Need some girl help.....

Yeah I think i'm how you are, I'd rather go on a double date but It'd prolly be better to go alone.

I"m not sure if I'm even gonna do it now considering I just found out she has a boyfriend.... Maybe i'll look for someone else.
awwww...well still you shud keep her as a friend at least in case they break can swoop her
Well usually what happens is she'll get pissed when they break up and she'll take it out on you if you're just "there" for her. She's going to feel like it was your fault they broke up, and she'll never give you a chance.
I say you tell her how you feel straight up. Tell her that you know she has a boyfriend but that is how you feel. DO IT!! xD
*claps* People are listening to me!!! *cheers*

EDIT: I have the perfect smilie:
It's cool know that you really loved her, cuz you take inside so much time. Why don't you tell her what you feel? In the worse, she will say that you're just friends.What do you have to lose? Tell her what you feel, guy! Or let it be! Good luck and I really hope can have held you. Kisses, See Ya.