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New member
One thing about the reps given by members is that you can't tell who they're from unless they sign them.

That's good to know.. I'll add that to the end of em all... Glad I got a short name. :D



New member
OK, I changed the settings. You should now be able to see who left you rep, but if it starts being an issue where people are openly complaining about rep someone gave them time and time again, I will shut it off. Otherwise, there is always blah blah






I went back to school when I was 31, so I know what you mean. It is a great feeling to do something that you want. I am getting my Masters in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on English Language Learners. Basically a fancy title for taking some classes that will give me a Masters in an area that I had already gotten a teaching endorsement in. My ELL teacher told me that after I got that endorsement I was 1/2 way to my Masters so I may as well just finish it out for the degree. Masters degree makes a big difference on the pay scale when your a teacher. The only way to move on the scale quickly is to keep taking college classes for your whole life!! LOL

thanks to everyone for the welcomes!!



New member
I went back to school when I was 31, so I know what you mean. It is a great feeling to do something that you want. I am getting my Masters in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on English Language Learners. Basically a fancy title for taking some classes that will give me a Masters in an area that I had already gotten a teaching endorsement in. My ELL teacher told me that after I got that endorsement I was 1/2 way to my Masters so I may as well just finish it out for the degree. Masters degree makes a big difference on the pay scale when your a teacher. The only way to move on the scale quickly is to keep taking college classes for your whole life!! LOL

thanks to everyone for the welcomes!!

That's great schoolmom! I think I enjoy school now more than I ever did. I often say, I wish I could afford to be a student the rest of my life. I started a law degree in the early 90's and would like to get one, just not earn a living as one, if you know what I mean. ;)

I hope to continue to further my education in nursing as well when I finish the BSN. I'd like to start working too though and get my feet wet in the field. Best of luck and please let us know how it goes. :)



New member
Odd thing. The newest member, the one with the chinese characters for their name, when I look at the name at work it's different characters then when I look at home.

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Hey, name's Haq. Been on the internet since old BB days, Windows 3.1 days, been hooked ever since. Lately I have been a regular on several web boards, gamemunchers, mousepad, mmowned and such. I'm married with 2 kids, (lucas is 5, dominic is 9 mo) and work full time helping supervise a customer service center. Basically people call in with problems, and we help.

I am a constant arguer. I like to debate things, especially social (NOT political) and religious posts. I am also an avid gamer. I have been playing World of Warcraft for over 2 years now. Go ahead, ask me anything about WoW, and I can answer it ;)

I hope my welcome comes without /sighs.



New member
Hey all. Finally got around to registering here. Some of you know me, some of you I hope you remember me.... If not, up yers, too;)


New member
Hey all. Finally got around to registering here. Some of you know me, some of you I hope you remember me.... If not, up yers, too;)
To take a line from what is possibly the best example of quality cinema...

Hi, Eric Stratton, Rush chairman, **** glad to meet you. ~ Otter from Animal House
Go ahead, mingle around. There are a lot of great guys here at the Delta House.






New member
To take a line from what is possibly the best example of quality cinema...

Go ahead, mingle around. There are a lot of great guys here at the Delta House.



Why, thank you. Although I do recall seeing your alias from GF.



New member
Why, thank you. Although I do recall seeing your alias from GF.
I know, I remember you from GF, but I like the movie line. :D

Welcome aboard.

Now I sound like Cpt. F'ing Stubing. :eek:


The Animal House thing was better.




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New member
To take a line from what is possibly the best example of quality cinema...

Go ahead, mingle around. There are a lot of great guys here at the Delta House.




I know, I remember you from GF, but I like the movie line. :D
Welcome aboard.

Now I sound like Cpt. F'ing Stubing. :eek:


The Animal House thing was better.



You have a point, but at least now I'm not deeply offended :p

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New member
Hey all. Finally got around to registering here. Some of you know me, some of you I hope you remember me.... If not, up yers, too;)

Hi, I'm wez.. pleased to make your aquaintance..



Humm, read the rules... lots of rules. Sign-O-the times I guess.

Nothing specifically about engines or cars or mechanics that I have found, why does it show up in a search , for those things then? Kind of false advertising I would say. A real hodge-podge of junk is all I see, how about a rule for that?

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