Mystery Journal

Return of the Writer

[music]: Love Stoned-Justin Timberlake

What relief does writing have over me, considering I have not written anything for the past four months? For a while it felt like I lost all energy to continue my passion for it, while my rivals, as I like to call them passed me by I just couldn’t come up with anything. For those that know my writing very well, and has actually taken the time to read any of my work, has noticed that I have been absent for a while, and I deeply apologize for that. You see for the past four months I have gone through what you call “life lessons” moment, and went through my first series relationship and series break-up.

Slowly, I am recovering, but school and social drama with so-called friends, my real friends, and ex-boyfriends left me drained. I have not had the right frame of mind to make good decisions, nor write anything that would capture the reader’s attention. So, ironically today after a talk with my grandma, argument with my mother, and drama with my so-called friends, I became so annoyed and so tired. I just decided to write.

Mike's Guide to Surviving High School

I have not updated this story in so long, I feel so ashamed. I knew that I lost some of my interest in Linkin Park, and that was keeping me away from LPF (Off Topic Forum 3.0). Truthfully, I have been listening to Namie Amuro and Ayumi Hamasaki, and they have taken some of my interest away. However, I felt that since this was a high school story, and I am currently dealing with high school dealings now. It felt as thought I need to revive this story once again. I need to add my angst and thoughts into Mike and friends for some fun.

Do not think I am crazy or nothing, but I like to see Mike and Co., get into trouble and fantasizing what these boys were like during their teen years. I started writing half the chapter a few days earlier; I was not really into it at the time as I was today. I thought it was going to be another “filler” chapter, and I really hate those. I should know I have that problem with Inuyasha, so why would even think of pulling off another “filler” chapter. However, with this entire pint up anger and emotions with me, I turned the chapter into some dark and tasteful in my opinion.

I wanted to touch upon a topic that I feel needed to be addressed, and I must say I really like how it turned out. Sad to say I cannot really remember what semester the gang is in, and so I must come up with something. I hope that I get some reviews, I should, consider how long I have been gone and have not updated.


Overall, I feel a sense of pride and energy coming back to me. I mean I updated a story that I haven’t touched upon in awhile. Honestly, I really can’t wait until I start working on my Sailor Moon epic---yes, I’m still a Sailor Moon fan girl. I also I have the energy to revise my book again and publishing it very soon. Hey, would any of you actually read my book? I know I ask that all the time.


Also Posted: LiveJournal
theimpact68 said:
hell, i would and i hate reading books

lol! Not to blow my own horn, but most people that read my work usually don't like reading books, and they all seem to enjoy my work. It's good to know that I'm making such a good impact on some people. Thanks for the comment that makes me feel a whole lot better about writing and publishing.
Overload: School!

[music]: Unforgiven- Sweetbox

I use to believe that having a day off from school was blessing. Not this year, blame that on the classes I am taking this year. Last week I missed a total of three days, not including the one day I had to leave school early and miss three hours of my Web Design class. Because of that, I really regret doing that. I guess it is safe to say that I had an overload of make-up work, homework assignments, and exams. For second semester, I decided to take Forensic Science, and from what I heard, it was easy class.

While the class itself is interesting, the assignments, notes, and exams are a total killer. Thursday I had to take my first Forensic Science exam, on all the things we learned from our notes, book, and articles. Half the class was absent, and the other half groaned in agony when they discovered that the exam was not a multiple-choice test. Earlier that morning I had to finish some questions for the class, and finding the answers in the college book was not helping my stress over the test. To put it in simpler terms I probably failed the exam. Well, at least I put most effort into the test, even though the answers were pulled out of my ass.

I am please that I was able to find some quiet time to read one my favorite books. Memories of a Geisha, by Arthur Golden, I have read the book before, and I was amazed by how Arthur Golden used his words gracefully in detail and in dialogue. The moments throughout the book are everlasting and so are the characters. I would have to say that so far my favorite character is Hatsumomo, because she is the ultimate bitch. A nice book is great for a quiet day.

Besides, that I just felt I should say one more thing, that I am busy working on my outline for my Sailor Moon epic, and I should be getting back to work on Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School soon. I have turned into a lazy bum, but then again I think you can associate my lazy bum attitude for having a social life. So, you can my life is boys, school, computers, parties, and sex-- I’m still a virgin so get your heads out the gutter okay people.

Oh, yeah my mother finally broke down and said I can get my nose ring! Yeah, I am excited and nervous at the same time. Next up is ****ing tattoo on my ass… just kidding!


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