My friend


New member
O wow people do care. Well im not dead...just some wounds that all. numbStruck and Jelly were exited when I came online... great friends...gottah love a friend way.
:D :D yes we are nice friends lol :p :D ...see i told you people care!



New member
yes it is, i'm going to be blunt, please dont' try to kill yourself, i know that i dotn' know you very well, but i know that when people commit suicide it is VERY hurtful to the people around you, and i know that i am just a stranger on the internet, but please listen to me, there are people that care about you i mean look at numbstruck and jelly, they care about you enough to make a thread about their concern for you. you can't image the pain that someone goes through when they lose someone because the person commited suicide, trust me i know, my sister killed herself a month ago tomarow. it is very hurtful, and you feel so horriable thinking what more could you have done, what did i do, what didnt' i do. Do you really what to end your life at such a young age, and cause the people you love pain and hurt and confusion. i'm guessing from your name that you have a bad family life, just wait a couple of years, then you'll be 18 and you can leave, get counsiling, get help do something other than hurting yourself and others


New member
awww acdc i'm sorry to hear about your sister...if you ever need someone to talk to i'm alwayz ready to listen...


New member
Aww, acdc. Im so sorry to hear that luv. That must be so hard on you:(

As jelly said, you can contact me whenever.




New member
wow, i dont know u but thats a terrible thing to have gone through acdc!

like jelly and FB said....



New member
I know I'm a little late coming to this thread, but I'm very glad that ForgottenKid is all right.

acdc, words probably don't mean much, but for whatever they are worth, I'm very sorry for your sister.



New member
Hey acdc If you wanna talk we can. I lost a friend to suicide and like you said to me, if you want to talk about some stuff then just pm me or what ever.
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