New LP songs within days! omg.


New member
Well if not today soon, becuase Evanescence released their single already and they release in early october and LP releases in late so soon. SOON. If not today.




New member

well like zomg the first LP show of 06 is Thursday. and we'll hear new songs. aaaaand there's gonna be recordings of it spreading around probably :)
so what do you guys expect? what kind of music do you think it'll be?
dont know! its gonna be dark from whut i heard, and less rap from The Man Mike!! ohhh and today is thursday... LP is out in Tokyo !! ~~WHoHoOo~~ :D



New member
If you look at your keyboard the letters "Q" "W" "E" "R" "T" "Y" come right after one another. Hence, they spell "Qwerty".


New member
I think its just a title people are using right now, on the Summer Sonic boards i think they said it was and "untitled track"
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