Mutilation for Porn!

If you still believe that your troops have done so much good in Iraq then I doubt you have a heart


HMM....YOUR TROOPS....meaning what? I mean my troops arent into porn or "selling" morbid pictures so....generalization...YES
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Islam is pure evil, bigotry, and pig-****... Now that is a fact.

Your heart is black and rotting, you have no teeth of your own, you suck my **** at my whim.... now that is a fact. ;)
Yes I do.The good ones.The ones who support peace not war.The ones who marched in washington last week.The ones who wouldn't afflict on others what they wouldn't like to be afflicted with.The ones who can admit when a group of their fellow americans are wrong.The ones who don't view themselves higher than other human beings.
Yes,I like these americans.If only you didn't have such a tight supply of them.

Those Americans are hypocrites and two-faced and are very unloyal people, they are called "Liberals", with them being for "peace not war" or "war" all depends on whose in office, you didnt see them marching to Washington or "marching for peace" the 8 years Bill Clinton was in office, where were they during the Clinton wars? Well I'll tell you, they were over seas entertaining our troops giving them a "morale boost during war time" as cheryl crow would put it. THEY COULD NOT CARE LESS ABOUT THE WAR IN IRAQ! THEY ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE WAR!
builder said:
Not at all. The evil happened when Saddam was "assisted" into power by the CIA. Same for the Shah of Iran, but that went to **** too.

This is a very dumb way of looking at it! This is like blaming a mother for bringing a child into the World that grows up to become a serial killer. :rolleyes:
TWorld PoliceA said:
This is a very dumb way of looking at it! This is like blaming a mother for bringing a child into the World that grows up to become a serial killer. :rolleyes:
What else would you expect from the Idiot Brigade? (AIG & builder)