nazi scum coming to your town??????

smutt butt

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
if they are then start a riot, burn your town up, steal, attack the police etc. etc.

doesn't that make more sense than just ignoring the shitheads?

TOLEDO, Ohio - In the days leading up to a white supremacist march, ministers pleaded with residents to stay calm and community leaders organized peace rallies. Authorities even delayed releasing the route so protesters wouldn't know where the group planned to march.

It wasn't enough to stop an angry mob that included gang members from looting and burning a neighborhood bar, smashing the windows of a gas station and hurling rocks and bottles at police on Saturday. Twelve officers were injured, one suffering a concussion when a brick flew through her cruiser window.

In all, 114 people were arrested on charges including assault, vandalism, failure to disperse and overnight curfew violations.

"We knew during the preparation that it was going to be a tremendous challenge," Police Chief Mike Navarre said Sunday. "Anyone who would accuse us of being underprepared I would take exception with that."

Much of the anger boiled over because people were upset that city leaders were willing to allow the supremacists to walk through the neighborhood and shout insults, residents and authorities said.

"You can't allow people to come challenge a whole city and not think they weren't going to strike back," said Kenneth Allen, 47, who watched the violence begin near his home.

Authorities said there was little they could do to stop the group, because they did not apply for a parade permit and instead planned to walk along sidewalks.

"They do have a right to walk on the Toledo sidewalks," said Mayor Jack Ford, who at one point confronted leaders of the mob and tried to settle them down.

A gang member in a mask threatened to shoot him, and others cursed him for allowing the march, the mayor said. He said he didn't know if the man who threatened him was actually armed, but he blamed gangs for much of the violence. The march had been called off because of the crowds, and the white supremacists had left.

If the Nazi group tries to come back, Ford said he would seek a court order to stop them.

Navarre said the riots escalated because members of the National Socialist Movement took their protest to the neighborhood, which is predominantly black, instead of a neutral place. "If this march had occurred in downtown Toledo, we wouldn't have had the unrest," he said.

The neo-Nazi group, known as "America's Nazi Party," said they came to the city because of a dispute between neighbors, one white and the other black.

Police began receiving word midweek from officers on the street that gangs were going to descend on the neighborhood in protest, the police chief said. The disturbances were confined to a 1-square-mile area, but the crowd swelled to about 600 people, overwhelming police.

The crowds were eventually dispersed by police in riot gear after about four hours, and the mayor declared a state of emergency that remained in effect through the weekend.

About 200 officers patrolled the neighborhood overnight after the riot, Navarre said. Police reported no problems Sunday, but an 8 p.m. curfew was in effect for a second night.

Neighbors were divided about the city allowing the march.

"They don't have the right to bring hate to my front yard," said Terrance Anderson, who lives near a bar that was destroyed.

Other neighbors said the group had a right to have their say. "Too bad the people couldn't ignore them," said Dee Huntley.

The really twisted part is, The Neos went to this town specifically to bring attention to black gang violence... The ultimate goal of these neos was to raise awareness to the fact that black people are more prone to violence and rioting...

The black gangs of this town, being the short sighted fools that they are, obliged them by rioting and looting even after the march was called off. They burned down some structures and looted buildings that had nothing to do with thier supposed goal of keeping the neos from marching. They attacked police for not arresting the neos, when thier whole purpose for being there was to keep the neos safe and allow them to peacfully march in accordance to thier rights and the permit they were granted.

When the ambulance showed up to help the injured from both sides following the scuffle, they attacked it! It was like a scene straight out of Palestine!

The black gangs shot themselves in the foot in a major way this time... Thier total lack of respect for law, and thier complete lack of foresight has led them directly into the trap of the Neos...

By peacfully marching, eventually calling the march and rally off and going home, and allowing the Mob mentallity to take over this crowd, they have shed a LIMELIGHT on the very issue they were trying to raise awareness of without breaking any laws...

Kinda funny really!:D
The morons fell into the trap of these Neo-Ratzi slimebags. Here's hoping that the idiots get marooned on a deserted island and kill each other off so the rest of us can have some peace and quiet. :mad:
Stupid people, the gangs used this to run WILD, exactly what the Nazis wanted (and gangs IMO)! When will blacks learn that this is what these hate groups want?

Why were they throwing rocks at the ambulances? It doesnt make any sense at all, and it makes them look uncivilized! Blacks have done a good job of making them selfs look sub-human in the last 2 months, and are giving the shithead Nazis views credibility.
TWorld PoliceA said:
Stupid people, the gangs used this to run WILD, exactly what the Nazis wanted (and gangs IMO)! When will blacks learn that this is what these hate groups want?
It's not all black people! These black gang members have got the decent black folk just as intimidated as they have the rest of decent folk intimidated! I do understand your sentiment, though.

TWorld PoliceA said:
Why were they throwing rocks at the ambulances? It doesnt make any sense at all, and it makes them look uncivilized! Blacks have done a good job of making them selfs look sub-human in the last 2 months, and are giving the shithead Nazis views credibility.
It does look bad, that's for sure. But I must reitterate that it is opbviously not all black people doing this, just some of them.
He's right. It is the parasitic, sadistic, incompetent degenerate African Americans that are to blame. Not all black people. These examples of single celled organisms just need to be purged of the Earth in the most horrific way possible, for all the pain, angiush, despair, and chaos they cause in an already unstable world. They are only adding to the problem and should be treated like the vermin that they are.

Whether Nazis approve of this I cannot say. I doubt it though, they are in a different league altogether and all Nazis are not as hardcore asshats as many believe (Fullauto has helped me realize this for pretty much everyone gets along with him here.).
WP... I think you will find that describing groups like this are more accurately portrayed by say something like 'unruly mob'.

While I tend to agree with the philosophy that black CULTURE is a MAJOR destructive force in this country, It is by proximity and circumstance that black PEOPLE usually comprise the majority of the '******s' that make up these groups...

What I'm trying to tell you is, crowds like this are made up of blacks, white, Hispanics, Indians, etc, etc.... The fact that MOST of them are black is due to the fact that the underscoring common factor among ALL these people are their almost blind adherence to black culture, which of course is first and foremost going to effect black people, making them more susceptible to this behavior, but will almost certainly effect people of other racial backgrounds based on their proximity to this sub culture.

The fact that the group consists of, let's say, 80% black, 10% white, and 10% Latino, will almost certainly account for the racial makeup of the community in which this black CULTURE is thriving... back peddle... where the WORST ASPECTS of black culture thrive, because not every ounce of black culture is bad... I have come to admire certain aspects of black culture and despise others...

In short, the enemy here is NOT black PEOPLE, but our society that allows the absolute worst aspects of ANY CULTURE to thrive without being checked at the door! There is a lot of blame to pass around in this situation, and not all of it lays with black people...

We are ALL to blame for allowing this problems to spiral out of control...

We allow our TVs to babysit our children when they should be out playing and learning to be social... and instead, they are watching MTV and BET and countless other stations that prey on ratings by putting on ANYTHING to get a boost!

How many years have we allowed gangsta rap to glorify murder, death, rape, misogyny, and drugs? How many years have black parents, in a basic knee-jerk reaction to civil rights abuses in the past, allow their black children to glorify and desensitise us to the worst aspects of black culture? How many years have white people, in a basic knee-jerk reaction to feeling bad about what our ancestors did, not speak up when we saw these very same things infiltrate our culture? How many years have white people closed off our culture to black people in the form of racism and bigotry?

The biggest culprit to blame by far in this situation is SELF GUILT driven by unopposed liberalism... After WWII, we had things so good here that we figured things would always be that way... We had just basically taken on the world and won! But we had a huge wake up call as to just how evil white people can be when our back is against the wall when we looked at how and why the Nazi party dealt with their problems...

This country had it regularly scheduled knee-jerk reaction to this realization, and basically gave a free pass to any culture or it's byproducts, regardless of how destructive it was in the long run! After all, why not?! It's the 50's remember... The economy is BOOMING, real estate sales are through the roof, everyone is working, we can tolerate this ****, besides, you don't want to be a NAZI do ya?!

Then the 60's came... This was probably the first slap in the face that we should probably pay more attention to which direction this country is going, and not rely on 'auto pilot' to guide us straight into a ditch.... But we didn't! Why?! Well, the economy is descent, most people are working, and Cmon... How bad can a black nationalist movement like the black panthers be?! Besides.... Ya don't want to be a Nazi, do ya?!

The 70's were more of the same... Don't trust the government, white culture bad, anything else good. Economy was OK, Gas was up, and the first byproduct generation of unchecked liberalism hit the school systems... undisciplined, no respect for authority, completely unaware of the concept of reprocusions or consequences... But what can ya do?! Besides, Ya don't want to be a Nazi do ya?

80's came... Now this **** starts to come to a head. Economy is down, inner cities are rife with the jobless. Black people more than any other feel the economic pinch. Crime is up, especially among the disenfranchised blacks. But what can we do?! Ya don't want to be a Nazi, do ya?! On the lighter side, Rap, a brand new musical form sprung from poetry, is born. I studied music, trust me, that doesn't happen often!

Then came the 90's... The worst of the black community take a perfectly good form of upstart music, and effectively turn it into a musical BBS for ******s and their way of life... It glorifies EVERYTHING that devolves civilisation! It gets pumped into our TVs which WE ALLOW to babysit our kids, by unscrupulous broadcast companies who's only goal is to give the people what they want! But can ya blame them?! Everyone was afraid to say anything! Ya don't want to be a Nazi, do ya?!

2000-... And here we are! Economy is doing 'not so well', all our middle class, which incidentally include MANY blacks, are watching their jobs get shipped to Laos and India for pennies on the dollar... We are not the top dogs anymore, we have LOTS of global security issues. Our culture as a nation has deteriorated almost to the point of no return. We have civil disobedience as an almost nightly medication on the news. Morals have all but gone south of cheese.

"But what can WE do?! Ya don't want......."

I'm sure you know the rest...

Here's what you can do... Quit being such simpering ****ing wimps, and buck up and do what you KNOW is right, rather than what the ****ing TV tells you to do! If you see injustice, call it! If you think that immigration is a problem, SAY SO! If you think White people need better dental insurance, VOTE FOR IT!

Quit ****ing leaving this **** up to the government... They are only their because we put them there... They, like many TV stations, only give us what we want! But if we are not MEN ENOUGH to speak up, how the **** are they to know what to deal with?!

GROW UP.... This nation has become fetid with wimps, liberals, and metrosexuals all to happy to do anything to keep from being called a name!

**** THAT! I'm an American... This is my country, and I'm tired of watching it go to the grave because we have been too ****ing guilt ridden to try to fix it!

I don't care what people call me.... I call it like I see it. And if more people did that, this country would not be in the position we are in....

Call me what you will.... an Nazi, racist, supremacist, atheist, satanist... etc.... I don't ****ing care! FIRST AND FOREMOST IM AN AMERICAN... Enough is enough.... Let's fix this **** so our children won't have to...

and for Enki's sake, quit being such fags! <-- for you vorty! LOL:D
The Toledo mess was a sad thing to see.

A few retarded, sad, ignorant, meth/crack addict, single mommy raised, low IQ whites getting the goat of a large number of retarded, sad, ignorant, meth/crack addict, single mommy raised, low IQ blacks.

Isn't America wonderful. Not racist, a bit, in my opinion. The dumb, immoral, crime producing idiots are very equal.

Actually, I'm glad the race issue is at the forefront more lately. The blacks in this country, those Americans that want a decent life for theirselves and their children, have got to get a grip and shun those thugs amongst them.

Believe me, the Neo-Nazis have been shunned by the whites. They are a joke.

Let's see. Every year there are a few Nazis parades. LEGAL NAZIS PARADES. About 20 - 30 people proudly march. They are derided by the entire country.

It's time the black community rids themselves of their idiots.
It would be much harder for these Nazi groups to gain any support if the blacks would quit adding fuel to the fire (not referring to the educated middle class). I do not agree with the white supremacist groups and find them to be quite ignorant, but it makes it very difficult for someone like me to argue against them when there is such a blatant display of violence to back up their beliefs. There are more and more cases it seems where the lower class blacks/latinos/whites look for any excuse to riot and loot. They seem to have missed the point of the peaceful demonstration and in doing so, jeopardize our rights to free speech and peaceful assembly. I feel it is probably more of a class problem than a race problem.

KM-I say, put the gangs and the Nazis on an island together and let them fight it out. Whoever wins can live on the island.
Originally posted by MRIH
_____________It's not all black people! These black gang members have got the decent black folk just as intimidated as they have the rest of decent folk intimidated! I do understand your sentiment, though.

It does look bad, that's for sure. But I must reitterate that it is opbviously not all black people doing this, just some of them.___________________________________

S , MRIH, you're actually saying this stuff? D'you know how wierd it is to hear someone insult a maligned group of people and then five minutes later defend black people? Are you black, because that's the only explanation I can think of for you to defend them unless you actually have some sort of decency?
daisypapaya said:
Originally posted by MRIH
_____________It's not all black people! These black gang members have got the decent black folk just as intimidated as they have the rest of decent folk intimidated! I do understand your sentiment, though.

It does look bad, that's for sure. But I must reitterate that it is opbviously not all black people doing this, just some of them.___________________________________

S , MRIH, you're actually saying this stuff? D'you know how wierd it is to hear someone insult a maligned group of people and then five minutes later defend black people? Are you black, because that's the only explanation I can think of for you to defend them unless you actually have some sort of decency?
Worse...he's Mexican! :p
I think Fullauto read my mind because his post here reflects exactly my sentiments.I would also like to say that poor black people in America have been badly let down by people like Jesse Jackson who have brainwashed them into believing that social welfare is the answer to all their ills.
Another thing is that the white liberal media is another millstone round the necks of poor black Americans. If a deprived community is constantly told that all their misery comes from the "system" then they are effectively being told that they can do nothing for themselves. What kind of message is that for people that need more self-confidence to improve their status in life and enjoy the benefits of living in America to the full???
Take that wingbat Farrakan for instance, his views are treated with respect by the white liberal media despite the fact that he runs a racist cult just as loony as any neo-nazi cult. Farrakan and Jesse Jackson are race pimps! They exploit the very real problems faced by black americans and line their pockets in the process. They never speak out against those vile gangs which terrorize decent folk in places like Compton LA or South side Chicago nor do they give moral support to sucessful black Americans. Instead they (especially that racist SOAB Farrakan) hint that these folk have "sold out". Farrakan has sold out his so-called "brothers" himself, he has been to Sudan to kiss the ass of a despicible racist arab regime that is carrying out ethnic cleansing against black African christians.
The very fact that the white owned liberal media has not exposed him for the self serving hyprocrite he is shows they are gutless moral cowards enslaved by the insane dogmas of political correctness.
I could go on about this for hours but Fullauto has already done an excellent job on this thread so I will leave it at that.
John Bull, thank you for stating what Fullauto and I have been saying! :) The liberal jackasses are destroying this country from the inside while these Islamic assholes are killing other people who don't share their ****ed-up belifs. Liberals make me sick, and shitbags like Farrakhan make me wanna puke! Him and Jeese Jerkson! :mad: :mad:
Outlaw2747 said:
He's right. It is the parasitic, sadistic, incompetent degenerate African Americans that are to blame. Not all black people. These examples of single celled organisms just need to be purged of the Earth in the most horrific way possible, for all the pain, angiush, despair, and chaos they cause in an already unstable world. They are only adding to the problem and should be treated like the vermin that they are.

Whether Nazis approve of this I cannot say. I doubt it though, they are in a different league altogether and all Nazis are not as hardcore asshats as many believe (Fullauto has helped me realize this for pretty much everyone gets along with him here.).

And anyone who has studied even a thin veneer of the history of the
jackbooted ideological menace knows that only Germans can be nazis.

A bunch of overfed American rednecks do not qualify.

I guess these 88-skins and such just want to wear uniforms and look the part.

Sorry chaps, the game ended officially in 1945!

Curt Sibling said:
And anyone who has studied even a thin veneer of the history of the
jackbooted ideological menace knows that only Germans can be nazis.

A bunch of overfed American rednecks do not qualify.

I guess these 88-skins and such just want to wear uniforms and look the part.

Sorry chaps, the game ended officially in 1945!

And the Nazi ratbags LOST. :D :D :D
Kryptonite Man said:
The morons fell into the trap of these Neo-Ratzi slimebags. Here's hoping that the idiots get marooned on a deserted island and kill each other off so the rest of us can have some peace and quiet. :mad:
You know what time it is!
The Nazi regime will never ride again... but the thought process that led the german people there is well intrenched in many white-western nations... All this fire needs is a spark!

And that is where you can squash it... The rise of the Nazi party was a MASSIVE backlash to some VERY SEVERE injustice aimed at a very CIVILIZED nation and culture...

We have this same situation happening in the US right now... MASSIVE amounts of injustice aimed at a cultured people...

If we stand up now an correct the injustice, things like the rise of the Nazi party CAN NOT HAPPEN....

It's like the Fire Triangle I learned in the Air Force.... You need Three things to have a fire...
1. Fuel
2. Oxygen
3. Ignition

If you take away any of the three, the fire becomes an impossibility!

The rise of such a party again is the same way... you need
1. Instability
2. Fuel (in the form of racial hatered or intolerance)
3. Ignition (in the form of perceived danger)

All three of these factors are in place now, and building slowly... pretty soon, we are gonna have a fire....