My Version of our LPF family!


New member
Who's MissPiggy's daddy in all this? 0_o

Anyway, Fox, I loved it. I'd be happy reading it all day (if there was more) but when you update I'll be even more happy... happier...?

Excellent. Great work! :thumbsup:



(Edit - just figured the answer out - read MissPiggy's sig - *slaps forehead* Like, D'uh, Rave! Hehehe) :rolleyes:



New member
wow we have a neice? nice. jesus fribby your almost as bad as 'dad' is. and he was jumpin down saras throat for that last one with matt ><


New member
hey this wasn't supposed to come out!

*innocent face*

lol what can I say? my response in the story was obviously not my writing haha



New member
I have been really tired with finals... but they are all over. so here is a little bit more, I havent been able to write a lot :(

~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Later that night, Vi broke into my room to talk to me. “What the **** do you think you’re doing?” I asked when he picked my lock. “Okay, lets get this straight,” he said while staring at my pictures and posters of my father. “Get what straight?” I asked, attempting to be innocent. “Oh, don’t play dumb with me! I know you’ve been sneaking out at night to go sing with your band!” he said after he turned up my stereo so that nobody could hear us. “How the **** do you know that?!” I asked. He kept staring at me. “I know because I watched you sneak out a few nights ago and I answered your cell phone last night while you were sleeping. It was some dude calling to ask when the next practice was. I’m not stupid, so I put two and two together.”

I stood there in shock. He knew. He has known for day yet he didn’t tell mum or Rob. “Why didn’t you tell on me?” He laughed a bit. “Because I’m your big brother whether you like it or not. I’m not about to rat you out yet. I just wanna know why you haven’t told anyone yet?” He said.



New member
That's sweet.

Man, was starting to think no one was ever gonna update *sob* but even though it's a little bit I'm still thankful for it. *squeeze hugs*

It's nice to see Viking taking on that role with you - he could be a jerk but he's more understanding than that. Sweet. The band, huh? I'm wondering why keeping that secret so hidden is such a big deal - is it because she thinks no one cares or that maybe they'll make fun of her (because she isn't a drummer/percussionist like almost everyone else?)

Anyway, sweet. Love the update. You know I do.

Hope you went well on your finals.

Take care and look forward to more,


-Rav :D



New member
sweet it was confusing at first but i get whos all related hafta keep updating or else....ill be in suspense =]


New member
misspiggy: I'm sorry, but i haven't found a place to introduce you yet....i'm working on it though.... *gasp* I HAVE AN IDEA!


New member
Okay kiddies! Here's what i came up with in a matter of 20 mins! :)

Oh, and Zelda=misspiggy

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“I haven’t told anyone yet cause everyone here plays the drums like Rob, how do you think they will take me singing?! I am already the odd one in the family.” I replied. “Besides, I’m not the only one whom is sneaking out! Zelda is sneaking out from Joes’ place to go to practice too! She loves to play the guitar and sing with me! So, I hope to all **** that you wont tell nobody yet till our opening show. Please Vi?” I begged. He sighed. “Alright, but next time you have practice, you’re gonna take me with you so I can see if keeping this secret is worth it!” he smiled at me, and for once, I felt like me and Vi were really connecting. I knew that he wouldn’t tell Rob and in a reaction Rob would most likely start yelling at me for reasons that I don’t even know.

Vi turned around to walk out, then I spoke again, “Thanks again for not telling on me.” It took everything in myself to thank him and I hoped that I wouldn’t have to do something like that for a long time. He turned to face me, smiled, and said, “No problem squirt.” Then he left my room. I decided to go see what the rest of my family was doing in the living room. I walked slowly and quietly into the living room/family room. I was still in the shadows of the hall to the bedrooms and heard a fight break out between my mother and Rob. “Rob, you have to at least try to get to know Fox! She is apart of this family too and you should try to get to know her! ****! You might even find that you and her have something in common!” my mom yelled. “Don’t tell me what to do Rav! She is the freak around here! Why should I try to get to know her?!” Rob yelled back. Mel saw me, listening to this fight, and attempted to stop the madness. “Mom” she said, “I think you guys should stop now. What if Fox hears you?” She asked as tears flooded to my eyes. “She wont hear us,” said Rob, “She is in her room blasting music.” I was in tears now; I couldn’t believe what I heard. “So, is that what you think of me! That I am the freak of the family?” I screamed at him. “You have now idea what I have to put up with around here! If you don’t want me in this family FINE! I’ll leave,” and I stormed off to my room to fetch my messenger bag with everything I’d need for a few days.



New member
Cool! And cool - you came up with that in 20mins? Sweet!

Man - Rob's a jerk - if anything that's one element we all have in common here, amid all our stories. Though I have to say, be it in his defence, sucking up/kissing his *** or however you want to see it, he isn't really the guilty party in all this. If anything that guilty party would be me - cause I'm the one that 'cheated.' He's like everyone else and just has to deal with it... but he's clearly not coping with it and aparently never has/wanted to deal with it.

Having said that, everyone's suffering here. Rav for her guilt, Rob for his betrayal, the kids (cause the tension that creates in the house) and Fox, cause she's the one feeling left out and not wanted no matter which way she turns. *sob* Poor ******.

Anyway, great. The relationship she's forging with Viking is nice too, good to see she's got an ally in someone. I can't wait to see where this goes, being that it's a POV that none of us have dealt with in great detail, and I wanna see the family dynamic with Chester and Fox and Chester and everyone else for that matter... hmmm... great stuff! Thanks!

*tackle hugs*

-Rav :D

Oh, and welcome to the family Zelda. I think. Is Zelda Joe's kid or did I read into that wrong? Sorry if I did... just... well *shrug*

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