National Forest For Sale


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
President Bush has a proposal for balancing the budget for 2007 part of it is sell off part of our National Forest neting about 800 million. that will supposedly keep one program going for the next 5 YEARS. Half of that money is sinking into the mud in Hope Arkansas.
hopeUslide said:
Political maneungveri, nothing will come of it.

Do you even know what you are talking about? They just dont do maneungveri for no reason. DUH. Whatever is eating you - must be suffering horribly.
Rockhard said:
President Bush has a proposal for balancing the budget for 2007 part of it is sell off part of our National Forest neting about 800 million. that will supposedly keep one program going for the next 5 YEARS. Half of that money is sinking into the mud in Hope Arkansas.

We should sell off all the ****ing National Forest.
hugo said:
Lumber companies plant more trees than the federal government does.

That's part of their charter and contract.

APM has ****ed up more land in this country than agriculture, mining, and livestock ever will.
builder said:
That's part of their charter and contract.

APM has ****ed up more land in this country than agriculture, mining, and livestock ever will.

If lumber companies owned the land they would plant trees. Just like a citrus farmer.
hugo said:
If lumber companies owned the land they would plant trees. Just like a citrus farmer.

Crap. A citrus farmer wants to remain. A logger wants to move on.
regardless of weather or not Logging compainies replant after they have removed the trees, the damage to the eco system can take up to 50 years to regenerate, in this time frame the land is open to soil degradation and erosion, which in tern damages the eco system further. In south australia we have a number of large pine forests which were initially grown to farm, however the greenies started to complain and now the forests are protected, which means the logging compainies have to go looking else where for product, which is pathetic. Logging is a fact of life, but I think it needs to be done well and not used as an excuse to rape the planet. the below link is to a site which shows the decline of old growth forests in the usa
Forest managers are facing a problem they themselves created: rampant road-building that occurred to allow logging company access to the forest has impacted sensitive areas. The southern pine beetle infestations are on the rise, destroying habitat for the broad spectrum of wildlife in the forest.

(((allow logging company access to the forest")))
hugo said:
Because if it is someone elses land you despoil it and move on.

APM or Australian Paper Mills has 99 year leases on the land they use. They replant, but do nothing about infestations of lantana and groundsel, the seeds of which blow into neighbouring bushland, creating more headaches for our underfunded National Parks Service.

The tree of choice is the radiata pine, which changes the soil structure, creating an acid base that leaches into swamps, killing off the native plants and trees, ending up in the water courses

As for our Government run State Foresties, private contractors are usually the one's harvesting trees, and they have rather strict guidelines they must adhere to. Unfortunately, it is often left up to private organisations to monitor these guidelines, and seek court orders to stop destruction of creeks and streams.
quarky said:
regardless of weather or not Logging compainies replant after they have removed the trees, the damage to the eco system can take up to 50 years to regenerate, in this time frame the land is open to soil degradation and erosion, which in tern damages the eco system further. In south australia we have a number of large pine forests which were initially grown to farm, however the greenies started to complain and now the forests are protected, which means the logging compainies have to go looking else where for product, which is pathetic. Logging is a fact of life, but I think it needs to be done well and not used as an excuse to rape the planet. the below link is to a site which shows the decline of old growth forests in the usa

If every damn redwood was cut down it would not effect the planet one bit. It would only effect a few morons who got nothin' better to do than go stare at a stupid tree and say "Gee, Marge, that is one big tree."
hugo said:
If every damn redwood was cut down it would not effect the planet one bit. It would only effect a few morons who got nothin' better to do than go stare at a stupid tree and say "Gee, Marge, that is one big tree."

LMFAO. :p Good visual, Hugo a gogo.
Rockhard said:
President Bush has a proposal for balancing the budget for 2007 part of it is sell off part of our National Forest neting about 800 million. that will supposedly keep one program going for the next 5 YEARS. Half of that money is sinking into the mud in Hope Arkansas.

The government is selling Brooke Shields' eyebrows?