My fanfic.. reminds me of seinfeld


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2005
I wrote a really random LP fanfic.. i was really bored.. reminds me of seinfeld, the fact that its about NOTHING.

The fanfic.. with no name.. wait, that is its name.. IM CONFUSED!

~Chapter one~

"No chester!" Mike started talking in his sleep, "Go away! I dont wanna tapdance!"
He started to move his feet.
He screamed when he saw chester's face.
"Dude, I wasnt making you tapdance!" He said.
Mike sat up and looked out the window to see they were on the tour bus, driving around.
"How long was I out?" Mike asked.
He remembered that he got compleatly waisted the night before
"about 13 hours," He answered, "Dude, you so totally embarassed us last night..."
Mike banged his head on the wall.
"Mmm cookies," Joe said as he bit into a choc chip cookie.
"Give me some!" Rob drooled a he reached out for the cookies.
Joe pulled them away.
"MINE!" Joe said.
"UNFAIR!" Rob cried, "Phoenix, Joe is being mean!"
"Why not call me mummy if you rely on me so much rob?" Phoenix answered, "Hey I wouldnt mind one of them."
He put out his hand.
Joe pulled them further to his chest.
"No MINE!"
"Give me some or I'll hurt you!"
They continued arguing until...
"CAN YOU GUYS SHUT THE HELL UP!? IM TRYING TO DRIVE!" Brad shouted from the front of the bus.
They all settled down.
"Mine..." Joe whispered.
"I heard that joe!" Brad shouted.
A few minutes later, they stopped for petrol (or gas if ur american).
Joe bought a packet of cheese balls.
Rob looked hopeful as he opened the bag. He looked up to see Rob staring at him with HUGE eyes (how cute!).
"Lets play a game!" Joe said, "I'll try and get the cheese balls in ur mouth!"
"Oooh! Sounds good! exept you have bad aim" Rob said coldly.
Joe gave him a vicious glare.
Chester walked past and made a face as he turned his head back foreward.
"You think they're idiots too dont you!" Mike said.
"I dont think, I know!" Chester grinned.
Mike and chester walked back on the bus... while joe was throwing cheese balls in robs eye.. lol

I'll try to post again soon.. I have to go
Okay.. im back..

~Chapter 2~
"Are we there yet?" Chester started pestering mike as he was driving.
"OMG CHESTER! SHUT THE **** UP!" Mike shouted.
"Where are we going?!" Chester asked.
"We're going to sydney you idiot!" Joe shouted from the back of the bus.
"err.. where's sydney?" Chester asked.
"Its on mars smarty pants" Phoenix said sarcasticly.
Chester hid under his shirt.
"dont hurt me!"
He went over to the back of the bus and sat on the couch.
He looked out the window and saw a car.. it said "Linkin park sux" on it.
Chester's eyes open wide. He gave the guy in the car the finger... lol
The guy rammed the back of the bus.
They both stopped.
They got out of the bus.. so did the guy.
"what are you doing driving behind US with a car that says linkin park sucks?!" Mike asked.
"wait a minute.. you guys ARE linkin park!" He said, "This is my friends car.. i borrowed it for the weekend! Im like one of your biggest fans!!!!"
*He talks funny* Joe thought.
"why are you borrowing that car!?" Mike asked.
"the guy who owns it lives next door," He said, "Oh yeah, my name is Hal by the way."
He put out his hand. chester shook it.
"and Im chester.. the best person in the world!" Chester said.
Joe walked up beside Hal..
"are you guys touring or something?" He asked.
"Why do you think we're here?" Phoenix asked.
Joe poked him randomly and laughed.
Hal looked down at his arm where joe was poking him.
Joe poked him again and laughed.
He continued poking him... lol.
"Well this is a very odd situation..." Brad said randomly.
Rob noticed Joe was still clutching the cookies, he went wide eyed as he dived for them.. joe stepped aside letting rob fall to the ground.. haha lol.
He continued to poke Hal.
"Hey, do you wanna come with us? We get really sick of each other." Chester said.
"Ding ding!" Mike said, "Congradulations you have won the prize of.. a penny!"
He threw a coin at chester... chester didnt bother catching it.. he was too busy glaring at mike.
Hall was standing there.. petrified by what he just heard. Joe waved his hand in front of him and poked him.. he fell over.
"Dude.. you killed him!" Mike laughed.
"Better get him on the bus..." Brad said.
They picked him up and put him on the couch inside.
Rob was still lying on the ground.. he noticed he has managed to take a cookie.
"YES!" Rob said to himself.
The bus started to drive away..
"OH ****!" Rob jumped up and started chasing after the bus.. lol.

lol... this one is the best one so far.. :p
Okay I will type in more.. i need the exersize.. lol

~Chapter 3~
haha long chapter
20 minutes later Hal woke up.
"Why do I get the feeling we forgot something?" Chester asked.
"We DID forget my neighbour's car!" Hal said.
"Im sure its not important" Mike said.
At the concert.
"Everybody!" Chester said to the crowd, "We have a bit of a problem here!"
"Yeah, your fly is open!" Some kid in the crowd shouted.
He looked down to see he wasnt wearing pants with a zip. He jumped into the crowd and dragged the kid on stage.
"No, In case you havent noticed, ROB ISNT HERE!" He shouted.
"Where the hell did he go!?" The kid asked.
"We dont know! Thats why we're telling you!" Phoenix shouted.
"I think we left him somewhere..." Brad said.
Phoenix noticed Joe was still poking hal backstage. He pulled joe on stage.
"Go pick on someone else you weirdo!" Phoenix said.
"Stupid worthless group leaving me behind!" Rob said, "I'll show them!"
He kciked a rock and it whacked hal's neighbour's car.
Rob's eyes widened. He ran over to the car and noticed the keys were still there... he did a cute little victory dance.. then climbed in the car.
Back at the concert.
"Hey we can be here tomorrow!" Joe said, trying to convince the crowd.
They started booing.
"What if we let you look for rob!?" He asked.
The crowd started talking as joe sneaked off stage.
Phoenix pulled him back on stage.
"Shall we dance?" He asked.
"Yes we shall!" Joe said, taking his hand.
And, randomly, they started ballroom dancing in the middle of the stage.. the crowd started pointing and laughing.
"Break it up love birds!" Chester said,"We gotta go!"
They all said bye to the crowd and left to look for rob.
On the bus.
Joe walked up to chester and gave him a BIG hug (Damn joe! I wanna hug him!).
"Get off me you weirdo!" Chester pushed him off... lol
Mike started laughing.
When they were across the street from the power house museum, they saw the neighbours car. so they stopped.
They found Rob asking some guy for directions (wow! Suprising!).
"ROB!" Hal and the group ran up to him.
"DUDE WHERE DID YOU GO!?!?!" Chester asked.
Rob narrowed his eyes.
"You left me behind!" he said.
Joe walked up to him and poked him.
Chester noticed a few girl walking past that seemed to recognise them.
He walked up to them.
"Hello girls" Chester said.
One of them slapped him, hard.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" He asked.
"How dare you not call me!" She said,"You havent even seen our son!"
The other girl laughed.
"hi chester!" The other girl said.
Chester ****ed his head slightly.
"She dared me.. She is like ur biggest fan.. she wont shut up about you!" The first girl said.
"I couldnt help myself!" The other girl laughed.
He just looked at them.
"can you sign my shirt?" The other girl asked.
"Yeah sure!" He said, "just promise me one thing though... dont play tricks on me.."
She nodded.
"Play them on mike" He whispered, "watch this!"
He snuck up to mike.. he pretended to punch him in the back of the head. mike turned around to see chester wasnt there. Chester tapped him on the shoulder, mike turned his head back to see chester wasnt there. Chester tapped him on the shoulder again.. mike turned around...
"BOO!" Chester shouted.
"DUDE! DONT DO THAT!" He shouted.
The girls couldnt stop laughing.
The band signed their shirts and they left to do the harbour bridge climb.
halfway up, joe almost fell off... the guys laughed... until the tour guide fell off... lol
Luckyly the australian fear factor (I dont think that exists...) was there to save him... lol
~The almighty chapter 4~

The next day they did the concert. Chester jumped into the crowd.. he noticed the kid that told him his fly was open the day before.
"Your fly is open!" Chester laughed.
"Im not gunna fall for that..." He said.
"Your fly is open!" The girl next to him said.
"haha told you" Chester laguhed again.
He continued singing.
After the concert, joe did his last poke to hal. and they left.
When hal got home, he told his neighbour that a member of Linkin park drove his car... he got really pissed off.
Then Martians came and blew up earth and they all died...
