My Girlfriend's Material (really good) what do you think?

LP_lady_bug_777 said:
It's been difficult
it's been trying
but after so long
i'm done crying
it hasn't helped
and it never will
it's time to show you how i feel
i can't fake the anger
and i'd feel a lot safer
if you were out of the picture
screw you and your lies
you've been given enough tries
to repent yourself
i'll do what i must
if i hear of one more punch
or even a wrong tone
i hate you
i can't imagine how she feels
who knew love could kill
you will get what's coming to you
you ready for such a hell
i don't know what i can do
to get her out of this
but stayiihng with you will kill her
and you apparently don't give a ****
does it make you happy for her to hang her head down in shame of all the bruises, the scars-the broken bones?
i wish i could show her love she deserves
i wish she knew she was worth such love
a world full of kisses and hugs
i miss her beautiful face.
her once beautiful eyes.
i miss her will and strength
and even the stupid fights (they never involved bruises)
i miss her grip when she hugged me
i miss the smiles
now she can't even look at me
i haven't seen her truely happy in a while
i hope you rot alive
i hope you burn
she's been through enough torment
and now -bitch, it's your turn
one day she will gather the balls to pay you back for all you've done
I love my mommy with all my heart
every punch you've laid on her
hits me just as hard
i will save her one day
one day she won't have to wear her patches of shame
she has to be willing to get away from you
i nkow it will happen some day
if she doesn't break away
her doom- i shall despair
all for hear of loneliness
all for someone to care.
mom you know i love you
not all in this world is lost
but i cannot help you until you are ready to be your own boss
get rid of this *******- LEAVE
i will scream when you finally break free
but what the hell do i know
oh yea he loves you-that's right
nobody ever listens to me

be gentle with that one folks, touchy subject for me. let me know what you think of it. i edited it a little bit cause i did't want everyone to think i was psycho. i was pissed when i wrote it if you can't tell. let me know k?

Wow, baby. I know you have read that one to me before, but i guess i never really listened to it. That was really, really good, baby. I told you this was a good idea though, didn't i? I knew the people here would like your stuff. I know you got tons more, so go ahead and keep posting it. All of it sounds great. I love you babe.

i think i may be bipolar
or maybe just messed up in the head
i think i may be bipolar
i'd rather be called crazy instead
i used to think i was normal
being weird isn't horrible
i wish i still had the ability
to pretend nothings wrong
explaining myself to everyone just takes too long
i wish someone could save me
take me away from here
no one understands me
i "have nothing to fear"
im so selfish it makes me sick
im tired of having to choose and pick
maybe if someone would just listen
they could figure out what they're missin
ive messed up everything
i had it good for a while
i hate just being
an o.k. child
I've seen this before, its nothing new
feeling scared and alone, no clue what to do
im ready for the challenge
though i won't be defeated
i might lose a battle but never the war
my life is changing i am used to that by now
im trying to adjust but i don't know how
i am leading two different lives
and its getting harder to lie
theres no point in hiding so why even try
i have realized i can't please everyone
so i should just be myself
but i don't know who i am
lost hope. lost faith. redeemed to the fullest
how can i use this to my advantage
its not all my fault-one day i will know
but im losing it and i can't let it show
confusion.exhaustion. where does it all end
its really hard trying to blend in
the past.the future. now is now
why can't i just let go
what happened to me is exactly that
that does not make me who i am
but who am i if i am not my past....
my future?