My Very First Post on Arm in the Year 2000

"Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:53:27 -0400, Robibnikoff wrote:
>> What the hell is this dickweed's major malfunction?

> Here we go:
> In his own words:
> "But to answer your charge, Sheriff's deputies came with handcuffs led
> by my brother in law, Clyde. My family had been stolen from me by boy
> scouts with pickup trucks, traiterous mother-in-law, suborned stake
> authorities, etc. I would not be you for the world. Anywhere these
> people are that is the heaven I do not want to be (if they get one).
> They brought me handcuffed for trial for involuntary commitmnet."

Holy cannoli, this guy is batshit crazy :p
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:54:26 -0400, Robibnikoff wrote:

> "Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:53:27 -0400, Robibnikoff wrote:
>>> What the hell is this dickweed's major malfunction?

>> Here we go:
>> In his own words:
>> "But to answer your charge, Sheriff's deputies came with handcuffs led
>> by my brother in law, Clyde. My family had been stolen from me by boy
>> scouts with pickup trucks, traiterous mother-in-law, suborned stake
>> authorities, etc. I would not be you for the world. Anywhere these
>> people are that is the heaven I do not want to be (if they get one).
>> They brought me handcuffed for trial for involuntary commitmnet."

> Holy cannoli, this guy is batshit crazy :p


Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys
on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING
like Shakespeare!" - Blair Houghton
Robibnikoff wrote:
> "Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:53:27 -0400, Robibnikoff wrote:
>>> What the hell is this dickweed's major malfunction?

>> Here we go:
>> In his own words:
>> "But to answer your charge, Sheriff's deputies came with handcuffs led
>> by my brother in law, Clyde. My family had been stolen from me by boy
>> scouts with pickup trucks, traiterous mother-in-law, suborned stake
>> authorities, etc. I would not be you for the world. Anywhere these
>> people are that is the heaven I do not want to be (if they get one).
>> They brought me handcuffed for trial for involuntary commitmnet."

> Holy cannoli, this guy is batshit crazy :p

I'm not sure that's fair. Bat guano has some redeeming aspects.
"The Poster Formerly Known as Craig Olson" <> wrote
in message
> Robibnikoff wrote:
>> "Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
>>> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:53:27 -0400, Robibnikoff wrote:
>>>> What the hell is this dickweed's major malfunction?
>>> Here we go:
>>> In his own words:
>>> "But to answer your charge, Sheriff's deputies came with handcuffs led
>>> by my brother in law, Clyde. My family had been stolen from me by boy
>>> scouts with pickup trucks, traiterous mother-in-law, suborned stake
>>> authorities, etc. I would not be you for the world. Anywhere these
>>> people are that is the heaven I do not want to be (if they get one).
>>> They brought me handcuffed for trial for involuntary commitmnet."

>> Holy cannoli, this guy is batshit crazy :p

> I'm not sure that's fair. Bat guano has some redeeming aspects.

I stand corrected ;)
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
On Sep 24, 12:41 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> Plonk!!! The sound of your head going back up your ass.

Ah yes! Another false prophet exposed. Hey Art! Are you fat like
On Sep 23, 11:46 am, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:

> The following is my very first post on arm, which was rejected by the then
> moderated,

The question is, who cares?
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:54:26 -0400, "Robibnikoff"
<> wrote:

>"Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:53:27 -0400, Robibnikoff wrote:
>>> What the hell is this dickweed's major malfunction?

>> Here we go:
>> In his own words:
>> "But to answer your charge, Sheriff's deputies came with handcuffs led
>> by my brother in law, Clyde. My family had been stolen from me by boy
>> scouts with pickup trucks, traiterous mother-in-law, suborned stake
>> authorities, etc. I would not be you for the world. Anywhere these
>> people are that is the heaven I do not want to be (if they get one).
>> They brought me handcuffed for trial for involuntary commitmnet."

>Holy cannoli, this guy is batshit crazy :p

Playing prophetess?

He'll be batshit crazy AFTER he's cured. That's about the highest
level he can hope to attain. Just look at his hero, Joseph "I've got
magic glasses" Smith.
Al at Webdingers dot com
"They laughed at Newton, they laughed at Einstein, but they also laughed at
Bozo the Clown."
- Carl Sagan
The reason they, you, pretend to not care is they are deceived by the devil
into believing it is boring, or not interesting. The very power that
deceives you and them, inflates the mind with self-assurance and confidence
which is difficult to shake. Hence it is very difficult to persuade that
they, you, are decieved, but you are, and in the fear of God we preach. The
Athenians did not care when the "nobody" Paul preached to them, and they
were indifferent to their salvation. They are bygone, but Paul shines as
bright as the sun. We do our duty to please God not man, for we, I,
received the gospel not from man, but from God, hence we are not
"manpleasers" as you, they.

14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for
they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are
spiritually discerned.

(1 Cor 2:14)

So soon as Mr. Knight had been sworn, Mr. Seymour proceeded to interrogate
him as follows: Q. Did the prisoner, Joseph Shith, jr. cast the devil out of
you? Ans. No sir. Q. Why, have not you had the devil cast out of you? A. Yes
sir. Q. And had not Joe Smith some hand in its being done? A. Yes sir.-Q.
And did not he cast him out of you? A. No sir; it was done by the power of
God, and Joseph Smith was the instrument in the hands of God, on the
occasion. He commanded him out of me in the name of Jesus Christ. Q. And are
you sure that it was the devil? A. Yes sir. Q. Did you see him, after he was
cast out of you? A. Yes sir, I saw him. Q. Pray, what did he look like?
(Here one of my lawyers informed the witness that he need not answer the
question.) The witness replied, I believe I need not answer your last
question, but I will do it provided I be allowed to ask you one question,
first, and you answer me, viz: Do you, Mr. Seymour, understand the things of
the spirit! No, (answerod Mr. Seymour) I do not pretend to such big things.
Well then, (replied Knight,) it would be of no use to tell you what the
devil looked like, for it was a spiritual sight, and spiritually discerned;
and of course you would not understand it, were I to tell you of it. The
lawyer dropped his head, whilst the loud laugh of the audience proclaimed
his discomfiture. Mr. Seymour now addressed the court, and in a long and
violent harangue endeavored to blacken my character and bring me in guilty
of the charges which had been brought against me. Among other things, he
brought up the story of my having been a money digger; and in this manner
proceeded, in hopes to influence the court and the people against me. Mr.
Davidson, and Mr. Reed followed on my behalf. They held forth in true
colors, the nature of the prosecution; the malignancy of intention, and the
apparent disposition to persecute their client, rather than to afford him
justice. They took up the different arguments which had been brought by the
lawyers for the prosecution, and having shewed their utter futility and
misapplication, then proceeded to sctutinize the evidence which had been
adduced, and each in his turn, thanked God that he had been engaged in so
good a cause as that of defending a man whose character stood so well the
test of such a strict investigation. In fact, these men, although not
regular lawyers, were upon this occasion able to put to silence their
opponents, and convince the court that I was innocent. They spoke like men
inspired of God, whilst those who were arrayed against me trembled under the
sound of their voices, and quailed before them like criminals before a bar
of justice.

(History of Joseph Smith., Times and Seasons, vol. 4 (November
1842-November 1843), Vol. 4 No. 4 January 2, 1843, p.62)

Pray, what did he look like? [Here one of my lawyers informed the witness
that he need not answer the question.] The witness replied, I believe I need
not answer your last question, but I will do it provided I be allowed to ask
you one question first, and you answer me, viz: Do you, Mr. Seymour,
understand the things of the Spirit? No, answered Mr. Seymour, I do not
pretend to such big things. Well then, replied Knight, it would be of no use
to tell you what the devil looked like, for it was a spiritual sight, and
spiritually discerned; and of course you would not understand it were I to
tell you of it. The lawyer dropped his head, whilst the loud laugh of the
audience proclaimed his discomfiture. Mr. Seymour now addressed the court,
and in a long and violent harangue endeavoured to blacken my character and
bring me in guilty of the charges which had been brought against me. Among
other things, he brought up the story of my having been a money digger; and
in this manner proceeded, in hopes to influence the cours and the people
against me.

(The Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star,Volume 41)

The world will not accept anything but what can be demonstrated by physical
evidences, consequently they ignore and set aside all spiritual
manifestations, endowments of ministrations, not realizing that Jehovah, in
communicating knowledge to the human family, passes by the mortal body and
addresses Himself directly to the mind, or rather to the spirit of man:
which spirit emanated from Himself, having been begotten by Him. In other
words, while our earthly parents address us through our tabernacles that
they have been instrumental in producing, our heavenly Father address
Himself directly to our spirits, which He Himself produced. Hence the things
of God are only spiritually discerned or must first be discerned by our
spirits. The Prophet Joseph makes this very plain. He says: "All things
whatsoever God of His infinite wisdom has seen fit to reveal to us while we
are dwelling in mortality, in regard to our mortal bodies are revealed to us
in the abstract and independent of affinity of this mortal tabernacle, but
are revealed to our spirits precisely as though we had no body at all; and
those revelations which will save our spirits will save our tabernacles; God
reveals them to us in view of no eternal dissolution of the body or
tabernacle." This proves that although the spirit dwells in a tabernacle and
gives life and animation thereto, it can exist independent of the
tabernacle; whereas, the body would die unless quickened by the spirit for
in the language of holy writ, "if He gather unto Himself His Spirit and His
breath, all flesh shall perish together," etc. The spirit of man then must
be viewed as in all respects superior to the tabernacle, insomuch that God
has chosen it as the medium through which to communicate knowledge, and that
too by the Holy Ghost, His minister or testator.

(The Contributor, Volume 61)

There is a realm of thought, there are sources of information which
transcend the schools, and constitute a department of spiritual philosophy
recognized of religion and sustained of sacred books, beyond the hearing of
the ear, or the seeing of the natural or the physical eye! This philosophy
and science declares that spirit may assume such material form as shall be
visible to material senses, or that the physical eye may be adapted to
spiritual things. There are illustrations in both directions in the
Scriptures. The servant of Elisha had his eyes opened to behold that retinue
of the heavens which was for the protection of the Prophet, and the presence
of the angel at the door of the Savior's sepulchre may be cited for the
purposes of reflection. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned, and
recognition implies that exercise of memory as exemplified on the Mount:
"Lord let us make here three tabernacles, one for Thee, and one for Moses,
and one for Elias." Neither of the latter had been known to Peter in the
flesh! "Now faith is the evidence (or assurance) of things not seen," that
is by the natural eye; and it is a question for spiritual philosophers, as
to whether knowledge by faith and righteousness may not after all be the
simple removal of those clouds which overshadow the soul, in its alienation
from goodness and from God! And whether by obedience to principles of truth
this cloud is not susceptible of removal, and the old knowledge bound to
return again by the power of memory, and the revealing spirit of God.

(The Contributor, Volume 121)

The assertion concerning the last words of Christ and their contradiction of
the ascension, is on a par with the other assumptions and absurdities of the
famous promoter of infidelity. In the first place, Matthew does not say that
the sentence, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world"
were "the last words of Christ," as Ingersoll asserts, neither do they
"contradict the ascension." They are in complete accord with his promise to
his Apostles before his decease, "I will not leave you comfortless, I will
come to you yet a little while and the world seeth me no more, but ye see
me; because I live, ye shall live also" (John XIV: 18, 19). In the second,
Christ also promised to be with them always by "the Comforter." "Even the
spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not,
neither knoweth him, but ye know him, for it dwelleth with you and shall be
in you" (verse 17). This may not be perfectly clear to Mr. Ingersoll,
because it is spiritual, and spiritual things are only spiritually
discerned; but to those who are able to receive that spirit of truth which
manifests both the Father and the Son, it is perfectly easy to comprehend
how Christ can be with his disciples, "even to the end of the world,"
although he has ascended into heaven.

(Improvement Era 18981)

Then if we would know the Lord Jesus Christ, and his servants, who are in
our midst, and that their testimonies are true, we must enjoy the light of
the Spirit of the living God individually. The possession of this heavenly
knowledge is absolutely necessary to keep us in the paths of life and truth,
for without it we cannot distinguish the voice of the true shepherd, which
is spiritually discerned; and although we may be in fellowship with the
Church, fully believing the counsels of our brethren to be dictated by
wisdom, yet, without something more than mere belief or supposition, we
cannot stand; and furthermore, under such circumstances, we cannot
consistently claim that we have part or lot in the kingdom of God. For as it
is written: "An actual knowledge to any person, that the course of life
which he pursues is according to the will of God, is essentially necessary
to enable him to have that confidence in God without which no person can
obtain eternal life." For unless a person does know that he is walking
according to the will of God, it would be an insult to the dignity of the
Creator were he to say that he would be a partaker of his glory when he
should be done with the things of this life.-Journal of Discourses, 19:

(Improvement Era 19061)

We may be very poor salesmen or peddlers; in fact, I am almost convinced
that such is the case, because we find it extremely difficult to persuade
people to accept our "cargo" even as a gift. It is all too common for people
to prize highest the cheapest things, measured in terms of eternal value,
and to esteem least the things of greatest worth. It is comparatively easy
to sell life insurance pertaining to this worldly kingdom, but oh, how
difficult to give away a "policy" which will assure one of eternal life in
the kingdom of God.

(Improvement Era 19221)

I would remark, further, that so far from Satan not exercising this power
over man, he exercises it to such an extent, and he possesses such an
unbounded influence over the human family, that God's purposes relative to
man, and the earth, never can be carried out until Satan is bound, and cast
into the bottomless pit. John says, "And I saw an angel come down from
heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand.
And he laid hold on the Dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and
Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit,
and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations
no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled." Revelation 20:1-3.
Here, then, he is described as deceiving the nations, and his power is
curtailed for a season, that he shall not possess it. It is a difficult
thing to persuade men that they are deceived; because that very power that
deceives them, inflates the mind with self-sufficiency and assurance: but
who, that looks abroad in the world, and sees the confusion, distress, and
misery that abound, will say that man has acted wisely?

(John Taylor, The Government of God, p.51)

You and your associates are fond of smooth talk, and of what you call, and
what, in fact, in other cases, would be kind and gentlemanly discussion.
Such kind of language, experience proves, can neither benefit you nor your
followers. It only inflates your vanity, and encourages you in your career
of infamy. You can have no such language from me. You need the language of
justice, of rebuke, and not of compassion; and even those who pity you most,
and would labor most for your reform, should at present hold toward you no
other language than that which adequately presents both your turpitude and
your crimes, if indeed, language is adequate to the task.

(Francis W. Kirkham, A New Witness for Christ in America, 2 vols., 2:,

There is a very serious disorder or disease affecting the ego that is much
more difficult to cure. Teachers would do well to diagnose it early. This
disease develops when the ego is deflated frequently over a long period of
time. It becomes flattened out to the point that it becomes very painful to
the individual. If no one inflates it with words of encouragement and
kindness, a serious condition sets in. The individual himself begins to
inflate his own ego-an artificial process that is not satisfying. It is an
unhealthy substitute.

(Boyd K. Packer, Teach Ye Diligently, p.108)

8. I come now, dearest brother, to the character of Cornelius our colleague,
that with us you may more justly know Cornelius, not from the lies of
malignants and detractors, but from the judgment of the Lord God, who made
him a bishop, and from the testimony of his fellow-bishops, the whole number
of whom has agreed with an absolute unanimity throughout the whole world.
For,-a thing which with laudable announcement commends our dearest Cornelius
to God and Christ, and to His Church, and also to all his fellow-priests,-he
was not one who on a sudden attained to the episcopate; but, promoted
through all the ecclesiastical offices, and having often deserved well of
the Lord in divine administrations, he ascended by all the grades of
religious service to the lofty summit of the Priesthood. Then, moreover, he
did not either ask for the episcopate itself, nor did he wish it; nor, as
others do when the swelling of their l arrogance and pride inflates them,
did he seize upon it; but quiet otherwise, and meek and such as those are
accustomed to be who are chosen of God to this office, having regard to the
modesty of his virgin continency, and the humility of his inborn and guarded
veneration, he did not, as some do, use force to be made a bishop, but he
himself suffered compulsion, so as to be forced to receive the episcopal
office. And he was made bishop by very many of our colleagues who were then
present in the city of Rome, who sent to us letters concerning his
ordination, honourable and laudatory, and remarkable for their testimony in
announcement of him. Moreover, Cornelius was made bishop by the judgment of
God and of His Christ, by the testimony of almost all the clergy, by the
suffrage of the people who were then present, and by the assembly of ancient
priests and good men, when no one had been made so before him, when the
place of Fabian, that is, when the place of Peter and the degree of the
sacerdotal throne was vacant; which being occupied by the will of God, and
established by the consent of all of us, whosoever now wishes to become a
bishop, must needs be made from without; and he cannot have the ordination
of the Church who does not hold the unity of the Church. Whoever he may be,
although greatly boasting about himself, and claiming very much for himself,
he is profane, he is an alien, he is without. And as after the first there
cannot be a second, whosoever is made after one who ought to be alone, is
not second to him, but is in fact none at all.

(Cyprian, Epistles of Cyprian1)

6. Considering which things, beloved brethren, let us with vigilance and
courage fortify our hearts dedicated to God against such a destructiveness
of evil. Let the death of others avail for our safety; let the punishment of
the unwise confer health upon the prudent. Moreover, there is no ground for
any one to suppose that evil of that kind is confined in one form, or
restrained within brief limits in a narrow boundary. The mischief of
jealousy, manifold and fruitful, extends widely. It is the root of all
evils, the fountain of disasters, the nursery of crimes, the material of
transgressions. Thence arises hatred, thence proceeds animosity. Jealousy
inflames avarice, in that one cannot be content with what is his own, while
he sees another more wealthy. Jealousy stirs up ambition, when one sees
another more exalted in honours. When jealousy darkens our perceptions, and
reduces the secret agencies of the mind under its command, the fear of God
is despised, the teaching of Christ is neglected, the day of judgment is not
anticipated. Pride inflates, cruelty embitters, faithlessness prevaricates,
impatience agitates, discord rages, anger grows hot; nor can he who has
become the subject of a foreign authority any longer restrain or govern
himself. By this the bond of the Lord's peace is broken; by this is violated
brotherly charity; by this truth is adulterated, unity is divided; men
plunge into heresies and schisms when priests are disparaged, when bishops
are envied, when a man complains that he himself was not rather ordained, or
disdains to suffer that another should be put over him. Hence the man who is
haughty through jealousy, and perverse through envy, kicks, hence he
revolts, in anger and malice the opponent, not of the man, but of the

(Cyprian, Treatises)


5 And it speaketh harshly against sin, according to the plainness of the
truth; wherefore, no man will be angry at the words which I have written
save he shall be of the spirit of the devil.
6 I glory in plainness; I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath
redeemed my soul from hell.

(2 Nephi 33:5 - 6)

26 And ye have murmured because he hath been plain unto you. Ye say that
he hath used sharpness; ye say that he hath been angry with you; but behold,
his sharpness was the sharpness of the power of the word of God, which was
in him; and that which ye call anger was the truth, according to that which
is in God, which he could not restrain, manifesting boldly concerning your
27 And it must needs be that the power of God must be with him, even unto
his commanding you that ye must obey. But behold, it was not he, but it was
the Spirit of the Lord which was in him, which opened his mouth to utterance
that he could not shut it.

(Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 1:26 - 27)

"What Joseph meant by being damned was that people will go into the spirit
world without the Priesthood, and consequently they are under the power of
Satan, and will have to be redeemed, or else they will be forever under his
power. That is all there is about that."

(Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 17:, p.159)

"I am like a huge rough stone rolling down from a high mountain; and the
only polishing I get is when some corner gets rubbed off by coming in
contact with something else, striking with accelerated force against
religious bigotry, priestcraft, lawyer-craft, doctor-craft, lying editors,
suborned judges and jurors, and the authority of perjured executives, backed
by mobs, blasphemers, licentious and corrupt men and women, all hell
knocking off a corner here and a corner there. Thus will I become a smooth
and polished shaft in the quiver of the Almighty." (Teachings of the
Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 304.)

"I just tell em the truth, and they think it's hell." Harry Truman

Always accuse your adversary of whatever is true about yourself.

"Nothing has more retarded the advancement of learning than the disposition
of vulgar minds to ridicule and vilify what they do not understand."
Dr.Samuel Johnson.

The Revelations of Jesus Christ:

Discourses of Brigham Young, Pg.68
As it has always been, and will be yet for some time, when the sons
of God assemble together Satan will be on hand as an accuser of the
brethren, to find fault with those who are trying to do good.

"But we ask, does it remain for a people who never had faith enough to call
down one scrap of revelation from heaven, and for all they have now are
to the faith of another people...does it remain for them to say how much God
spoken and how much He has not spoken?" Joseph Smith

"Every generation has flattered itself that it is a little better than the
one that preceded it. Every generation has prided itself in its knowledge
and great advancement in the arts and sciences and its superiority over
preceding generations; yet the power of the adversary and his hatred of
righteousness and truth are as great to-day as they ever were since the
creation of the earth." Journal of Discourses, Vol.11, Pg.228 - Pg.229,
George Q. Cannon, May 6, 1866

"Some men are natural born saints; whenever a principle is advanced they
understand it, and drink it in; while there are others who do not
understand and oppose every principle that is not clear to their mind. This
can be accounted for, that we are not all pure blooded, for Ephraim became
foolish and mixed up with the gentiles. When we find the pure blood of
Ephraim, we find a natural born child of God and there is nothing in the
gospel that is objectionable to them, but the others have to exercise faith
in God and humble themselves before Him and live for it." (Deseret Weekly,
"Woody Brison" <> wrote in message
> On Sep 23, 11:46 am, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
>> The following is my very first post on arm, which was rejected by the
>> then
>> moderated,

> The question is, who cares?
"Al Klein" <rukbat@pern.invalid> wrote in message
> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:54:26 -0400, "Robibnikoff"
> <> wrote:
>>"Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
>>> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:53:27 -0400, Robibnikoff wrote:
>>>> What the hell is this dickweed's major malfunction?
>>> Here we go:
>>> In his own words:
>>> "But to answer your charge, Sheriff's deputies came with handcuffs led
>>> by my brother in law, Clyde. My family had been stolen from me by boy
>>> scouts with pickup trucks, traiterous mother-in-law, suborned stake
>>> authorities, etc. I would not be you for the world. Anywhere these
>>> people are that is the heaven I do not want to be (if they get one).
>>> They brought me handcuffed for trial for involuntary commitmnet."

>>Holy cannoli, this guy is batshit crazy :p

> Playing prophetess?

Teehee ;)
> He'll be batshit crazy AFTER he's cured. That's about the highest
> level he can hope to attain. Just look at his hero, Joseph "I've got
> magic glasses" Smith.

Oh my ;)
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 21:52:26 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>

>The Athenians did not care when the "nobody" Paul preached to them, and they
>were indifferent to their salvation. They are bygone, but Paul shines as
>bright as the sun.

And, assuming he ever really existed, he's just as dead as they are.
Al at Webdingers dot com
"They laughed at Newton, they laughed at Einstein, but they also laughed at
Bozo the Clown."
- Carl Sagan
What evidence do you have for your statement? None. It is your belief, your
word only. I know differently however, having received a testimony of it
through the power of the Holy Ghost which you deny.

"The eye, the ear, the hand, all the senses may be deceived, but the Spirit
of God cannot be deceived; and when inspired with that Spirit, the whole man
is filled with knowledge, he can see with a spiritual eye, and he knows that
which is beyond the power of man to controvert." Brigham Young; (Journal of
Discourses, 16:46).


5 And it speaketh harshly against sin, according to the plainness of the
truth; wherefore, no man will be angry at the words which I have written
save he shall be of the spirit of the devil.
6 I glory in plainness; I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath
redeemed my soul from hell.

(2 Nephi 33:5 - 6)

26 And ye have murmured because he hath been plain unto you. Ye say that
he hath used sharpness; ye say that he hath been angry with you; but behold,
his sharpness was the sharpness of the power of the word of God, which was
in him; and that which ye call anger was the truth, according to that which
is in God, which he could not restrain, manifesting boldly concerning your
27 And it must needs be that the power of God must be with him, even unto
his commanding you that ye must obey. But behold, it was not he, but it was
the Spirit of the Lord which was in him, which opened his mouth to utterance
that he could not shut it.

(Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 1:26 - 27)

"What Joseph meant by being damned was that people will go into the spirit
world without the Priesthood, and consequently they are under the power of
Satan, and will have to be redeemed, or else they will be forever under his
power. That is all there is about that."

(Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 17:, p.159)

"I am like a huge rough stone rolling down from a high mountain; and the
only polishing I get is when some corner gets rubbed off by coming in
contact with something else, striking with accelerated force against
religious bigotry, priestcraft, lawyer-craft, doctor-craft, lying editors,
suborned judges and jurors, and the authority of perjured executives, backed
by mobs, blasphemers, licentious and corrupt men and women, all hell
knocking off a corner here and a corner there. Thus will I become a smooth
and polished shaft in the quiver of the Almighty." (Teachings of the
Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 304.)

"I just tell em the truth, and they think it's hell." Harry Truman

Always accuse your adversary of whatever is true about yourself.

"Nothing has more retarded the advancement of learning than the disposition
of vulgar minds to ridicule and vilify what they do not understand."
Dr.Samuel Johnson.

The Revelations of Jesus Christ:

Discourses of Brigham Young, Pg.68
As it has always been, and will be yet for some time, when the sons
of God assemble together Satan will be on hand as an accuser of the
brethren, to find fault with those who are trying to do good.

"But we ask, does it remain for a people who never had faith enough to call
down one scrap of revelation from heaven, and for all they have now are
to the faith of another people...does it remain for them to say how much God
spoken and how much He has not spoken?" Joseph Smith

"Every generation has flattered itself that it is a little better than the
one that preceded it. Every generation has prided itself in its knowledge
and great advancement in the arts and sciences and its superiority over
preceding generations; yet the power of the adversary and his hatred of
righteousness and truth are as great to-day as they ever were since the
creation of the earth." Journal of Discourses, Vol.11, Pg.228 - Pg.229,
George Q. Cannon, May 6, 1866

"Some men are natural born saints; whenever a principle is advanced they
understand it, and drink it in; while there are others who do not
understand and oppose every principle that is not clear to their mind. This
can be accounted for, that we are not all pure blooded, for Ephraim became
foolish and mixed up with the gentiles. When we find the pure blood of
Ephraim, we find a natural born child of God and there is nothing in the
gospel that is objectionable to them, but the others have to exercise faith
in God and humble themselves before Him and live for it." (Deseret Weekly,
"Al Klein" <rukbat@pern.invalid> wrote in message
> On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 21:52:26 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
> wrote:
>>The Athenians did not care when the "nobody" Paul preached to them, and
>>were indifferent to their salvation. They are bygone, but Paul shines as
>>bright as the sun.

> And, assuming he ever really existed, he's just as dead as they are.
> --
> Al at Webdingers dot com
> "They laughed at Newton, they laughed at Einstein, but they also laughed
> at
> Bozo the Clown."
> - Carl Sagan
Classic anti-Christ preaching similar to below:

12 And this Anti-Christ, whose name was Korihor, (and the law could have no
hold upon him) began to preach unto the people that there should be no
Christ. And after this manner did he preach, saying:
13 O ye that are bound down under a foolish and a vain hope, why do ye yoke
yourselves with such foolish things? Why do ye look for a Christ? For no man
can know of anything which is to come.
14 Behold, these things which ye call prophecies, which ye say are handed
down by holy prophets, behold, they are foolish traditions of your fathers.
15 How do ye know of their surety? Behold, ye cannot know of things which
ye do not see; therefore ye cannot know that there shall be a Christ.
16 Ye look forward and say that ye see a remission of your sins. But
behold, it is the effect of a frenzied mind; and this derangement of your
minds comes because of the traditions of your fathers, which lead you away
into a belief of things which are not so.
17 And many more such things did he say unto them, telling them that there
could be no atonement made for the sins of men, but every man fared in this
life according to the management of the creature; therefore every man
prospered according to his genius, and that every man conquered according to
his strength; and whatsoever a man did was no crime.
18 And thus he did preach unto them, leading away the hearts of many,
causing them to lift up their heads in their wickedness, yea, leading away
many women, and also men, to commit whoredoms--telling them that when a man
was dead, that was the end thereof.
19 Now this man went over to the land of Jershon also, to preach these
things among the people of Ammon, who were once the people of the Lamanites.
20 But behold they were more wise than many of the Nephites; for they took
him, and bound him, and carried him before Ammon, who was a high priest over
that people.
21 And it came to pass that he caused that he should be carried out of the
land. And he came over into the land of Gideon, and began to preach unto
them also; and here he did not have much success, for he was taken and bound
and carried before the high priest, and also the chief judge over the land.
22 And it came to pass that the high priest said unto him: Why do ye go
about perverting the ways of the Lord? Why do ye teach this people that
there shall be no Christ, to interrupt their rejoicings? Why do ye speak
against all the prophecies of the holy prophets?
23 Now the high priest's name was Giddonah. And Korihor said unto him:
Because I do not teach the foolish traditions of your fathers, and because I
do not teach this people to bind themselves down under the foolish
ordinances and performances which are laid down by ancient priests, to usurp
power and authority over them, to keep them in ignorance, that they may not
lift up their heads, but be brought down according to thy words.
24 Ye say that this people is a free people. Behold, I say they are in
bondage. Ye say that those ancient prophecies are true. Behold, I say that
ye do not know that they are true.
25 Ye say that this people is a guilty and a fallen people, because of the
transgression of a parent. Behold, I say that a child is not guilty because
of its parents.
26 And ye also say that Christ shall come. But behold, I say that ye do not
know that there shall be a Christ. And ye say also that he shall be slain
for the sins of the world--
27 And thus ye lead away this people after the foolish traditions of your
fathers, and according to your own desires; and ye keep them down, even as
it were in bondage, that ye may glut yourselves with the labors of their
hands, that they durst not look up with boldness, and that they durst not
enjoy their rights and privileges.
28 Yea, they durst not make use of that which is their own lest they should
offend their priests, who do yoke them according to their desires, and have
brought them to believe, by their traditions and their dreams and their
whims and their visions and their pretended mysteries, that they should, if
they did not do according to their words, offend some unknown being, who
they say is God--a being who never has been seen or known, who never was nor
ever will be.
29 Now when the high priest and the chief judge saw the hardness of his
heart, yea, when they saw that he would revile even against God, they would
not make any reply to his words; but they caused that he should be bound;
and they delivered him up into the hands of the officers, and sent him to
the land of Zarahemla, that he might be brought before Alma, and the chief
judge who was governor over all the land.
30 And it came to pass that when he was brought before Alma and the chief
judge, he did go on in the same manner as he did in the land of Gideon; yea,
he went on to blaspheme.
31 And he did rise up in great swelling words before Alma, and did revile
against the priests and teachers, accusing them of leading away the people
after the silly traditions of their fathers, for the sake of glutting on the
labors of the people.
32 Now Alma said unto him: Thou knowest that we do not glut ourselves upon
the labors of this people; for behold I have labored even from the
commencement of the reign of the judges until now, with mine own hands for
my support, notwithstanding my many travels round about the land to declare
the word of God unto my people.
33 And notwithstanding the many labors which I have performed in the
church, I have never received so much as even one senine for my labor;
neither has any of my brethren, save it were in the judgment-seat; and then
we have received only according to law for our time.
34 And now, if we do not receive anything for our labors in the church,
what doth it profit us to labor in the church save it were to declare the
truth, that we may have rejoicings in the joy of our brethren?
35 Then why sayest thou that we preach unto this people to get gain, when
thou, of thyself, knowest that we receive no gain? And now, believest thou
that we deceive this people, that causes such joy in their hearts?
36 And Korihor answered him, Yea.
37 And then Alma said unto him: Believest thou that there is a God?
38 And he answered, Nay.
39 Now Alma said unto him: Will ye deny again that there is a God, and also
deny the Christ? For behold, I say unto you, I know there is a God, and also
that Christ shall come.
40 And now what evidence have ye that there is no God, or that Christ
cometh not? I say unto you that ye have none, save it be your word only.
41 But, behold, I have all things as a testimony that these things are
true; and ye also have all things as a testimony unto you that they are
true; and will ye deny them? Believest thou that these things are true?
42 Behold, I know that thou believest, but thou art possessed with a lying
spirit, and ye have put off the Spirit of God that it may have no place in
you; but the devil has power over you, and he doth carry you about, working
devices that he may destroy the children of God.
43 And now Korihor said unto Alma: If thou wilt show me a sign, that I may
be convinced that there is a God, yea, show unto me that he hath power, and
then will I be convinced of the truth of thy words.
44 But Alma said unto him: Thou hast had signs enough; will ye tempt your
God? Will ye say, Show unto me a sign, when ye have the testimony of all
these thy brethren, and also all the holy prophets? The scriptures are laid
before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth,
and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and
also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there
is a Supreme Creator.
45 And yet do ye go about, leading away the hearts of this people,
testifying unto them there is no God? And yet will ye deny against all these
witnesses? And he said: Yea, I will deny, except ye shall show me a sign.
46 And now it came to pass that Alma said unto him: Behold, I am grieved
because of the hardness of your heart, yea, that ye will still resist the
spirit of the truth, that thy soul may be destroyed.
47 But behold, it is better that thy soul should be lost than that thou
shouldst be the means of bringing many souls down to destruction, by thy
lying and by thy flattering words; therefore if thou shalt deny again,
behold God shall smite thee, that thou shalt become dumb, that thou shalt
never open thy mouth any more, that thou shalt not deceive this people any
48 Now Korihor said unto him: I do not deny the existence of a God, but I
do not believe that there is a God; and I say also, that ye do not know that
there is a God; and except ye show me a sign, I will not believe.
49 Now Alma said unto him: This will I give unto thee for a sign, that thou
shalt be struck dumb, according to my words; and I say, that in the name of
God, ye shall be struck dumb, that ye shall no more have utterance.
50 Now when Alma had said these words, Korihor was struck dumb, that he
could not have utterance, according to the words of Alma.
51 And now when the chief judge saw this, he put forth his hand and wrote
unto Korihor, saying: Art thou convinced of the power of God? In whom did ye
desire that Alma should show forth his sign? Would ye that he should afflict
others, to show unto thee a sign? Behold, he has showed unto you a sign; and
now will ye dispute more?
52 And Korihor put forth his hand and wrote, saying: I know that I am dumb,
for I cannot speak; and I know that nothing save it were the power of God
could bring this upon me; yea, and I always knew that there was a God.
53 But behold, the devil hath deceived me; for he appeared unto me in the
form of an angel, and said unto me: Go and reclaim this people, for they
have all gone astray after an unknown God. And he said unto me: There is no
God; yea, and he taught me that which I should say. And I have taught his
words; and I taught them because they were pleasing unto the carnal mind;
and I taught them, even until I had much success, insomuch that I verily
believed that they were true; and for this cause I withstood the truth, even
until I have brought this great curse upon me.
54 Now when he had said this, he besought that Alma should pray unto God,
that the curse might be taken from him.
55 But Alma said unto him: If this curse should be taken from thee thou
wouldst again lead away the hearts of this people; therefore, it shall be
unto thee even as the Lord will.
56 And it came to pass that the curse was not taken off of Korihor; but he
was cast out, and went about from house to house begging for his food.

(Alma 30:12-56)


5 And it speaketh harshly against sin, according to the plainness of the
truth; wherefore, no man will be angry at the words which I have written
save he shall be of the spirit of the devil.
6 I glory in plainness; I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath
redeemed my soul from hell.

(2 Nephi 33:5 - 6)

26 And ye have murmured because he hath been plain unto you. Ye say that
he hath used sharpness; ye say that he hath been angry with you; but behold,
his sharpness was the sharpness of the power of the word of God, which was
in him; and that which ye call anger was the truth, according to that which
is in God, which he could not restrain, manifesting boldly concerning your
27 And it must needs be that the power of God must be with him, even unto
his commanding you that ye must obey. But behold, it was not he, but it was
the Spirit of the Lord which was in him, which opened his mouth to utterance
that he could not shut it.

(Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 1:26 - 27)

"What Joseph meant by being damned was that people will go into the spirit
world without the Priesthood, and consequently they are under the power of
Satan, and will have to be redeemed, or else they will be forever under his
power. That is all there is about that."

(Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 17:, p.159)

"I am like a huge rough stone rolling down from a high mountain; and the
only polishing I get is when some corner gets rubbed off by coming in
contact with something else, striking with accelerated force against
religious bigotry, priestcraft, lawyer-craft, doctor-craft, lying editors,
suborned judges and jurors, and the authority of perjured executives, backed
by mobs, blasphemers, licentious and corrupt men and women, all hell
knocking off a corner here and a corner there. Thus will I become a smooth
and polished shaft in the quiver of the Almighty." (Teachings of the
Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 304.)

"I just tell em the truth, and they think it's hell." Harry Truman

Always accuse your adversary of whatever is true about yourself.

"Nothing has more retarded the advancement of learning than the disposition
of vulgar minds to ridicule and vilify what they do not understand."
Dr.Samuel Johnson.

The Revelations of Jesus Christ:

Discourses of Brigham Young, Pg.68
As it has always been, and will be yet for some time, when the sons
of God assemble together Satan will be on hand as an accuser of the
brethren, to find fault with those who are trying to do good.

"But we ask, does it remain for a people who never had faith enough to call
down one scrap of revelation from heaven, and for all they have now are
to the faith of another people...does it remain for them to say how much God
spoken and how much He has not spoken?" Joseph Smith

"Every generation has flattered itself that it is a little better than the
one that preceded it. Every generation has prided itself in its knowledge
and great advancement in the arts and sciences and its superiority over
preceding generations; yet the power of the adversary and his hatred of
righteousness and truth are as great to-day as they ever were since the
creation of the earth." Journal of Discourses, Vol.11, Pg.228 - Pg.229,
George Q. Cannon, May 6, 1866

"Some men are natural born saints; whenever a principle is advanced they
understand it, and drink it in; while there are others who do not
understand and oppose every principle that is not clear to their mind. This
can be accounted for, that we are not all pure blooded, for Ephraim became
foolish and mixed up with the gentiles. When we find the pure blood of
Ephraim, we find a natural born child of God and there is nothing in the
gospel that is objectionable to them, but the others have to exercise faith
in God and humble themselves before Him and live for it." (Deseret Weekly,
"Al Klein" <rukbat@pern.invalid> wrote in message
> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:54:26 -0400, "Robibnikoff"
> <> wrote:
>>"Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
>>> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:53:27 -0400, Robibnikoff wrote:
>>>> What the hell is this dickweed's major malfunction?
>>> Here we go:
>>> In his own words:
>>> "But to answer your charge, Sheriff's deputies came with handcuffs led
>>> by my brother in law, Clyde. My family had been stolen from me by boy
>>> scouts with pickup trucks, traiterous mother-in-law, suborned stake
>>> authorities, etc. I would not be you for the world. Anywhere these
>>> people are that is the heaven I do not want to be (if they get one).
>>> They brought me handcuffed for trial for involuntary commitmnet."

>>Holy cannoli, this guy is batshit crazy :p

> Playing prophetess?
> He'll be batshit crazy AFTER he's cured. That's about the highest
> level he can hope to attain. Just look at his hero, Joseph "I've got
> magic glasses" Smith.
> --
> Al at Webdingers dot com
> "They laughed at Newton, they laughed at Einstein, but they also laughed
> at
> Bozo the Clown."
> - Carl Sagan
On Mon, 1 Oct 2007 10:59:10 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>

>What evidence do you have for your statement?

The Bible. No contemporaneous evidence.

> None. It is your belief, your
>word only. I know differently however, having received a testimony of it
>through the power of the Holy Ghost which you deny.

Of which you have no objective evidence, only your assertion.

>"The eye, the ear, the hand, all the senses may be deceived, but the Spirit
>of God cannot be deceived; and when inspired with that Spirit, the whole man
>is filled with knowledge, he can see with a spiritual eye, and he knows that
>which is beyond the power of man to controvert." Brigham Young; (Journal of
>Discourses, 16:46).

No objective evidence, only his assertion.
Al at Webdingers dot com
"They laughed at Newton, they laughed at Einstein, but they also laughed at
Bozo the Clown."
- Carl Sagan
"Al Klein" <rukbat@pern.invalid> wrote in message
> On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:37:50 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
> wrote:
>>Because you are a wicked *******, that is why. I have to suffer your crap
>>coming over every channel on tv, schools, print media.

> If reality contradicts your beliefs, it's not reality that's wrong.
>>the moment someone stands up to testify of a God

> You have some objective evidence that this "God" objectively exists?

You have objective evidence that God doesn't exist? You have objective
evidence that Darwinism exists?
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 18:45:32 -0700, Aaron Kim wrote:

> "Al Klein" <rukbat@pern.invalid> wrote in message
>> On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:37:50 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
>> wrote:
>>>Because you are a wicked *******, that is why. I have to suffer your
>>>crap coming over every channel on tv, schools, print media.

>> If reality contradicts your beliefs, it's not reality that's wrong.
>>>the moment someone stands up to testify of a God

>> You have some objective evidence that this "God" objectively exists?

> You have objective evidence that God doesn't exist? You have objective
> evidence that Darwinism exists?

We have objective evidence you're a cross posting troll...

Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
“We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only
in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory
that his wife is beautiful and his children smart.”

- H. L. Mencken
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 18:45:32 -0700, "Aaron Kim" <>

>"Al Klein" <rukbat@pern.invalid> wrote in message
>> On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:37:50 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
>> wrote:
>>>Because you are a wicked *******, that is why. I have to suffer your crap
>>>coming over every channel on tv, schools, print media.

>> If reality contradicts your beliefs, it's not reality that's wrong.
>>>the moment someone stands up to testify of a God

>> You have some objective evidence that this "God" objectively exists?

>You have objective evidence that God doesn't exist?

Don't need to disprove your assertion, you need to prove it.

> You have objective evidence that Darwinism exists?

Yep. It's been observed thousands of times - a day.
Al at Webdingers dot com
"The United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion"
- Treaty with Tripoli, 1797, ratified by Congress, signed by John Adams
On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 06:38:32 -0500, "Mark K. Bilbo"
<gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote:

>On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 18:45:32 -0700, Aaron Kim wrote:

>> You have objective evidence that God doesn't exist? You have objective
>> evidence that Darwinism exists?

>We have objective evidence you're a cross posting troll...

Only to the extent that Art allows him to be. Aaron is just an
extension of Art.
Al at Webdingers dot com
"Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day.
Teach him how to fish and he'll eat forever.
Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while
praying for a fish."
- Josef Balluch