New "Granny" makes two rockin the boards


New member
hey uwantme2b, thanks for the welcome mate, hopes all is well in your neck of the woods. Fine here... Went to the Beach today with Ravynlee, watched the surfers and painted.take care y'll
My pleasure.

All is good and well, thank you :thumbsup:

I love the beach. Very pretty. I actually live about ten minutes away from the beach, it's great.

I just need to responce to this as well, came across another "older" LP fan. But what is old I may wonder???? I see people calling themselfs old if they past 25. *** I must be really old then.........I'm 33 and wonder if there is anybody in here who is older. Guess I will be the Jurassic Park one in here :D But I just love LINKIN PARK sooooo frickin much. I worship CHESTER BENNINGTON and what they have done with my life is something I will cherish forever.


So for now Jurassic Park ( I got myself a new nickname....COOL ) is off. Talk to you all later.


xxxxx The Tester



New member
Honey add on a couple of years maybe more, hehehehe not saying but I am closer to fifty than I am to 25 almost...

I never said how much I like Linkin Park

Linkin Park are a great band and I wish there was a wider audience that would listen to them. They have motivated me to become more independent to really look at my life and start making the changes I need to make before it is too late.

I am starting to believe in my sig, I believe it is true, I just gotta get some guts and be a stronger believer.

How many people can say the a band motivated them to go back and try to finish their degree? To help create a better life for themselves and their family.

Am working things out slowly

Bye for now



New member
i'm gonna say 38 or 42 lol. long story behind those numbers royt thurr. welcome to the boards jammer :thumbsup:


New member
Hey Clogz...

Yeah really amazing. Where I am living we are looking at puting word around for all LP fans tocome and talk and check out the sites on the net, maybe join LPU if they wish. Still in baby stages yet but, these two old granny newbies- Ravynlee and Myself - really want to kick things off here where we live in Australia.

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