New Family Story??


New member
it's just a though but it might be something like the old family vs. lpf convention...just a though

OLD family?! :eek: WTF?!


Well... sounds great regardless which way you'd take it. I have no time to write anymore to help but if you want to use me or whatever go nuts. I'm used to the abuse, I have all these kids I have slowly lost touch with anyway ;-)

Best of luck guys. Look forward to reading it whenever you get around to penning it.




New member
Alright people, I'll do my best to start a new story

Those who want to be a part of the story who aren't already a part of the Family, please PM me with a brief description so i can add you to the storyline...

not saying that ya'll be in the family, but you'll show up in the story



New member
Okay I've done one. 'Our truth' it was originally called Lullaby but I re-named it. And yes, it is a song by Lacuna Coil. In fact, it's my favourite song by them, followed by To The Edge.

And Yes Allie, you are in it. You are the estranged eldest sister of Ravyn and Jo. And I've been working on it for about half a year, but have failed to gain access the net.

A couple of spoilers:

Allie (or Alison) is the estranged sister of both the Lee sisters (Ravyn and Jo). She rocks to their doorstep one day, after being told not to rock up or communicate with Ravyn from Jo. So another bombshell and a half.

Matt is at the edge of divorce with Sarah, but they both get drunk and they get together. Rob is unconvinced.

Brian tries to turn Viking against Ravyn.

Rob has an affair with Jo, ruining any further chances with Ravyn. Ravyn has a heart attack when she finds out and she ends up in hospital.

Fox is annoyed at Bam (Magera) because he dumps and fires her and then a few days later he wants her back, even at the point of wanting to marry her.

Mel's still a drug addict (carried on from Vicarious) despite the fact that Rob and Sarah both try to turn her around.

Should I say anymore?



New member
Alright. I'm gonna do this new story. But i need to figure out when i should place a few years after the original?


New member my two sequals Vicarious and Our Truth???

I say you do a retake of your story but by only through one persons eyes, like make it a first person experience.



New member
Let me get this straight, is it going to be a NEW family/character/plot idea or is it, as Sarah suggested, something more like a spin off from the original (and which original is totally up to you I figure) placed a few years perhaps in the future?

I have to ask, if there's an idea to do a new story completely separate from the first, where do you start this new universe, and if you were to spin-off how would you incorporate new people, not necessarily as family members, and how do you treat the pre-existing family members?

I'm not totally sure you could pen a new story using one person's perspective (I, me, mine POV as opposed to we, they, he, she, etc) with using so many characters. May be a bit overwhelming for you when you don't have much time as you suggested. If you used everyone's perspective it might get confusing, if you wrote a new perspective for every character you could find yourself limited in how the plot develops, if you use a distant third perspective like a narrator you don't get as involved with the story as you could... either way there's pros and cons to the way you pen it.

Jos had an interesting idea in another thread to record a story on mics. Expanding on that theme for those of us who don't want to record our voices for the world or who may want to stick with semi-familiar territory (if it's a spin off to the LPF/Bourdon/Bennington family). Why not provide the starting point for a plot and have everyone adopt a character/persona (like roll-play?) then have them write a view point for their characters. The danger is the stories might not line up perfectly but if you let people write their own parts you might take the story in places where you hadn't even considered. You could moderate, that means you can still write your part but not be stuck doing it all. Just a thought *shrugs*

I'm just thinking that with people now feeling inspired to write again why not look for some common ground?

I could say we (maybe I) have flogged 'the family' story to death... but maybe not. It's familiar territory so half the work's already done for you in some regards as far as the base work. Adding new people might inject new life into it. Might tweak it in a whole new direction. Might not. But didn't you leave your last story unfinished? How do you do a sequel for something incomplete? Besides, if you start something new you don't have to re-educate the masses that don't know about the stories in any great detail.

Either way... ****, I recant.

If you want help count me in. See what I can do ;)



New member
I'm thinking I should just start the family over anew. Last time, my original version, we were all vampyres and werewolves....this time, i think i should make us all normal with normal quirks.


New member
I'm thinking I should just start the family over anew. Last time, my original version, we were all vampyres and werewolves....this time, i think i should make us all normal with normal quirks.

That is so Kate Beckinsale. I love her <3 I wanna be a vampire like the vampire dolls off Lol that was my fav website in Yr 9.

Oh yeah, like I said on AIM, little sis, you can put me as being pregnant. Because it apparently started with something in my sig about me being pregnant with Matt's child, in which Mum (I'm still surprised that you spell it the British way Fox) incoporated into All About The Music (I think ATMs for some reason when I say that). Then I dunno, I think it's just a Bourdon trait that I fall pregnant in ever version. But yet again, if that's too generic for you, you don't have to.

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