Muslims praying 5 times a day? What's with that?


New member
Muslims out there - please explain. Perhaps I am not fully informed. What I have read and heard is that you have to pray five times a day. Is that true? What the heck, is 'your' *** hard of hearing or what? Does this make sense to you - REALLY? If this is true what in your "Qu'ran" says that this is the way? Please quote the exact passage or whatever that says this must be done. It seems so ridiculous to me :confused: . Help me understand.


New member
Salaam Tracker

Salah:prayer, worship of Allah. Muslims must perform salah 5 times a day. Before Salah, Muslims prepare themselves by performing Wudu (Ablution) which involves cleaning the hands, face, arms, head and feet

here is a good link!

Allah has ordered the Muslims to pray the five daily prayers (salat). It is something obligatory for every Muslim male and female. There are many virtues and benefits of the prayers.

Among these benefits is that the prayer is obedience to Allah. When a Muslim obeys Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), Allah in turn shows mercy to that person. In the Qur'an, Allaah says:

"And obey All



New member
Allah has ordered the Muslims to pray the five daily prayers (salat).

Now not to belittle you...but a religion that "orders" you to do something, no matter how mundane, seems a bit extreme! doesnt it?



New member
Now not to belittle you...but a religion that "orders" you to do something, no matter how mundane, seems a bit extreme! doesnt it?
No, not at all.

The five prayers:

Fajr (2 raka-a)

Thuhur (4)

Asr (4)

Magrhib (3)

I'isha (4)

2 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 4 = 17. It takes about 100 seconds per raka-a (I guess you could call it a "round."), so less than 30 minutes a day praying.

Besides, by sunnah, we do six (one before going to sleep after I'isha.) There are also sunnahs after the prayers, which would bring it up to 1 hour total. Still not "extreme." Your worshipping ***, for heavens sake, how could you worship him too much?

The reasoning behind five prayers a day? Well, it keeps the weak believers out, because only a strong believer would set aside 30 - 60 minutes of their day for prayers, two hours on Fridays.



New member
Salah(prayer) is the 2nd and most important pillar of Islam. The second you say the 1st Kalima(there is no *** but Allah), salah is mandatory on every Muslim. There are no excuses, not even when you are ill, on a journey or even in war.

Allah (s.w.t.) has said in the Holy Qur


Kryptonite Man

New member
AIG: Let me put it this way: When you locked horns with Hugh, you got OWNED!!!! Put another way, you were Alderaan and Hugh was THE DEATH STAR!!!! :D :D
It seems that this *** likes to punish people left right and center.

And praying gets you away from from evil? I KNOW HOW THAT WORKS! People are too busy praying to do anything worthwhile, and according to 100% of all religions worthwhile always = evil.

This guy must be some kind of egomanic for him to want people to pray to him five times a day just because he created them. I DONT SEE FARMERS DEMANDING THAT THEIR CROPS PRAY TO THEM BECAUSE THEY GREW THEM



New member
Besides, by sunnah, we do six (one before going to sleep after I'isha.) There are also sunnahs after the prayers, which would bring it up to 1 hour total. Still not "extreme." Your worshipping ***, for heavens sake, how could you worship him too much?
I guess when a *** has automatically cast you down you may think these its a concept ill never grasp. But if you truely do that then i guess good for you!...I just cant fathom it and woulda been cast out because to me its a big waste of time (key words to me).

Sides i woulda been cast out long before i wouldnt do that much praying, obviously!



New member
See you'll never understand.We should be grateful for everything we have.

And I don't think farmers would demand crops to pray to them,if they do that then they have serious phsycological issues.This was a bad example,we ain't the same as plants.We have the ability to think and do actions,and we were lucky to be created.If *** gives us everything we have,then why's taking 30 minutes of your time each day to thank Him such a bad thing?



New member
Wow, this is really interesting....................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :rolleyes:
Not to mention kind of a lame post. So Muslims pray 5 times a day...big deal... anybody offended ?? Is there any reason they SHOULDN'T ?? I think it has been answered already WHY they do it, I guess my next question would be... Why question it ??.




New member
See you'll never understand.We should be grateful for everything we have.
yea man,greatful, for all the good things.......

Global warming, the mafia, street gangs, handguns,child molestors, corperate greed, dubya, polloution, britney spears, heroin, suicide bombers, people who dress their kids like whores, nukes, corruption, murder, torture, getting your **** caught in your zipper, 13 year old mothers, salad forks, the NRA, Karl Rove, war, nazis, meth, jim jones, jimmy swagart, wako, sept 11, the IrA, london bombings, spain, egypt, IRAQ, vietnam, korea. and on, and on........

yea,*** bless us, everyone.



New member
Salaam Tracker

Allah's mercy is something we are all in need of because it is the only way we will be saved from His punishment.
Oh my goodness! Is your *** so mean that he will 'punish' you if you do not pray? What planet is he from. Sorry, but I don't get it! *** is great, *** is all forgiving. As long as we (all of us) live our lives to be the best we can be - why on earth would your *** PUNISH you simply because you do not pray 5 times a day. Does he not recognize all the rest of your being? All the good you do? All he cares about is being worshipped? Sounds ridiculous to me. How can it not sound ridiculous to you? :mad:

why question it? because it makes these people look so obsessive it's scary. And it makes one wonder why these people tend to become extremist. Obsession can do that...


New member
why question it? because it makes these people look so obsessive it's scary. And it makes one wonder why these people tend to become extremist. Obsession can do that...
What?don't be stupid.It's not about obsession.There are millions of muslims that pray five times a day and are not extremists.Stop trying to use any excuse to say Islam makes people do this and that.It's just a religion.Whether you choose to follow it or not is up to you.And enough of the bullshit that you'll get killed if you don't convert.****,what levels people will go to just to make others hate something along with them.It's what makes this world a bad place.

''why question it?''.It's not you doing the praying.So enjoy your life of aimless wandering!!!

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