Mystery Journal


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
Sitting Pretty In Paradise
You can saw that today was filled with changes. Today I went up to my school to register all my information for my school. Giving them contact information and receiving my first semester schedule. At first I was a little surprise that I didn't get newspaper, however, in its place was web design. Me and my mom figured that it was best to try something new. I mean 9th through 10th grade I went through my core classes to get my credits in order to graduate. And 11th grade I took mostly writing classes, inculding newspaper.

I worked hard all these years, so 12th grade year I should sit back and relax a little, right? I mean have all my core classes done, and I've took most of my college entrance exams... so I should be set.

This is when things turn a little weird today. You see my father passed away leaving behind his Dodge truck, which are huge and hard trucks to drive. So, me and my mother were discussing things we were going to do with our lives after I go to college. And she had finally come to terms that my father wasn't coming back no matter how hard she wished. So, we're coming to a yellow light, at the point of no return. So, we can't stop because if we do we'll be hit from behind. There was SUV that happened to be in the left turning lane... and he didn't have the right away. So, he decided to turn in front of us, and my mother tried to move out the way, but he hit us from behind tearing off the axel off the truck, meaning he's in trouble.

I'm wondering why didn't anyone ask us what happened, but get my mother the ticket. Now my mother is going to court to fight for the ticket, there isn't much I can explain because it happened so fast and few hours ago. We're fine and everything, I mean we could have flipped over because we were on two wheels. Yes, life is full of changes... what are the changes in the accident... we get a new car and fight in court for something we didn't have no cause for.

Anyway... this is my schedule for this year...

1st-Expository Writing
2nd-Intergrated Math 2
3rd-Web Design-Intergrated Apps
4th-Web Design-Intergrated Apps
5th-Web Design-Intergrated Apps
By My-$elf- Yeah, my days are pretty interesting... and after that accident I still want to drive. I learned that the Dodge trucks are quite powerful. The axel may have fallen off but you can hardly tell any damages, only for the busted tire. And the guy hit us.

Sygy-Hi, it's always nice to hear from you. :)

Woodyloveslinkin-And of course, it's nice to hear from the famous woody. I'm not fond of math either; however, last year I had a hot teacher... and this year my math teacher is one of the best in the school. :)
Ah, calling me by full username hey??? meh, teh infamous woody is failing general maths in year 11 and therefore, I am dropping maths. I have friends in 3 unit, and my besty she's top of 3 unit and she doesn't help me, cos she can't remember all the stuff.
woodyloveslinkin said:
Ah, calling me by full username hey??? meh, teh infamous woody is failing general maths in year 11 and therefore, I am dropping maths. I have friends in 3 unit, and my besty she's top of 3 unit and she doesn't help me, cos she can't remember all the stuff.

I need the class just so I can get into a good college, and I don't have to take basic math... I figure I can count and add what's the point. ::smiles::
woodyloveslinkin said:
I'm dropping maths cos i sincerely hate it.
What other subjects do you do?

Other subjects.... well, I took all my basic stuff during 9th and 10th grade like Biology, Lit/Comp, and PE (I hate PE sometimes) And I was on the newspaper last year, but this year I'm taking one writing class and now I'm taking three hours of web design... and I think I might be the only girl in that class. However, I might not be on newspaper anymore it takes the pressure off, and I just help out from time to time.
The only thing that I found fun in biology in year 10 was the fact that we got to disect a sheeps brain.
I do:
> Modern History
> Advanced English (compulsary here)
> Geo
> General Maths
> Drama

yeah .. im taking up History extension next year.
woodyloveslinkin said:
The only thing that I found fun in biology in year 10 was the fact that we got to disect a sheeps brain.
I do:
> Modern History
> Advanced English (compulsary here)
> Geo
> General Maths
> Drama

yeah .. im taking up History extension next year.

History is my favorite subject next to writing... I didn't get to disect frogs 10th grade year, because I had something to do that day... but it didn't help that a boy chanced me around the classroom with the open frog the next day.
Damn, it's so cool that you can pick objects you want to have in school...We can't do that! :( We have all settled...that's how I had at least 10 objects in one year...this year I'll have...hmmm...9 objects?...I think...meh, whatever...
Open House

I'm tired, and my feet hurt. Oh, what I've been up to? Well, my school had a open house. It's where before school starts, students and parents get together and find classes, lockers, and meet with teachers. I went because I was helping out newspaper, even though I'm not apart of it. However, I was apart of the ideas I put into it before the end of school year last semester. Of course, freshmen weren't interested, and there were more parents there than students.

I found it funny that Meg (Greyfoxx) was helping out this table called C.A.R.L., it's where after school writers and poets get together and share their work. They had more people because they had browines... but you had to take the flyer as well. And she wasn't really happy, because she learned that she was getting the teacher who was afraid of M&M again for Creative Writing, and class called Humainites because we told her that she had to draw pictures of the Mona Lisa and stuff like that, without tracing. And oh, yeah I don't have a second hour, so I get to walk around school during second hour until they give me one. (No wonder why my schedule was short)

So, I'm tired and my brain is blah, because I when my friend and her mother were coming to pick me up, because my mother is taking classes at the local community college. I had them going in circles because I couldn't give them good directions (oops).

I hope to start working on my stories again. And some reading time in before school starts on Sep. 5. YEAH JOY! There isn't much to do for this summer but get ready for college and get my school suppilies.

Just another day of my life... :)


Diana-Yeah, we do get to pick out our own classes. However, it's our job to get our core classes (reading/writing, math, science, computers, and PE) and they count for the credits we recieve (21 credits I believe for us) in order for us to gradate. If we don't get those classes or credits we won't gradate, which explains 5th year Seniors. Yet, the new freshmen can pick their classes, but they need requirments such as 4 years of math for example.
So Far So Good...

My first day of school, Sep. 5, wasn't the best. However, after a few days things started to get a little better, because I made some new friends. And started looking into scholarships. I'm going to try out for the Junior Miss Pagent for school... I just need to figure out my talent. :) for the talent part of the contest.

Nothing, much been happening... what doing essays every day for my writing class, and playing with HTML codes for three hours. But I won't say much, I just hope I can pull off this year better than last year, which, like I said before wasn't bad since i got a 3.0 last year.

Besides, that there's one thing I can't help but wonder. I haven't had a boyfriend since middle school... but all of a sudden all these boys are flocking towards me... well, I'm flattered of course. ;)
Sygy-Thanks for the comment... I guess so, but then again some days I wonder if I looked different you know. But I know that I'm good-looking... because of my mother.

Diana-Thanks... I just hope that I don't trip and fall on my face when I walk down the stage. lol!
Brand New Look On Things

I think if there is one thing to blame for the reason I haven't been updating my stories or visiting LPF, that's because of my new boyfriend. Yes! I have a new boyfriend, and funny how we met. Even though we are in the same graduating class of 2007 and we go to the same school. I have never seen him before in the four years I've been there. We met at my school's Homecoming. I went there with no date and came out with a boyfriend. Damn, I'm good! Just kidding.

Well, I guess all the blame can't go to my personal love life... I guess if you want to call it that. Linkin Park hasn't been doing much for me to get really excited over. I mean they are, of course, the source of my inspiration for writing. Don't worry Mike's Guide fans I'll have a update sooner or later. Also, this is my final year of high school, and I'm doing some last minute test taking to enter the college that I want... and I have to take this huge exam on everything I've learned basically since first grade on Oct. 28. Yeah! No, not really.

And the first card marking is almost over. I hope that I get a good grade in two classes that I'm more worried about than anything. Expository Writing and Math. I'm good at writing, but this is essay writing class. So, it's a major different than wrtiting poetry and creative writing.

*Sigh* Well, I better wrap up my little entry. It seems that lately certain things don't hold my interest for very long... excepet for my boyfriend. He rocks my world okay. There I said it. *smiles*