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New member
My wife's put me in a rubber room and has had me on a suicide watch ever since you left. :rolleyes: I'm not sure if there was a connection or not but it's nice to hear from you again!
Great to see you again too bro. And tell your wife you can come out now. I'm here. :)



New member
Thank you Hugo. Ladies and gentlemen you can thank angie for bringing me here. I heard some of you missed me so much y'all were fixing to committ suicide. I had to put an end to that.
What the **** am I supposed to do with all these sleeping pills now???

Good to see ya Outlaw. You was always my favorite bug. :)



New member
Wow, what a coincidence, I was just thinking about you today Tori. Was wondering if you were ever gonna come around again.





New member
Thank you for the warm welcome. I am still as caustic as I was back in the old days. I hope we can get some decent topics started up.


New member
Howdydoodiddly all ! Chopper signing in all present and correct and I may or may not bring joy to your Forum only time will tell ! I have no experience of forums at all so if I make any "faux pas" feel free to chastise me ! Is there a spanking room here?:eek:


New member
We really haven’t had any reason to have a spanking room here. Why will we need one? We basically keep it civil but we do have a Free Speech Forum where can vent and just be a total *******. Pretty cool A?

Welcome aboard.



New member
Many thanks for the welcome ! As for the spanking room it was only a jest !But on the other hand if you do ever get one ........


New member
Many thanks for the welcome ! As for the spanking room it was only a jest !But on the other hand if you do ever get one ........
If we ever do get one, he wants you to spank him/her, Snaf;) That or he/she just has a spanking fetish.

I'm kidding of course, welcome:)

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