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New member
Thanks. Hopefully this place has a higher average IQ than another site which I won't name.
It does. Morons are everywhere but not as high in concentration as the other place. Join us in chat.



New member
Hello GF! Yes I've got some venting to do today.... Glad to see a blog where you can tell it like it is and no one will throw you out for giving your opinion!


New member
Hello GF! Yes I've got some venting to do today.... Glad to see a blog where you can tell it like it is and no one will throw you out for giving your opinion!
Say what you want, but if you are a troll, a fucktard or moron, move along. If you have a gripe and an intelligent point, have at it. Oh yea. Welcome.



New member
hi Floyd here from the best **** country in the world England yes England not the British isles or Great Britain because i am English not British, well there you have it that is me not very political though i do have my views, im old 38 yrs old so i have been through a time when things were different and worse times than now.


New member
hi Floyd here from the best **** country in the world England yes England not the British isles or Great Britain because i am English not British, well there you have it that is me not very political though i do have my views, im old 38 yrs old so i have been through a time when things were different and worse times than now.
The cowboys suck! :rolleyes:

welcome aboard.



New member
This isn't a ******* NFL forum, I hate football, please shut up, you have already ******* introduced yourself. Get onto another topic.



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