Muslims praying 5 times a day? What's with that?

I'm not out to change anyone. I don't really care what you do or what other people believe, but hey, I still have my opinions and my opinion says that such devotion is a clear sign of obsession to a very unhealthy degree, and not to mention, something like praying five times a day is quite strange in my view so that's why I question it. I never said Islam is the cause of extremism and people doing this and that, I said obsession is a probable cause for extremism and people doing this and that.

Oh and I never said anything about getting killed if you don't convert.

See you'll never understand.We should be grateful for everything we have....If *** gives us everything we have,then why's taking 30 minutes of your time each day to thank Him such a bad thing?
Hey! Something we agree on!

Don't get fuzzy about it, I'm sure it won't last....

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