.

After he left the company for the White House,
CSX sold its international port operations to
Dubai Ports World for more than a billion dollars.

Another administration connection, President Bush
chose a Dubai Ports World executive to head the
U.S. Maritime Administration. David Sanborn,
the former director of Dubai Ports' European and
Latin American operations, he was tapped just
last month to lead the agency that oversees
U.S. port operations."

After testy Senate Armed Forces Committee briefings today with a Treasury Department underling and the press, on the deal to cede US port control to the United Arab Emirates, C-SPAN hosted a call-in program for Americans to comment on the briefings.

As is normal for C-SPAN call-in programs,
separate phone numbers were provided for Republicans, Democrats and Independents. I was astonished during the 30 minutes I listened to the callers....

About 80% were Republicans, and every last one of
them was fighting angry at the Bush Admnistration.
One Republican senior threatened to switch to the
Democratic Party for the first time in his life.
Another conservative shouted that the Bush family
cares only about money, and not national security.
Every single caller, regardless of partisan affiliation,
expressed fury at the deal and at George Bush.
Many were livid with all Republicans..

Halliburton Business in Iran - Global Overview

Principal activity in Iran occurs through the operations of
Halliburton Products & Services, Limited, a Cayman Islands
company, headquartered in Dubai, U.A.E.

Carlyle, KKR buyout funds secure Dubai's support

United Arab Emirates donated at least $1 million to Bush library
builder said:
This is from the alt.politics forum.

CNN's Lou Dobbs on Bush Family Dealings with UAE;

President Bush's family and members of the Bush
administration have long-standing business
connections with the United Arab Emirates,
and those connections are raising new concerns
and questions tonight in some quarters about why
the president is defying his very own party leadership and his party in defending the Dubai port deal.

"The oil-rich United Arab Emirates is a major investor in The Carlyle Group, the private equity investment firm where President Bush's father once served as senior adviser and is a who's who of former high-level government officials.

Just last year, Dubai International Capital,
a government-backed buyout firm, invested in an
$8 billion Carlyle fund.

Another family connection, the president's brother,
Neil Bush, has reportedly received funding for his
educational software company from the UAE investors. A call to his company was not returned.

Then there is the cabinet connection. Treasury Secretary John Snow was chairman of railroad company CSX.

After he left the company for the White House,
CSX sold its international port operations to
Dubai Ports World for more than a billion dollars.

Another administration connection, President Bush
chose a Dubai Ports World executive to head the
U.S. Maritime Administration. David Sanborn,
the former director of Dubai Ports' European and
Latin American operations, he was tapped just
last month to lead the agency that oversees
U.S. port operations."

After testy Senate Armed Forces Committee briefings today with a Treasury Department underling and the press, on the deal to cede US port control to the United Arab Emirates, C-SPAN hosted a call-in program for Americans to comment on the briefings.

As is normal for C-SPAN call-in programs,
separate phone numbers were provided for Republicans, Democrats and Independents. I was astonished during the 30 minutes I listened to the callers....

About 80% were Republicans, and every last one of
them was fighting angry at the Bush Admnistration.
One Republican senior threatened to switch to the
Democratic Party for the first time in his life.
Another conservative shouted that the Bush family
cares only about money, and not national security.
Every single caller, regardless of partisan affiliation,
expressed fury at the deal and at George Bush.
Many were livid with all Republicans..

Halliburton Business in Iran - Global Overview

Principal activity in Iran occurs through the operations of
Halliburton Products & Services, Limited, a Cayman Islands
company, headquartered in Dubai, U.A.E.

Carlyle, KKR buyout funds secure Dubai's support

United Arab Emirates donated at least $1 million to Bush library

Just goes to show most members of the two major parties are idiots. I've been working for a Jap owned company for 6 months...ain't seen a Jap yet.

Let's see what Jimmy Carter has to say:

But he got a boost Monday from an unlikely source, frequent critic and former president Jimmy Carter, who downplayed fears that the deal poses a risk.
''The overall threat to the United States and security, I don't think it exists,'' Carter said on CNN's The Situation Room. ``I'm sure the president's done a good job with his subordinates to make sure this is not a threat.''

There ain't no threat. Even someone as dumb as Jimmy Carter can see that.
tizz said:
And Jimmy is what, 150 years old now? No, he couldn't be suffering from senility

Dumbo, I mean tizz, speaks. I imagine the longshoreman will still be runnin' the docks regardless of the boss's nationality.

Lethalfind said:
Do me a favor you stupid **** go out in public, a really BIG crowd and shout "I love Muslims, I want them to take charge of our ports"
I'm sure we'll read about it in the papers about how an idiot was trampled to
What a loose to humanity it would be as well...

You are a stupid moron. The longshoreman will continue to run the ports. I am betting you, unlike myself, have zero experience at ports. Anyone who thinks being a single mother is a badge of honor pretty much is devoid of rational thought.

Maybe in your crowd people resort to violence. Not in mine.
Well then how come the long shore men are part of the protests over the sale at the eastern ports?
GF Admin said:
Come on Shessssss…

Bush could not win for losing on this topic. If he had vetoed the deal they would have bashed him even more, called him a bigger racist and Bigot and slandered him worse the arrogant and fascist etc….

He supports the deal he gets bashed – He doesn’t support the deal he gets trashed

I think for once he showed some intelligence and is going to let the general masses (republicans, Democrats, Citizens) cancel the deal while he supports it the whole time. And when that happens, it will be the turning point; the masses will have spoken (for the moment)

Caesar doesn’t rule Rome; The Mob rules Rome, Caesar will always have to give way or be swept aside

It’s political correctness gone arye again. He had to or like NazzNeg said he would’ve been slammed if he didn’t. President Bush can just sit back now and let the people shoot it down while he looks like the good ol’ kiss ass that the democrats wanted in office to begin with.
We can still keep an eye on the ports. And the people running them. I really don’t see the problem. Are they going to get rid of the longshoremen as someone else stated? And then higher only Muslims? That can't happen in our politically correct country now could it? :rolleyes: What are they going to do with the ports? If the owners become linked with any terrorists we simply take them back. ;)
hugo said:
You are a stupid moron. The longshoreman will continue to run the ports. I am betting you, unlike myself, have zero experience at ports. Anyone who thinks being a single mother is a badge of honor pretty much is devoid of rational thought.

Maybe in your crowd people resort to violence. Not in mine.

LOL, you once again have shown what an idiot you are. Look outside of your little cave and see whats really going on before you show your ass.

My comment about being a single Mother was in response to a thread on this sight and YES it is a badge of honor. I didn't choose that for myself and my child it was chosen for us by her oh so respectable Catholic Father when he couldn't force me into an abortion...but you can be damn sure my daughter comes first in my life.
Lethalfind said:
LOL, you once again have shown what an idiot you are. Look outside of your little cave and see whats really going on before you show your ass.

My comment about being a single Mother was in response to a thread on this sight and YES it is a badge of honor. I didn't choose that for myself and my child it was chosen for us by her oh so respectable Catholic Father when he couldn't force me into an abortion...but you can be damn sure my daughter comes first in my life. one respectable would stick his dick in you. Single mother is a badge of shame.
hugo said: one respectable would stick his dick in you. Single mother is a badge of shame.

I still don't get your reasoning, in order to save ourselves should women never have sex?? Should we have abortions or give the child away if the Father leaves?
Tell me oh great one how a woman can avoid becoming a single Mother if the Father decides to make her one...
Your a sorry piece of ****, I have to wonder if your Mom wasn't some kind of street walking whore and a single Mother when one of her Johns knocked her up, therefore giving you an irrational hate of all single Mothers.
Lethalfind said:
I still don't get your reasoning, in order to save ourselves should women never have sex?? Should we have abortions or give the child away if the Father leaves?
Tell me oh great one how a woman can avoid becoming a single Mother if the Father decides to make her one...
Your a sorry piece of ****, I have to wonder if your Mom wasn't some kind of street walking whore and a single Mother when one of her Johns knocked her up, therefore giving you an irrational hate of all single Mothers.

Only trash people attack other peoples mothers.
A large portion of the mothers in scotland are single mothers.
Most seem to get little or no support and still seem to raise their kids right.

So i would say that being a single mother is a badge of honour if you contribute to society.