My little place of disfunctionalism

Hi Hi...sorry for those who cares...but i got the vacation pics i hate all of them.

Yeah Dave and my bro piggin out on Onion Rings: Pics/IM000254.jpg

Mum and Dave at the something like that: Pics/IM000262.jpg

Unfortunatly im in this one: Pics/IM000278.jpg

Mum and a guy painted Pics/IM000283.jpg

Yea thats it..i dont feel like uploading anything else. And i gottah apply a new bandage to my toe....stupid stiches.
omg kris putting pictures up without a massively huge fight before hand *dies*
they look really awesome, i <3 those gold people well not all of them are gold but meh...
and ur really pretty *hits u again* lol i like ur steal it but thatd be mean...and im nice^^ im not pretty..but my toe was gushing out blood so it was pretty.

Edit: The gold person pic was taken just before he was a real "gentalman" and gave my mums hand a kiss..cracked me up.

Hey hypr thing you..lmao.

Ummm today is a brand new day full of huge toes and alot of sneezes. We have people re-doing the carpet since its 17years old from yesterday, so all that explains the sneeezing. So here i the basement away from the cruddy

Lately mums been on my case for eating. I dont eat much now...and when i do, I throw more than half my food away. My last actually proper meal was a few days ago...*gulp* that cant be good. I'm afraid of turning into neerja...who happens to be the person that keep telling people she's me. Yeah I figured it out and some stuff went down...mainly me scrappin my
lol you 3 asked the same question. Im not eating cuz im not hungry..honest.

ForgottenKid said:
Awe thanks fi, sorry bout the woody thing.

Any way.. yeah i got in **** for no reason. Apparently i was "beefing" up random grade 11's by email, one of them being Leo my friend. Apparently someones been dissing people off and saying that their me. They even sent me an email telling me to stop saying im me. Apparently this persons brother wants to beat the **** out of me, bacuse i apparently made fun of this person. The only reason why i wasn expeled today from school was cuz, I had an email proffing that theirs someone stealing my identity and Leo backed me up saying i wouldnt do something like that, cuz im a pretty "nice" person. So right now....pissed i am. And hey if someone wants to be me.. then whatever.. that just gives me a reason to ****ing die.
^thats neerja...its good that you dont approve..i dont think anyone does of her

lmao...Poor brad. He wont yell at me...just cuz.
LOL....yes jelly.
Update! Does anyone read this? lol was a crapy day. Hytman (sci. teacher) yelled at me infront of the class for falling asleep durring his little talk about retrograde orbits or something like that. I could help it though...I was all up all night doing the homework he assigned me. Fell asleep on my desk...didnt finish till about 5:30 am. *yawn* English was fun though. Me and Alex pulled a We got high off air as jelly puts it. We were supose to help our group with the media thinger but meh, we talked about how stupid we were. I won :D. I ate some pasta just no so :D:D:D:D:D.
Awwe lol thanks you two.
An update that'll kill It wont but Im just maaaad bored :rolleyes:

Today was the worst day ever. I fell off the bed this morning and got a nasty little bruise on my knee. Hurt like hell and it took me forever to sitdown today. I didnt stand for the anthem and Hytman yelled at me again...then I showed him a note (about the knee thing) my mom said to show my teachers, and he shut up. In gym....i had to run durring the fitness blast (It where we run, skip, or bench press for 10mins) because i was late by a few seconds. It killed me, and by the end, my leg gave in and i fell face first on the floor. Hurt like hell...sat for 5 minutes rubbing my head. I kinda cheered up durring lunch cuz leo gave me this CD to listen to while I should have been eating. It was some band called Sigur Rós, i still have the They kinda cheered me up...for a while. The rest of the day was a little better 'sept for the knee thing. But I got to use the elevator...which was fun. We had a fire alarm thing by the end of the day and i froze up like a ****ing freeze while we were waiting for the okay to go back in. Leo was in my last class when the alarm went off so he gave me his coat... I was still cold but he's a good friend.
ooo wow you hurt yourself alot today>.< *gives u a present* i dunno what it is but you may have it anyway^^
poor knee and head hope they feel better soon>.<
<3 u *ugs*