Dude whatever you do. Dont give up on school. All the education you can get is good. Im 17 and on my last year of school, but because i did homeschooling for 5 years I got really behind, so I am a year behind, yet I still get all my qualifications to get into Polytech/community college. And I get real down because most of my friends are on the right levels when I am not. So dont give up, Im not.So get as far as you can!
I'm not going 2 but there is something I have to say to everyone...
Ok here goes... I went back to school to sort some of the issues out, I left my house at 8am and waited near the library for a couple of my mates to come to catch up with them. And I talked to themt old them what was going on etc then the bell went, so I asked if they had maths or not and they said yes... SO In knew I had maths, so I got my maths book from my locker and went and stood outside and then my stupid maths teacher came out and said ok... You can all come in now... still going really well... so we went into the class I sat down.
Ok, now this is when the drama started happening... I said to all my mates before we went into maths that I bet you guys that I wont last 30 seconds in this class, and guess what? I was right! I sat down in my seat and she yelled out "WINTER!" and I said "yeah what did I do?" and she said... "This Isn't Your Class, what are you doing here?" and I was like "Umm, I've been here for 4 months in this class so how come it's not my class?" and she was like... "get out of my class, your not welcomed!"
Part 2....
I went to the detention room to see if I could find a teacher to sort out all this ****, but not being that surprised seeing them all busy dealing with other things on the other campus I got told to seat down in the detention room and wait, then 1 of the middle school assistants came up to me and said "Can you come with me please?" and I was like "k". Anyway I started walking with her and I said "what's happening?" she said "It's a surprise", and I was "umm, ok then" and then I was like "serisorly!, tell me what it is!" and she said "ok, your going to be put into another maths class with your old maths teacher" and I was like.. fantastic!
But when we got to the class... I found myself in a class with Year 10 students who all hated my guts about something, and I had no friends in the class nothing. So anyway.. I went up to the desk and sat down, and my old maths teacher was talking to the rest of the class about all this "maths" that I didn't understand because I haven't learnt it yet, and he was like... Ok everyone time to do a test... and I was like "umm, I don't understand any of this work!, can't you get me some different work in my year level that I understand!" and he was like "No, sorry..." and I was like this is stupid... so anyway after class... I decided to walk home and not go to my other classes because I was so ****** off... I was trying to sort everything out but no it all had to end up like this!, and I found out the other day that 1 of my friends sisters are doing the same thing not going to school and another 1 of my friends isn't going to school because they can't stand the school. So I was like... well at least I'm not alone... So at the moment I'm not going back to that school because I don;t wanna be in a class with people hating me and the teacher walking out of the room every 30secs giving the kids a chance to give me ****.
Part 3....
So yeah... I have no where to go, I can't afford to get a tutor to teach me, I can't afford to go on that bus to the "private school" And the train times don't suit me to go to another school. So I have nothing else to do but not go to school until something comes up
So I think my only chance now is to go bout it the hard way in life, and see where it leads me... I know for a fact that I'm not going to regret this, because It's better being safe then sorry... And I'm really sick of being pushed into fighting other kids.
So yeah, that's what happened everyone... also when I was in the yard at recess, 1 of the school leaders came up to me and said whats your phone number and I said I don't know all I know is it got changed, because we were receiving to much harassment... and he was "uh huh" and I kept saying to him it was the truth and he kept repeating himself saying what's your number and I just felt like saying "why don't you shut the **** up you complete ****** up mole!" I said to him I don't know my freakin number!, my mum rang you up and changed the details with you so u should know it... and he was like "No!, It wasn't the right 1" and I was like... then the phone company must of stuffed up. And he still didn't believed me and he was going on saying that I forced my mom not to give him the real number and I was like "your kidding right?" then he just walked away... so.. Yeah not a lot I can do at the moment, but we will see what happens
I will let you guys know when something else comes up.