National Forest For Sale

You don't have to worry about the logging, these sites will be sold to developers, instead of trees, water and wild life. we will have more condos and wall to wall housing. Hugo must be a Rush Windbag supporter, he stated in one of his mindless uninformed rants that grass produced more oxygen than trees. I saw first hand what happens when most of the trees in an area are removed. Folks the rain stopped coming, by the first of june the corn got about two feet tall shriveled and turned white. DONT'T MESS WITH MAW NATURE SHE WILL GET YOU WHERE IT HURTS.:rolleyes:
Not only that, but there is more flooding when it DOES rain, and it all runs off into the streams and into groundwater, carrying all the pesticides and fertilizers that can't get filtered through pavement or sod. You can't imagine what over developing is doing to the coastal salt water ecosystems and wetlands. Nitrates saturate wetlands downstream and eventually suffocate the needed plant life and eventually fish. Ammonia and calcium levels rise in the dirt and it can no longer support tree growth of any kind and the list goes on.

Hugo understands little that reaches beyond the pathetic grasp of his own winkie.
hugo said:
If every damn redwood was cut down it would not effect the planet one bit. It would only effect a few morons who got nothin' better to do than go stare at a stupid tree and say "Gee, Marge, that is one big tree."

This is without doubt one of the most asinine statements I have ever heard, trees don't effect the planet?! WTF! Have you heard of a little thing that sustains all animal life, a little thing called Oxygen. The trees of the world are the lungs of the planet, no more trees, no more life.
Oh yeah the thing about them producing green house gases, was caused by the polution in the atmosphere we have caused.