Name Your Kids!


aka Gloomy Mushroom
Aug 3, 2004
Lithgow Australia
:D I have too much time on my hands.
Okay, hypothetically you've got a stack of kids (lol reminds me of The Sims) of your own and you've got to name them. Which means, no responses like "I don't want kids" and "I don't know" < in that case, take some time to think about it.
How many would you want? Why did you name them? What do their names mean?

(Want help with meanings? >> )

Me? I'm a family woman.

Two boys -
Vincent - From the Roman name Vincentius, which was from Latin vincere "to conquer".
My grandfather's name was Vincent and he sadly passed away when I was a child.

Tyler - From an English surname meaning "tiler of roofs".
Brad Pitt's character in Fight Club

Triplet girls -
Anne - The name was borne by a 17th-century English queen and also by the second wife of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn (the mother of Queen Elizabeth I), who was eventually beheaded in the Tower of London. This is also the name of the heroine in 'Anne of Green Gables' (1908) by Canadian author L. M. Montgomery.
My sister's and my middle name.

Alanis - Feminine form of ALAN. Canadian musician Alanis Morissette (1974-) was named after her father Alan. Her parents apparently decided to use this particular spelling after seeing this word in a Greek newspaper.
The meaning says it all, after Alanis Morissette.

Ava - Means "voice, sound" in Persian.
A character I love using in my various stories that I've been writing and after the Smashing Pumpkins song Ava Adore ... after the line you're the one that I adore
I don't really want to have a lot of kids... But assuming that for some reason I suddenly have a lot... Here's the names:
Elias would be the name I'd give a boy, I just like the name. Second I'd want Stephen, because it's the name I use most in my writing so i've grown pretty attached to using it, and maybe third one I'd name Peter, not after me but after my Pa, since I'm so close to him... And just for the hell of it, fourth, Little Durls, simply cause I'm a *****...
Female names... Maybe Justice? Cause that's the name of one of my best friends... Jennifer... after my mum... In fact, just about any female name that is at least fairly common starting with a J I coild probably use, I know a lot of people who have J names lol.
Hmm, I want two kids when I'm older. I want to have a boy named Jake or Riley, because those are my favourite boy's names. And I want a girl, and I'd name her either Katrina or Maria. They aren't exactly my favourite girl's names, but I like them.
uuhh... I used to have a looot idea of how to name my kids...
hmm well I in general want my kids to have 2 names... dunno I like that ^^ and the 1st has to be an english one and 2nd croatian if I find a nice one ^^
and uhm right now I like the irish/gaelic name Rioghan for boys and Seosaimhin for girls ^^
I absolutely dig rare names so my kids will have to live with that x) lol
meh...I really don't want kids ...BUT....I will probably have them anyways xD I think 2 ...a girl and a boy...I REALLY like the name Tristan..for the boy of course..and for the girl...I'm not really sure...But I like the name Andreja...that is Andrea in english xD

TRISTAN:From the Celtic name Drystan, which was probably derived from drest meaning "riot" or "tumult". The spelling has been altered by association with Latin tristis "sad". In Celtic legend Tristan was sent to Ireland in order to fetch Isolde, who was to be the bride of King Mark of Cornwall. Instead, Tristan and Isolde end up falling in love. Their tragic story was very popular in the Middle Ages, and the name has occasionally been used since that time.

ANDREA: As an English name, it has been used since the 17th century, though it was not common until the 20th century.
1st born son - LeonardMeans "brave lion", derived from the Germanic elements leon "lion" and hard "brave, hardy". This was the name of a 5th-century Frankish saint who is the patron of prisoners and horses. This name was brought to England by the Normans, though it did not become common there until the 19th century.
After my late Grandfather, a kind man who served in the SAS before becoming a mercenary. When he came out of that line of work he turned to the drink and the smokes. Died of throat cancer on my sixteenth birthday.

2nd born son - Stephen
From the Greek name Στεφανος (Stephanos) meaning "crown". Saint Stephen was a deacon who was stoned to death, as told in Acts in the New Testament, and he is regarded as the first Christian martyr. Due to him, the name became common in the Christian world. It was popularized in England by the Normans.
This was the name of kings of England, Serbia, and Poland, as well as ten popes. It was also borne by the first Christian king of Hungary (10th century), who is regarded as the patron saint of that country. More recent bearers include British physicist Stephen Hawking (1942-) and the American author Stephen King (1947-).
After my father.

1st born daughter - Amalia

Latinized form of the Germanic name Amal, a short form of names beginning with the element amal meaning "work".

That would be a big enough family for me.
I wanna give mine normal names cause i'd probably just grow up hating my rents if they gave me a really daft name... not really thought about it though theres just some I like!

Boys; Matthew, Mark, James, Thomas, Jonathon, Daniel, Alex, Karl.

Girls; Hayley, Katherine, Sophie, Rachel, Emily.

Mah it's harder to think of ones for girls lol
Don't really like kids, but supposedly I'll change my mind. Anyway I'm always thinking of names. :D

Stephen is a name I've always liked for a boy - and James, because if I'd been a boy it would've been mine. Leon and Joshua are also good ones, though I've got a cousin named Josh, so it could get a bit confusing. Also Duke, but I'm not sure about that one

For girls, Stephanie - after my best friend (course I'd have to check with her first) - and Morgan, Gail, and Miranda. 3 names I used in an old series of books I started. They never took off, but I want to perserve the names, cheesily enough.

Hehe, I have more boys' names picked out. I'd probably end up with a brood of girls and just name them in alphabetical orber: Angelene, Brie, Catharine,, what and 'e'...