my 1st fanfic plz read..

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sorri i was meant to post it yestoday, but i sent it to 1 of my friends to proof read for me and they havent sent it back yet:( sorri as soon as they sent it to me ill post..
here is the next chapter

A couple of hours later...

"MIKE, CHESTER, MELISSA!! DINNERS READY!!" yelled nikki "COMING MUM" replied mike as him chester and melissa got up and went down stairs..

chaz, melissa and mike sat at the table and dan started taking. "so melissa, chester first day of school for you two tommorrow" "yeah, is there a uniform??" "course not stupid-o" said mike as he gave chaz a playful smack in the back of the head. "YA wanna started me, mikey boy??" said chaz in a silly messed up gansta tone as he gave mike a little push. they all burst out laughing....

10 mins

"we finished mum can we go upstairs" "yes of course mike"
Mike, chester and melissa went up stairs to brushed their teeth and get dressed for bed. after all that was done they said there goodnights and when to bed.
here the next chapter:) ill post another 1 tomoro, this is a lil boarding but the next 1 will be much better..

in the morning melissa got up the earliest and had a shower(6am). the noise of the shower woke up chaz and mike, mike went in to his parents room and used there shower but of course he told them first and woke them in the process, so they got up and when downstairs to make breakfast. at 6:30am mike and melissa were both out of there showers and dressed, so they when downstairs. now poor chazzy was left to have his shower and to get dressed, so he had a quick shower, and was dressed and putting gel in his hair by 6:50 am. then he when downstairs and ate some brekky along with everyone else.

"we'll have to get going early today, because i have to sign a whole lot fo paper work at the school office for chaz and melissa, is that ok" asked nikky

"yeah its fine mum, me, chaz and melissa don't mind, do you guys?"

melissa nodded in agreement to mike because he mouth was full of toast.

"yeah its fine Mrs. shinoda" replied chaz

"you can call me nikky remember chaz, honey"

"ok, just keep forgetting that's all"

10 mins later

"ok, guys grab your stuff and lets go"

"ok, nikky" said chaz as ran out the door and in to the car, quickly followed by mike and melissa.
i felt so bad that i havent posted much lately, so i wrote another chappter during the time i had in sose in a computer room, i hope this makes up for me being a bad writer and NEVER posting..:):)

As soon as they left the house it took them only 5 minutes in the car to get to their high school, harbor high((by the way chaz is 15, mike is 15 and Melissa is 14)). They all left the car, went up the front steps and entered the school. As they were walking down the hall a few people gave them looks full of hatred, mikes mum didn’t notice, but Melissa and chaz sure did. They both looked at mike and mike looked back and mouthed he tell them later.

30 mins later

Melissa and chaz were given there time tables and left the office with mike to go there first class. First class on Melissa timetable was math, chaz and mike wave goodbye to her and left for their first class English, chaz was just hoping to god this teacher wasn't’t like the last.

They walk down the hall and went to mikes locker, Chazs locker was just down the hall from mikes but he didn't’t have anything in it yet, all he had in his bag was a note book and a pen.

Mike spotted somebody he knew, he yelled out to the head in the crowd and he called him and the others near him over. “Hey Joe man, sup” “the sky dude” he said as whacked he in the arm, then some of his other friends followed him over, “hey mikey” “hey brad, phi, how are you guys” “good, hey who’s he?, mike” said brad looking very puzzled, as did the he other guys standing round them. “He my new brother Chester Bennington” “how come he’s living with you and your family?” asked Joe “ohhh… umm…” replied mike “its ok man, I’ll tell them, my parents died in a horrible car crash and mike parents adopted me and my sister Melissa” “you have a sister?” said Joe “yes and she has been very brave through all of this” “is she hot?” said brad. the group all together said “BRAD!!” “sorry man that’s all he talks about, GIRLS” said mike “hey, shut up!!” said brad as he kick mike but missed ~BEEP BEEP~ that meant it was time for class. “It time to go class, lets go.” said phi. they all followed him to their class.
**melissa's morning**

melissa walk down the hall with a map of the school in her hand try to find out where her math class was, she was soo busy try to find her class she did see this person in front of her, she crash straight into him "omg, im soo sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going..." melissa got cut off "its ok, you must be new because i haven't seen you around hi, my names rob" he put out his hand to help her up, melissa look up at him an turned she was a slight shade of red, smile and got up with his help "thank you rob, hi my name melissa" "nice to meet you melissa, what class do you have now? ill help you find it" "i have maths, maths with Mr. morten" "what luck i have him now too, guess where math buddies" rob said with a small laugh "come on ill take you" "thank you very much" "no problem melissa" melissa follow rob as he walked down the hall turn right and walked pass 4 doors and turned left and stopped, opened the door and when in "sorry i late Mr. morten i was helping our new student" as he said this he point to melissa who was out side "very well then rob go have a seat, well class as rob just informed us we have a new student and her name is melissa bennington, you can come in now" melissa nodded and came in "why don't you tell us a bit about yourself" "umm.. ok, hi im melissa as you already know, i just moved here with my brother chester, who's a year older then me, umm.. i love music and cant live with out it and i love animals, that's all i can really think of at the moment" "ok that's nice, why don't you sit next to rob since you've already meet" melissa walked over and sat next to rob and smiled at him, he smile back.

~~1 hour later~~

math finished and melissa and rob walked out together, why don't you come and sit with me and my friends" "ok" rob made his way outside to a big willow that provide heaps of shade and sitting under the willow was non other then chester, mike, joe, phi, brad and 3 other girl who she didn't know.
ok there going to be a BIG plot change here enjoy...

"hey guys, this is melissa she new, is it ok if she sits with us?" asked rob "yeah of course, rob this is chester melissa big brother" mike pointed toward chester, all of the boys burst out laughing, melissa and the other girls just sat there wondering why they were laughing "anyway, hi im sam, thats anne and thats lizz" said sam as she point to the other girls, as soon as the other boys stopped laughing they all introduced them selfs to melissa, they talked until they hear the bell for class "seeya" said melissa as her and rob walked off to hpe(heath and phyical education) and everybody else walked off too study hall.

"omg.. thats so funny, that i when to introduced you to my friends and they already knew who you were because of your brother" said rob "yeah that was weird, but at least were all together" replyed melissa rob nodded in agreement as they entered the gym

"ok class we have a new student, this is melissa now i like you ALL to make her feel welcome" said ms cannon, melissa left the teacher side and sat next to rob the teacher kept talking "now today like i said last week we would be doing something to help the community today" the whole class groaned "ok so this week we will be cleaning up the local park" "Lincoln Park?, But that the **** park where all the bums sleep" yelled out some boy in the class "thanks for the comment jack we all know thats the park where the bums sleep, but we're doing to HELP the community, okay every body grab a bag, and a pointed stick each and follow me too the bus" everybody did as she said and followed her to the school bus.

~10 mins later~

everybody got off the bus and started picking up trash "well this is going to suck!" said rob glummly "yep, it is but remember it for the community" said melissa, her and rob started laugh, and went off to pick up trash near the statue in the middle off the park.

a little while later melissa and rob looked up because the hear a few people screaming mostly girl but a few boys as well, and it was all because some guy had just robbed a bank and was running through the park with a gun and the police following closely behide, then he suddenly stop near rob and melissa and grabbed them and pointed the gun towards then, "STOP OR I'LL SHOOT THESE KIDS" screamed the crazied gunman "just put the gun down and step away from the children and we'll talk, ok" said the police man "NO IM NOT GOING TO AND IT YOU COME NEAR ME I'LL KILL THEM ALONG WITH MY SELF" said the gun man shaking the gun at melissa then all of a sudden a bullet flew out and hit melissa she screamed and fell to the ground in pain, there was blood everywhere..