my 1st fanfic plz read..

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heres my next chap.

chester fell a sleep on the couch. but before he fell a sleep, he decided that he tell the school about his parents and his sister tomorrow.

~The next day~

chester woke up at 6am. he decided to have a really long shower so he could clear his mind for what he was going to do today. after his shower he got dressed. when down stairs, went out the door and locked it(7am). he decided to get a donut and coffee. then go to school. when he finished his coffee and donut it was 7:30am. so he decided to go to school.

he walked to school, walk up the steps and to the office. he knocked on the door and no1 answer his knock, so he knew there was no1 there yet, so he slide to the floor, sat and waited. he didn't have to wait for too long after only about 5 mins, some1 started to walk up the hall towards him. chester looked up when he hear the noise of a women's high heels clicking against the ground as she walked. then she got to the door that was next to him, saw chester there and started talking to him.

"hello there chester" it was Mrs. white "hi Mrs. white" "chester is there a reason why your sitting on the floor next to the office door?" "yes there is Mrs. white" "ok then chester i'll un-lock the door to the office, then we can go inside and you can tell me what's on your mind, ok" "ok Mrs. white, thank you" she un-locked the door "its ok, come inside chester" chester followed her into the school office.
next chappy..

"chester have a seat here" said Mrs. white with a smile on her face. "ok" chester try to smile back, but all he could do was a sad frown. "Mrs. white remember yesterday when you rang my house to why i hadn't been at school and my mum answered" "yes i remember" "well that wasn't her" "who was it then?" "me" "why were you pretending to be your mum?" "umm..." chester started to feel really really sad and was about to cry "yes" "ummm... well my parents are dead." chester started to cry. at 1st Mrs. white didn't believe him, but then she could she that he was very emotionally distort. "how do you know there dead?" "well mum rang me on her cell when they were driving and dad was beeping the horn in the background, so i ask mum why he was doing it and she said that they was this big truck in front of them and it would move a side so they could go pass, then i heard her say to dad "Don't drive off road, its night time and we don't know what's out there." Then i heard her scream and then a crush noise and and.." "and?" "i was yelling on the phone mum dad are you there and nobody answered and then there was an explosion and the phone line went dead" "omg.. that horrible" "what about your sister?" "i think she dead, but i don't know for sure" chester stop crying and started to think he sister mite not be dead "how do you know?" "well my parents were going to pick her up from her friends ranch, cuz she had been there for a couple of weeks to learn about animals and stuff and i don't know whether they had picked her up or not." "is there a phone number for there ranch?" "no, they don't have a phone" "do you know where it is" "yes i do" "ok, ill go and ring the police" "ok" chester started to smile from the hope of knowing his sister mite not be dead, it never had gone through his mind that they mite not of picked her up, before they died"