My little place of disfunctionalism

Your the lil one riss...XP.
I dunno if its the coffee...cuz the feelings been there all day. Has someone been watching me all day?
ForgottenKid said:
Your the lil one riss...XP.
I dunno if its the coffee...cuz the feelings been there all day. Has someone been watching me all day?

Maybe It could be O.O
If i were you I would close my curtains and my door and lock it
:p but thats me when I'm paranoid XD
lmao its probly nevin watching u lollll...yayyy ur on the honor roll..keep it up and u'll b on the real honour roll!...this semester u didnt beat me tho :p ...87 yayy lol k i'll shut up now but joely was thinking bout u this morning and nevin stalks u lol..u admitted it k i'm high and i will now talk to u on msn..bye
I finnaly ate dinner. Mmmmm salad and green tea, nice dinner eh? More like lunch. Bad habbit? I know but i cant help it, I've been sick for the last 2 weeks. Its gotten better, but i still cant, which helps alot since the math room is saposidly reaking of gym socks and heat. Other than that my days been okay i guess. But Marium freaked me out cuz she seemed like she was high off something after the pole.
Today was the best ****ing day ever.
Morning was kinda boring, little this little that- fall asleep in the At luch they were having a bake sale..i got cake with whip cream on it, lol. I only bought it for the wipped cream...god i suck.
Any way day going so far right? Pretty much but durring math, i guess the heat got to me, i started to feel really nauses. Lucky me for me the so called stalker guy was right beside me. So put two and two together and you nearly throwing up on the guy.. XD. Oh what fun, he screams like a girl, i never knew that. But the Aleks told Mrs. Morby i looked like i was gonna attacking nevin with my guts, so i got to leave school early..YAY.
On the walk home, while trying to not look, the thing happened. Me about to topple over, i stop and see the best blue sheet of paper i've ever seen...a 5$ bill. Then the icecream man came. I was going to buy something, but the heat was getting to me, so i walked infront of a car and almost got run over...lmao. Ah today was the best.
ahh u foind 5 dollarss...i want 5 dollars lol...after skool yeaterday we were looking for u but we cudnt find u so we too
^^ Cant, but i'll try ma'am.

Got back from zeeee hospital, **** now im screwed. Basically I was dehydrated and was suffering from heat exsaustion, or something like that. I remeber falling and the next thing i know im in a hospital, with one of those weird plastic sleep wear on. My bro said i hit the driveway, but my head landed on the lawn, which means no concusion but a KILLER headache. But i guess i hit my arm hard, 'cuz they loaded me up with painkillers. The Doctor lady kept asking me what the last thing i drank was....uhh a can of green tea at 12 something....before 12:30. Marium was yelling at me cuz i didnt want to eat my lunch. Meera yelled at me for throwing it away...what can i say? Im not a lunch person.
Other thna that, yesterdays was my bros sweet 16. Nothing sweet about it really. We got him a cake and my cousins from montreal came over. He got 120$ from my uncle, mum gave him some clothes (hehe), and i got him headphones cuz his are waaaaaay too big. Dave gave him a ass. But other than that no party, no friends, no sleeping in. Standered sunday.
y didnt u tell me this?!??..wut was with u today?...dhurk was coming to get u and u turned around and sed dont even :confused: wut happened?
Haha, Im gonna update cuz im tre bored, lmao who cares if no one reads it. Its dead anyway... thats so depressing lmao.

Since my last journal entry I've moved (FINALLY), and er got a job at the pool, made some new friends, and err brought my GPA up by ALOT. Yeah, that pretty much sums up a year, lmao sad ain't it? Ooo I also quit smoking, go me, and I didnt even have to use the damn patch lol. Some bad news, my immune systems being gay, and I've stayed home alot this year. I've also have become allergic to something in the air, and now every spring/fall my face gets all swollen and I look ... asiannnn lmao, no offence to asians. Happened yesterday, got to stay home from school today woo, missed food class and english though :(.